
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
34 Chs

VIII - Good Ol' Action [Part 2]


It was around midnight and Issei was on his bike while Kazuki was flying. He wanted to see how Issei does his assignments. "Can you believe Rias? Having me doing these tasks is so lame." Issei says.

"Well, I'm sure it's great to have experience like this," Kazuki replies. "Whatever," Issei retorts. Once they reach the house they knock. Nobody answered. Issei tried the knob and it opened. Issei decided that it was best if they just inside. "Hello is anyone here? Don't be alarmed but we're coming inside."

The two boys were in the hallway of the house. Issei noticed that his shoe was wet. Kazuki on the other hand knew that the liquid was blood. "Issei keep your guard up." He told the boy. "Why do you say that?" Issei finally noticed the pool of blood that was in front of him. "What the hell?"

Skill: 'Detect Presence' Activated

Fallen Angel Nearby

!Malice Detected

"Punish the wicked. Words to live by. Yes, wide advice to heed from a holy man." The man stuck out his abnormally long tongue. He then stood up to greet the two. "Well well, you just walked into the wrong house, my friends. Freed Sellzen here at your service."

!Alert: Save Asia from Freed Sellzen and Mittelt

Succeed: Gain Freed Sellzens Gun and Asia's Trust

Fail: Asia Dies and you are to blame

"A priest?" Issei says shocked. "Indeed. I work for a certain devil purging organization you may have heard of."

"So you're the one who did this!?" Issei yells.

"Summoning you was proof that he's done being human. End of the line sinner! So I had to chop him up into little itty bitty pieces. Putting down degenerate devils and the lost souls that would cry out to them is my job. And no one is better at it than me." Freed brought out a light sword and gun. The villain then continues to say- "I see you have brought a human. I will not spare you either."

Kazuki chuckles and brings his weapon out. Rasaka's Fang. Seeing this made Freed burst out laughing. "What are you going to do with that?"

"Freed. You are the one that I have been looking for." Kazuki spoke. "Huh? A human looking for me? Well, it doesn't matter. You will die here."

"You know. Issei I would appreciate it if I had a little help here." Kazuki says. "Right!" Issei was then shot by Freed. "I don't think so. These bullets have been blessed by an exorcist!"

Kazuki just smiled and whispered. "What was that? You are going to have to speak up!" Freed says taunting him. His wicked smile was wiped off his face once he sees twenty figures come out of nowhere. "What is the meaning of this?!" Kazuki vanishes and appears behind Freed. "Huh? Where-" Freed had a dagger stuck in his abdomen. "I'm going to kill you..." Kazuki spoke.

[-Effect 'Bleed': Activated- Attacked enemies lose 1% of their health every 1 second.]

[-Effect 'Paralyze': Activated- Attacked enemies have a chance to become unable to move.]

"Why can't I move?! What have you done?" Freed grunts. Issei got up and summons his sacred gear. "No! Stay back I got this!" Kazuki yells. "Viser bring Asia and Issei to safety." The female shadow does just that. "Now where were we!" Kazuki says smiling.

"Let him go!"

Kazuki whips his head to see a blond girl. "You must be Mittelt. I can see that you're pretty strong. You wouldn't stand a chance with all my soldiers attacking you though." He turns to his shadows and nods. They all start battling Mittlet. "Don't kill her. Just bruise her up a bit."

"Y-you're a monster," Freed says. He was losing consciousness. Kazuki took this chance to finish him off. He stabs him in the heart.

Awards: Gun Blessed By An Excorcist

x400 EXP

"I didn't level up. Guess that means I'm getting stronger." Kazuki stares at Freed Sellzens corpse.


Name: Freed

Rank: Knight

Level: 10

"I have to sacrifice one of my common knights if I want to have Freed as a permanent summon." Kazuki turns to see his shadows still fighting Mittlelt. She was badly damaged. "That's enough." He walks towards the battle-damaged fallen angel. She noticed the shadow-like figure next to Kazuki. "Is that...What have you done with Freed!?"

"I saved him. Now would you like to suffer the same fate or do you wish to escape with your life?"

"I-i choose life."

"Get out of my sight," Kazuki says coldly. "If you return I will not hesitate to kill you." Mittlelt scrambled out of the house.

Viser returns with Issei and Asia. "Is it over?" Asia questions. "Yes. It's over." Kazuki reassured.

