
Ch.1 New begginings

Narrator:The power that come upon this world called skills are amazing.Warriors can have superstrength and mage have elemental power and more this world is the world of magic and skill.

Narrator:There is a salaryman that got killed in an accident and he met a goddess to go to the world of magic and skills he will be given a lot of blessings so he will defeat the demon King and go on to plenty of adventures by himself.

Boss:Hey do your work faster Thunsho and when your done clean my office will you.

Thunsho:Yes boss *thinking* won't you just do it yourself it's your office dammit.

Colleague:hey Thunsho I'm leaving first so don't go overnight again bye.

Thunsho:yeah just go on I'll lock the doors when I'm finished here.

Colleague:Ok here's the key and bye again.

Thunsho:*Thinking* won't you just leave faster I'm doing work dammit.

3hours later

Thunsho:Finally done it was a lot of work but I finished in about 3hours finally can go home

*Locking the doors*


Thunsho:hmm Maybe I'll go to a convenience store and buy myself something to eat before I go home


*Suddenly a truck just came by*

*Got hit by a truck*

Thunsho:huh what happened why is everything white wait I think I died yes the truck was coming so fast and then it hit me.

Goddess Althea:Hello Thunsho don't worry I'm the goddess of this realm

Thunsho:what a goddess?

Goddess Althea:Yes I'm a goddess I can reincarnate you to the world of magic and give you many blessings but you will become a child again and your memories will stay with you

Thunsho:ok goddess but can you give me one more thing will you give me the strongest parents to teach me how to fight when I grow older again

Goddess Althea:Of course and you will see me again in a church so see you again

Thunsho:*thinking*huh wow I'm a baby again hey is that my mum and dad man this is crazy

Mum:how cute of a baby you are you look just like your father how cute honey will you give your son a name

Dad:hmm how about Thunsho

Mum:What a beautiful name you have now Thunsho

Thunsho:*Thinking*my name is still the same as before meh but I'll wait years before I go to adventures

5 years later

Thunsho 5 years old

Dad:at it Thunsho show me what you've got with that sword you are one fast kid

Thunsho:of course dad I'm your son even I will have strength

Mum:oh Honey Thunsho lunch is ready

TMD:Thank you for the food

Thunsho:Mum your cooking is the best as always

Dad:yeah hon your cooking is the best

Mum:thank you Thunsho your magic lesson will be next so get ready when your finish eating

Thunsho:yes mum I now know three elements Fire Water Wind My highest aptitude is wind and fire and water are the same

Mum:now show me what you got destroy my magic shield lvl5

Thunsho Mum

Quadra Mage

Skills:Magic shield,expert fire,expert water,expert wind,expert earth

Thunsho:*chanting*...Wind Slash lvl4

Mum:Not bad Thunsho but you won't break my magic shield like that use all your Mana until you destroy my shield

Thunsho*chanting*Fireball lvl2 *chanting*wind Slash lv5 *chanting* water flow lvl2


Mum:amazing Thunsho incredible your still 5 but you actually broke my lvl5 magic shield

To be continued