

Lucca died, but Ares had other plans for him and revived him. Ares offered him five options to start his new life, and Lucca chose a world filled with magic. That's when Lucca was reborn into a noble family. However, unlike his siblings, he had no interest in participating in a succession war and chose to sell his inheritance rights. s we follow Lucca, we see how he uses the knowledge acquired in his previous life to achieve success in this new world and create his own secret organization.

mizuno_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
74 Chs

The contract between the human race and the dragons

"But with that, a problem arose: the king had 3 sons, and they began to vie for the throne. So, he made a decision: he sought help from the dragon king, who is believed to be the same to this day." Lucca asked, "Are they immortal?"

"Some say yes, others say they live up to 10,000 years."

"So, no one knows."

"Ahah, exactly. Continuing the story, the king asked the dragon king that if any human kingdom went to war with another, to restore the kingdom, the dragon king had to intervene and decide who should be punished. Additionally, if a kingdom entered into a civil war, the dragon king had to decide who would be the next king!"

"In essence, the king found a way to keep the kingdoms always concerned about neighboring races, rather than civil wars, through the agreement with the dragon king!" Lucca said with admiration. But one thing was on Ares's mind: "everyone who went through the same process as you became prominent figures in their eras," he thought to himself, 'did he also come back to life?'

"Exactly, but not everything was rosy because there was something that worried the king. But I'll continue the story chronologically. After the trip to the Dragon Kingdom, he summoned the 3 heirs to the throne and announced his decision to divide the human kingdom into 3, one kingdom for each of them. Then he presented the map of the human kingdom, and the heirs began to choose the territories they wanted to be part of their kingdoms. It's said that the discussion was intense, and shouts could be heard from the king's office door. The meeting took about 2 hours to conclude."

"So, it was on that day that the 3 kingdoms were created!"

"As you can imagine, it wasn't on that day, but only after his death! And it wasn't just the 3 kingdoms that were created on that day!"

"What, Mother?"

"The 3 sects!"

"The Mage Sect I saw earlier is one of the 3 sects, right? But why were they created?"

"That's right! As I told you before, the 3 heirs got into a dispute for the throne and created their own factions, and in them, the 3 heroes divided into the 3 factions."

"The 3 heroes?"

"Didn't I tell you before that there was something that worried the king? It was the 3 heroes. They gained prominence in those 2 wars, and with those deeds, they received the title of heroes, with one being the hero of mages, one the hero of the sword, and the other the hero of the bow."

'Am I in an anime?'

"With these titles, many people say that their egos went to their heads, and one after the other joined factions to support the person who would bring them the most benefits. So, the king decided to create sects. As expected, the heroes took charge of these sects and built their sects in the territories of the heirs they supported. Of course, the leaders of the sects were also informed of the agreement, but as you can imagine, they weren't happy at all and began to reveal the agreement with the dragon king to the people and nobles. The goal was to weaken the king and say that dividing the kingdom into 3 would weaken the human race. However, the nobles and the population were divided. One side didn't want a civil war, and the other didn't want their lands divided. With divided opinions, the king won this dispute, after all, he is the king, and he has the final word. And so, the king created the 3 kingdoms and ensured that the kings of the human race never entered into civil wars."

"But that doesn't mean that civil wars don't happen, because they do. But only at the level of nobility, Duke and below. There is currently a civil war happening in a duchy bordering us."

Lucca didn't hear this part because he fell asleep!

Two and a half years passed.

The door of Lucca's room opened.

"Lucca!" Mother called. "Wake up, Lucca!"

"Ehh, what's going on, Mother?" He was confused because his mother usually didn't wake him up like this.

"Your brothers are going to the academy tomorrow, and your father has chosen 3 men who will serve as your bodyguards."

He asked, "What do you mean? I'm not going to the academy. Why do I have to choose a bodyguard when I'm only 4 years old?"

"I don't know either; your father decided, so you'll have to go anyway. Get dressed in what I brought you!"

'I hope it's worth it because having a bodyguard at my age is pointless since I'm always in the mansion. So, why do I need one now? I'm trying to understand the reason. I just hope that my bodyguard, whom I choose, has at least the talent level of my mother. I won't settle for less!'

Lucca finished getting dressed and headed to the mirror to check himself. Lucca has green eyes and blond hair. The hairstyle was short on the sides and back, with the front part of the hair raised upwards. He was dressed in a gray vest that covered only the front and back, with a long white shirt underneath and white pants. 'I wish I had my clothes at times like this, but I look pretty good, as always! But it's a bit tight. Now that I look at myself, I seem like the playboys from my old days, ahaha, the tables have turned.'

"What do you think, Mother?"

"You look handsome," she replied and kissed him on the forehead.

"Alright, let's go; we must be late!" Then, they walked out the door of the mansion, and a carriage was waiting for them, with Sophie's personal bodyguard and the mansion guards. It took about 30 minutes to reach the castle. Lucca's mansion was located outside the city, and he still remembers that when he turned 2, he had to move and live away from his siblings. He even thought about asking his mother, but as soon as he was about to start the question, he felt a terrible sensation. In his previous life, whenever he had this feeling, he would always avoid business, and he intends to bring this into his current self.