
Money Over Orgasm!

 He started to feel dizzy, feeling the room spin around as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. 

His wife was fucking someone else. How long had that been going on?

"Greg," she sighed, looking at him, but she was not scared, she didn't care about him. She had no respect for him at all.

"How could you?" he whispered, trying hard to fight back the tears in his eyes.

"He promised to give me a million dollars for the new bag I had been planning on getting tomorrow," she explained unapologetically. 

He knew she was not going to give him an excuse worth calling an excuse.

"I'm just fucking him because I owe him and this is my way of paying. It's like saying thank you."

Not knowing what to say to her, he started for the bathroom, slamming the door to sit on the toilet seat.

From the bathroom he could hear her moans getting louder as the man banged his wife without holding back.

He could tell that she was enjoying herself and it hurt him that it was not with him.

She screamed louder and louder before reaching orgasm.

Greg hit the wall in anger wishing he could do something about it, but knowing he was powerless, he stayed silent.


 "Alright, bye," he heard his wife say as the man left the room.

Stepping out of the bathroom, furious and filled with rage, he looked at her naked figure wondering why she would do what she did to him.

"You've been cheating," he accused the woman who headed into bed, laying calmly in it.

"That was not cheating, that was me returning a favor. I explained that earlier."

"If you were returning a favor, you can walk his dog or send him a thank you message inviting him to have dinner. But having sex with you was crossing the line."

"What's the matter here, Greg?" she mumbled. "There is nothing wrong with what I did. I was returning a favor."

He had no strength to argue. It was better to let everything be until he had enough strength.

"Could you help me get some food from the kitchen for me?" he settled into a couch. 

"I would love to, but I'm too tired after that intense sex I just had. I'll get you something by morning. I promise."

Without waiting for a reply, she fell asleep, ignoring him where he sat.


 While he laid in bed with her, he came to the realization that she had no love for him and didn't care about what he thought. 

With a heavy sigh, he turned away from her, sleeping to the sound of his tummy rumbling.


Waking up the next morning, he found that Petra had gone out for the day. He was not going to get anything to eat. Her promise had been a waste.

He started to muse about his past. He had had a perfect life before his banishment. He had been served by servants and had lived in a house bigger than the one he was in currently.

Deciding that musing over the past was not going to help him, he stood to his feet, ready to shower and head to work.


Work was slow for him because of his empty stomach. A day and half had passed and he still hadn't eaten anything. He was beginning to feel the effects, holding himself up by the wall to avoid himself from falling.

"Here," a coworker threw him a protein bar after hearing his stomach growl. "Eat that."

"Thank you," he appreciated the man, grabbing and eating it hungrily.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," he replied with a full mouth.

"Why are you working with us here when you're married to Petra? I know she's loaded with her family."

This question got him weak as he put down the bar he was eating. 

"I don't want to talk about it," he sighed, walking away from the man to sit in another part of the company.


After work, Greg returned home late at night to find his wife kissing a man who was about to leave the bedroom.

Getting into the room, he could tell that they had had sex as everywhere reeked of it.

This infuriated the man so much that he tossed his bag to the wall in anger. He had thought the man she had slept with last night had been a one night thing but he had thought wrong.

"Why are you doing this?!" he yelled at the top of his lungs watching her walk away without a care in the world. "When did you start all of this?"

"Your voice is really loud," she hushed him. "And I've been doing this for a long time. I've only been hiding it because of your sake."

This new information caught him off guard as he had not noticed before.

"But when you caught me last night," she went on, laying in bed. "I did not see the need to hide it any longer."

Feeling disgusted, he settled into a couch with a tired look on his face.

"What you're doing is wrong, Petra."

"I've got expensive needs dear husband and you cannot fulfill that for me," she chuckled. "My grandmother prefers giving more money to Damien compared to me because I am not her favorite grandchild."

He wondered if the money she got was not enough to take care of a lot of things. How expensive was her needs?

"Besides," she went on. "My father does not also give me enough money to cater to my expensive needs so hooking up with rich guys was the only way to get what I want."

Hearing her say such words disgusted him. How could she be this cruel?

"Look Greg, you have a big d*ck and can really handle me well, but it's useless if you are broke," she explained further with a light chuckle. "I prefer money to orgasm and that is something I am unapologetic about."