

The story revolves around Shadi, an assassin who works in an illegal guild that provides illegal killing and escort services. He became an assassin after being bought by the guild leader as a slave without knowing why he could become a slave, and even Shadi cannot remember his past that may hold a big secret. Equipped with shadow magic, he begins his work as an assassin. Follow Shadi's story on his adventure in this fantasy world.

Apriadi_Lisandi_3786 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

chapter. 2

The morning sun started to rise, shining on the roofs of houses. People had started to come out of their houses to do their activities. Sunlight entered the window of a house, illuminating the face of a man who was sleeping soundly on his bed.

Shadi opened his eyes when the sunlight hit his eyes. Suddenly, an arrow flew and stuck right at the edge of Shadi's head.

Surprised, Shadi immediately got up from his bed. There was a small wooden tube attached to the arrow.

Shadi took the tube from the arrow and opened the lid. He turned the tube upside down, and a piece of paper fell out of it.

Shadi picked up the fallen paper and read it.

"A mission from the center? So sudden." With a lazy feeling, Shadi got up from his bed and headed to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Shadi cleaned himself thoroughly until he felt clean enough. He then put on a towel and returned to his bedroom.

Shadi lifted his right hand, and a shadow appeared from beneath his feet. The shadow rose and released a set of clothes consisting of a robe and a mask, as well as a few other items.

Shadi put on his undergarment, then wore the robe. He also put on a crystal necklace around his neck before donning the mask.

Once he finished putting on his clothes, Shadi suddenly disappeared into his own shadow.

In a closed room illuminated by magic light bulbs, there was only one comfortable sofa, two wardrobes, one desk, and two chairs.

One of the chairs had a woman writing on a piece of paper among a pile of papers on the desk. The woman was the same person who had given Shadi money.

"You can come out, Shadi."

From under the table, a masked figure, or Shadi, appeared. He stood in front of the woman.

"Do you have a mission for me, Master?" Shadi asked.

"There's a theft mission. This time, I will send you alone," replied Master Rouni.

"A theft mission? Can you explain it in more detail, Master?" Shadi asked curiously.

"Well, I want you to steal an important document containing the full authority of a nobleman's landowner, Lord Fredrine Bongkers, in the eastern part of this city," explained Master Rouni.

"Is there any reason why I should steal this document?" Shadi asked.

"This document enables Lord Fredrine to take all the land in his area as his own without compensation. It has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the locals or small nobles in his area.

"if the document is successfully stolen, Lord Fredrin will not be able to take other people's lands by force," Master Rouni explained.

"What if Lord Fredrin recreates the document?" Shadi asked.

"That won't happen. Trust me, this mission is intended for you alone. The reason is that I believe you can infiltrate the area without being detected, given your shadow magic abilities," said Master Rouni.

"Alright, then please give me more detailed information about Lord Fredrin's residence, including the number of guards and how many rooms there are," requested Shadi.

The woman who was Shadi's master handed him a piece of paper containing information gathered by spies from Lord Fredrin's residence.

After reading every detail on the paper, Shadi nodded and accepted the theft mission.

"Be careful on this mission because you're alone. This time, your success can save a lot of people. Do you understand?" Master Rouni reminded Shadi.

"I understand, Master Rouni," Shadi replied firmly. Shadi then disappeared back into his own shadow, and Master Rouni continued writing at her desk.

Now Shadi was in the shadow dimension. In the shadow dimension, Shadi could move freely, pass through walls, fly and do anything he wanted. This world was not much different from the real world, except that everything was black and white.

Shadi could still see his master working on documents at her desk. This gave Shadi an advantage because he could spy on his enemies safely, without being detected by even adept wizards.

However, this ability could also be used for something else, like peeping at a woman taking a bath, but Shadi didn't want to do something foolish like that.

Shadi ran freely in his shadow dimension with lightning speed, passing through the walls of houses, then out of the city wall, passing every village until he finally arrived in the neighboring city to the east, Everleaf City, where Lord Fredrine ruled.

Shadi entered the city still in his shadow dimension, while observing the surrounding scenery. The city was very different from his own. The city was more crowded with beggars and roaming thugs.

The buildings were not much different, just a bit dilapidated and many of the roads were mud-made.

Heavy rains made the muddy roads slippery, making it difficult to walk with dirty shoes.

Fortunately, Shadi was in the shadow dimension, so this was not a problem for him.

He continued walking until he found a large mansion in the middle of the city. "So this is Lord Fredrin's residence."

He recognized the residence because the entire mansion was covered with a black aura in the shape of a dome that surrounded the mansion.

"This black aura is definitely an anti-dimension shield." One of the biggest enemies in this shadow dimension was anti-magic items.

These items worked by spreading anti-magic radiation, which automatically blocked anyone's access to the area, including other magic transportation spells.

Shadi couldn't just get into the mansion by force because it would be more suspicious and the anti-magic aura would also prevent him from getting out of the area.

"Damn it,Ruoni's, this mission is too easy Her said."

Shadi walked back and forth trying to come up with a plan, but there was no plan yet.

This was because it was the first time Shadi took on a mission alone, so he had to think hard.

"Well... if this is the case, there's no other option but to break into the mansion without using the dimension magic." Shadi resigned himself to the fact that he had no other choice.

He decided to enter the mansion without using his shadow dimension, which posed a risk, but Shadi had to complete the mission. So, Shadi's plan was to wait until nightfall.

Shadi removed his robe and mask, leaving his undergarments. He then disguised himself as best as possible to look like someone else.

Shadi left his dimension in a place where no one saw him, then he began to gather information by walking around the city. Why did he do this? Because it was still daytime, and the sun hadn't reached its peak yet.

Shadi cursed himself for being in a hurry, but he replaced it by gathering information.

While walking around the city, Shadi eavesdropped on every conversation among the locals until he heard an interesting conversation in a bar.

"Hey, did you see that this morning?" a man said among the crowd.

"Yeah, I just saw the knights pass by in front of my house this morning," replied another person who was drunk.

"Is there a problem this morning? Sorry, I was running late," said another man who cut into their conversation.

"That's because the city lord sent his knights to deliver the invitation letter to all the nobles in the city for the extravagant party that will be held tonight," said the man who started the conversation.

Everyone in the bar was surprised to hear the man's words, even the bar staff who was carrying a drink was silent.

"WHAT! You must be kidding. After he raised taxes and took our land, he's having an extravagant party?" said the man who interrupted their conversation.

His face turned red, and his nerves were showing as he was angry.

"Yes, that's right. That's what my cousin, who works there as a servant, told me," said the slightly drunk man.

The atmosphere in the bar suddenly became chaotic as many people whispered and talked to each other.

Shadi, who had just seen the chaos in the bar, felt disturbed, but he found interesting news.

Shadi immediately left the chaotic bar and walked along a dusty road.

"A party that will be held tonight? Maybe this is my chance to enter the mansion immediately during the party," Shadi thought to himself, a smile appearing on his face as he walked along the crowded street.

To be continued...