
Shadow Echo

In a dark medieval world where power is everything and art is completely forbidden, Robin, a young nobleman outcast by his own family, comes across an instrument left by a mysterious person. In the midst of the desolation, he finds solace and hope in the melodies that emanate from it. But this fleeting happiness vanishes when fate turns against him and throws him into the dark streets of low society. In this ruthless and lawless world, where only the strongest survive, Robin faces all kinds of situations. Facing his deepest fears and forging unexpected alliances, Robin becomes the symbol of a silent rebellion, the echo of the shadow.

MaXx_Zabdy · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: In the Darkness There Will Always Be...

Here is the correction of the fragment:

I am already walking down the main street, the houses are in an alarming state of disrepair. I see malnourished children begging for food, poverty is palpable in the air. I have never witnessed or read anything so bleak before. Everything here is grim and gloomy, it is amazing how just a few minutes in this place have polluted my spirit with its depressing landscape.

I am so absorbed in my thoughts that when I finally realise, a man is following me. I try to escape by heading down an alleyway, but as I turn into the darkness I see another man brutally beating another man, blow after blow, "A heartbreaking death indeed". I feel the urge to get away from this, to run, but before I can even move, a sharp pain shoots through my side.

In my eagerness to leave such a scene I forget that I am running away. In that instant, I find myself surrounded by four individuals. I try to jump over the one who looks the weakest to find a way out of the group's weakness, but even the weakest of the four turns out to be stronger than me. A single blow to the stomach robs me of my breath, leaving me sprawled on the ground, struggling to recover.

"You fucker, you dare try to hit me?" I exclaim between gasps of pain. The assailant kicks me repeatedly while the other three enjoy the torture. The pain is unbearable, each kick becomes a torment, I regret not having lived the life I wanted, I regret not being able to face these four thugs, I regret not being able to hit that despicable being who calls himself father. I regret everything as I spit blood from the pain.

Suddenly, the torment stopped, with curiosity I try to open my eyes but I can't, the tiredness overwhelmed me. I can only make out a dark silhouette in my field of vision. At some point I read the phrase "In the midst of darkness there will always be light", but looking at this shadow I can only think that in the midst of darkness there will always be .....

My fatigue did not allow me to conclude the thought, at that instant everything became dark making me lose consciousness.


When I finally open my eyes again, I find myself in a small room that I don't recognise. As I examine my wounds, I can only see bandages everywhere. They are wrapped around my body. I try to get up, but an intense pain runs through my body. It seems that I have not yet begun to heal completely, so resigned, I decide to lie down.

It all reminds me of the mansion, unable to move, unable to get better, unable to do anything. I feel useless, weak. Darkness begins to invade my heart.

At that moment, I hear a voice: "Are you better now? It's the voice of someone who wasn't there before. I'm sure I've examined the whole room, but now, in the middle of the room, there is a blackened figure, a shadow that wasn't there before.

Then the person removes his hood and the shadow that enveloped him disappears, showing me a man, strong, though not as strong as my father, with a beard and several scars on his face. strangely the man asks me again, "Are you all right?"

Although surprised by his appearance I still replied, "I'm fine, just a few bruises here, here, here a and here, but I'm completely fine."

The guy smiles and replies, "Haha, you have a good sense of humour". The man replied, wait, it wasn't a man, because now it's a woman.

Story Written in Spanish and Translated into English with DeepL

You can find the original story in my profile

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