A red magic circle appears and Rias' peerage came out. "It looks like you've got it covered," Kiba says looking at Kazuki.

"Trust me when I say that the fight was pretty underwhelming," Kazuki stated. "Y'know In a way you could consider my summons members of my own peerage." Kazuki continued to say.

"He destroyed that Freed creep," Issei says butting into the conversation.

"Thank you for saving me, I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble," Asia says. "You have nothing to worry about," Kazuki reassured.

"You said you wanted my help but it seems to me like you're holding back." Issei continued.

Kazuki smirks once Issei says this, "I guess you can say that. And I'm planning to get stronger."

"If word gets out that a human is going around killing fallen angels, it's going to cause trouble," Rias stated. "If you were to join my peerage that would not be a problem." The redhead continues.

"Then so be it. I am going to have to take the risk of other supernaturals coming after me." Kazuki says seriously.

"How are you so strong anyway?" Koneko asked, she was genuinely curious. Everyone in the room was also awaiting for the answer. Kazuki thought for a moment before answering. "I guess... it just appeared?" He wasn't lying.

"So about the fallen angel wings. You're a fallen one aren't you?" Rias says at the annoyance of Kazuki. "Look, I already told you before. I am not a fallen angel. Have you ever seen one with abilities like mine?"

"Could it be that you have a sacred gear?" Rias questions. Kazuki looks at her confused, "Sorry I don't know what a 'Sacred Gear' is."

Rias wasn't completely trusting. 'He could be a major problem in the future', she thought. "We'll see, let's go." And just like that, they were gone.

"Finally. At least that's over with." Kazuki turns to see Asia. She was still there. "Asia? The fight is over. You can go home y'know."

"Well...I don't have a home." Asia replied. Hearing this made Kazuki think about what he should do. "It's okay. I'm heading back to the church." She continued. He made up his mind, "Come with me."

"W-what? No, I couldn't do that to you," Asia says trying to make Kazuki reconsider. "Nope, I have made up my mind," Kazuki interjects. Asia was grateful, she hugged him and they set off to Kazuki's house. 'Mom would kill me if I had a girl over' thought Kazuki.

At Home:

"Thanks again for doing this," Asia says. "You don't have to thank me. Anyway, you should get some rest." Kazuki leads Asia to his bedroom, she sits down and says to him, "Your bed is so soft."

"I know, I find it hard to wake up in the mornings."

"Are you- are you coming to bed?" Asia questions.

"What? No, I'm taking the couch." Kazuki replies.

"Goodnight, Kazuki."

"Night', Asia."

He grabs his laptop from his drawer and leaves the bedroom. Kazuki opens his laptop and sees that the time was 2:27. "Damn, this may be a bad idea but...screw it." He opens a game called Helmet Heroes. It was the same game he was playing when he came across Raynare. "So I know that I can create dungeons and also get dungeon keys... But can I enter games?"

!ALARM: Would you like to enter the Helmet Heroes world?


It took him a couple of seconds to process the new information.

"Hell Yeah!"






Kazuki found himself in a dark world. He wonders around to see creatures roaming about. Some had multiple eyes while others had a singular eye. "Observe."

Race: Kreeton

Age: ???

Level: 200

Strength: 500

HP: 33,000

Vitality: 325

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 5

Race: Beholder

Age: ???

Level: 175

Strength: 430

HP: 22,000

Vitality: 265

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 5

Kazuki let out a sharp breath. "Fuck! These guys are crazy-powerful. I need to check my stats."

╔.★. .═════════════╗

Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: The Monarch of Shadows

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 20.000

Level: 60

Fatigue: 0

MP: 7400

Strength: 242

Vitality: 193

Agility: 168

Intelligence: 152

Stat Points: 170

╚ ═════════════. .★.╝

"Looks like I have 170 stat points to spend. It wouldn't hurt to increase vitality. These guys are well over eight feet tall and extremely powerful, strength will always be needed. They are slow but if I let my guard down I will lose a lot of health."

Vitality +40

Strength +60

Agility +70

╔.★. .═════════════╗

Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: The Monarch of Shadows

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 20.000

Level: 60

Fatigue: 0

MP: 7400

Strength: 302

Vitality: 233

Agility: 238

Intelligence: 152

Stat Points: 0

╚ ═════════════. .★.╝

"I guess it's time to get grinding." Kazuki starts to run towards a beholder, he was twenty feet away from it now. Kazuki summons his blessed gun and starts to fire at the beast.

HP: 21,722/22,000

HP: 21,397/22,000

HP: 21,134/22,000

HP: 20,871/22,000

HP: 20,540/22,000

HP: 20,229/22,000

HP: 19,968/22,000

HP: 19,532/22,000

HP: 19,244/22,000

HP: 18,857/22,000

"Shit! This is going to take too long. I have no choice but to stall. Come out!" And just like that, all twenty shadows came to aid Kazuki. While the beholder was busy attacking the shadows, Kazuki was coming up with a plan.

MP: 7245/7400

MP: 7062/7400

MP: 6820/7400

MP: 6587/7400

MP: 6201/7400

Kazuki's magic points were steadily decreasing as the beholder kept destroying the shadows. They regenerate and the magic points go down. He decides to fly up into the sky. "Move!" He shouts commanding his shadows. Kazuki sends a barrage of light spears at the beholder, this caused a cloud of smoke that engulfs the area making Kazuki unable to see. Once it disperses the beholder was still alive. But it took heavy damage.

Beholder HP: 9719/22,000

He summons Rasaka's Fang and blitzes the beholder. The bleed effect was activated, finally decreasing the health of the beholder by a large margin. Kazuki was then struck by one of the limbs of the creature.

Kazuki HP: 17,552/20,000

Kazuki jumps backward to get away from the beholder. The creature's health was still decreasing.

HP: 7249/22,000

HP: 6410/22,000

HP: 5796/22,000

HP: 5083/22,000

HP: 4372/22,000

HP: 3874/22,000

HP: 3159/22,000

HP: 2461/22,000

HP: 1632/22,000

HP: 932/22,000

"It's time I finally finish you off." Kazuki summons the blessed gun and aims at the singular eye of the beholder. He shoots and






The eight-foot creature falls.

!Level Up x2

╔.★. .═════════════╗

Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17Job: The Monarch of ShadowsTitle: Wolf SlayerHP: 20.000Level: 62Fatigue: 0MP: 7400Strength: 302Vitality: 233Agility: 238Intelligence: 152Stat Points: 20╚ ═════════════. .★.╝

Kazuki wasn't the only one that had leveled up. His shadow soldiers did too.

Name: Freed

Rank: Knight

Level: 24

Name: Viser

Rank: Knight

Level: 21

Name: Igris

Rank: Knight

Level: 18

Common Knights and Mages

Levels: 10-15

Kazuki looks at the lifeless body of the beholder with a devious grin. "Now you, you will be a powerhouse.



You Have 2 More Tries






You Have One More Try





This time it works and as he once did with Freed, he sacrificed one common soldier. "Your name shall be... Colossus!"

Name: Colossus

Rank: Elite Grade

Level: 40

With a new member added to the team, Kazuki felt unstoppable. He commanded his soldiers to attack a kreeton. Colossus is the one to carry the fight. Even though the kreeton was powerful on its own, it was nothing compared to Kazuki's twenty soldiers.

Time Skip-

!Level Up x2

╔.★. .═════════════╗

Name: Kazuki Tanaka

Aged: 17

Job: The Monarch of Shadows

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 20,000

Level: 64

Fatigue: 0

MP: 7400

Strength: 302

Vitality: 170

Agility: 255

Intelligence: 169

Stat Points: 40

╚ ═════════════. .★.╝

Kazuki has won the fight, and he of course added the kreeton to his arsenal at the cost of a common soldier.

Name: Titan

Rank: Elite Grade

Level: 45

The creature also dropped an item.

[Item: Kreeton Cutter]

[Item Class: S]

[Type: Dagger]

[Power: 200]

Name: Titan

Rank: Elite Grade

Level: 45

Name: Colossus

Rank: Elite Grade

Level: 41

Name: Freed

Rank: Knight

Level: 29

Name: Viser

Rank: Knight

Level: 26

Name: Igris

Rank: Knight

Level: 23

Common Knights and Mages

Levels: 16-20

Kazuki has returned to his living room. He checked the time to see that it was still 2:27. "It's like I never left."

He lays on the couch and gets an uncomfortable night's rest.