

Ervin carried Kato and flew back to the Hashido estate after demonstrating his perfect manifestation. As they approached the estate, they spotted Mira, Isaiah, Uta, Cookie, and Yamato waiting at the training grounds.

Mira: (smiling) Welcome back, you guys!

Ervin: (with a goofy face) Yooooo!

Kato: (landing) Hey, everyone! You all waited for me? What's the occasion?

Isaiah: Well we all wanted to help you out since you're starting your shadow technique training today.

Kato: Huh? Really?

Yamato: Yeah. The technique you're about to learn is tough. You'll need all the help you can get.

Cookie: So, we decided to help.

Kato: (grinning) Wow, thanks, everyone. I really appreciate it.

Uta: //It was all Mira's idea to help out//

Mira: (hearing Uta) Shut it!

Yamato: (laughs)

Kato had not fully understood the sign language yet so he didn't know what Uta had said or why Mira reacted the way she did.

Cookie: Also, Yamato's here to watch how chaotic your training is going to get.

Kato: Chaotic? Is it really that hard?

Isaiah: It wouldn't be so hard if Kayomi was still the one training you.

Kato: (confused) He is the one training me, isn't he?

Everyone exchanged glances, which made Kato understand that Kayomi training him on Shadow techniques is no longer a possibility

Ervin: Oh, right, Kato. I forgot to tell you. Kayomi won't be available for your shadow technique training anymore. We've got someone else for you.

Kato: What? Why? Why can't Mr. Kayomi train me?

Mira: He's going to become a father.

Kato: (eyes wide) Huh?

Cookie: Yeah, Mr. Kayomi and Kinara are having a baby.

Kato: (surprised) Really?!

Yamato: And apparently Kayomi wants to spend more time taking care of Kinara so he won't be available for your training anymore

Kato: Wait so you guys already knew about this?

Uta: (nods)

Kato: (cartoonish face) Why was I the last to find out?

Ervin: (patting Kato on the back) Cheer up, Kato. You'll have someone else training you now, and they'll help you become unstoppable!.

Yamato: (laughs)

Cookie: (giggles)

Kato: (noticing their amusement) So, who's my new teacher?

Just then, two dark-skinned figures approached the training grounds. A tall, military-looking man and a calm woman.

Yamato: (grinning) My big brother will be the one training you.

Kato: Big brother? (surprised) You have a brother?

Roshi: (booming voice) THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!! I AM ROSHI YAMANAKA AND I WILL BE INCHARGE ON TRAINING YOU YOUNG BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!! (flashes a big smile)

Kato: (to himself) Him??? There's no way....

Roshi: (suddenly glaring at Kato) YOU JUST UNDERESTIMATED ME NOW DID YOU KID??????

Kato: (startled) No! I didn't!


Kato: (cartoonish face) That's hurt!!!!! (rubbing his head) Wait... shadow rush?

Yoshi: (calmly) Yes, that's the technique you'll be learning. I would explain more, but I'll leave that to my brother.

Kato: (to himself) Damn it. Now I know that being crazy seems to run in Yamato's family except for his big sister.

Roshi: (cartoonish face) YOU DID IT AGAIN DIDN'T YOU KID?????

Kato: (nervous) No, I didn't do anything!

Roshi: LIAR! (knocks Kato on the head again) NOW GET UP. LET'S BEGIN YOUR TRAINING!

Kato:(groaning) Why does it have to be him?

Mira: He's the only one who can teach you the Shadow Rush technique. My dad would've taught you, but he's not the best at teaching.

Ervin: (cartoonish face) Come on, Mira. At least make me look good in front of him.

Mira: (ignores him) Don't worry Kato. We'll be here to help you out in any way we can.

Yamato: Yeah, and to film you. (pulls out his phone)

Cookie: (snatches Yamato's phone) Cut it out, Yamato.

Yamato: (pouting) Fine.

Uta: //Go get 'em, tiger!//

Isaiah: (translating) Uta said, "Good luck, Kato."

Kato: Oooh. (to Uta) Thanks, Uta. And to all of you!


Kato: (gritting his teeth) Right, right...

Roshi then explained the concept of the shadow rush technique and told Kato to try and do the technique. Kato tried to replicate the technique but he was met with constant trial and error. Yamato, Mira and Isaiah who knew the technique also chipped in to try and help Kato but he still didn't seem to get it either way. They spent three hours on constant trial and error but nothing seemed to work. Meanwhile Yamato video recorded everything while Uta and Cookie tried to stop him.

Kato: (lying flat on the ground) Damn it! Why is this so hard?

Roshi: (thinking) To master the Shadow Rush, you first need to control your shadow energy. You've learned that before, right?

Kato: Yeah. Mr. Arou taught me how to control it and use it in hand-to-hand combat.

Mira: If that's the case then why aren't you able to get it?

Isaiah: Maybe you're trying too hard?

Kato: (puts his hand on his chin) Maybe… I tend to overdo it sometimes.

Mira: So you just have to not overdo it.

Roshi: That's only one of the issues why you can't do it.

Kato: Huh?? (cartoonish face) If there was another reason, why didn't you say so sooner?

Roshi: (ignores the question) The real reason you're struggling is because... (dramatic pause) YOUR EMOTIONS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Kato: (cartoonish face) Huh??

Isaiah: (cartoonish face) Huh??

Mira: (cartoonish face) Why can't there be normal adults around here?

Isaiah: (cartoonish face) Right?

Roshi: Yes, your emotions are all over the place. Controlling shadow energy has to do with handling your emotions too and if your emotions aren't in check then your control over your shadow energy becomes sloppy. Like the way yours is right now. So is there anything bothering you Kato?

Kato: (mood changes) Yeah.

Yamato, Uta and Cookie also join in on the conversation

Cookie: Well what is it then?

Kato: (sighing) It's about my mom. She was bitten by a shadow bug and has been in a coma since the middle of July. Mr Ervin told me that there isn't a way to save anyone bitten by a shadow bug. I know it's a miracle that the shadow energy in her body hasn't killed her yet but the thought that she's going to die and there's nothing I can do about it stays on my mind everyday and it scares me.

Roshi: So that's what it's about...

Mira: (thinking) You've been carrying this weight every day?

Roshi: I'm truly sorry to hear about your mom Kato. It must be difficult to cope with the uncertainty and fear surrounding her condition. It's totally understandable to feel helpless in this kind of situation but at the same time, we shouldn't let our emotions hinder us from growing and becoming stronger. Besides we've all had our share of sufferings too.

Yamato: Yeah....our parents died when we were kids but my big brother took over the responsibility of taking care of me and my big sister. It was hard and sure enough I miss my mom & dad but I can't let that stop me from growing. They won't like that either.

Cookie: I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember. I wasn't an orphan because my parents died or anything. I was abandoned when our house was raided by hunters from the HFA. Kinara was the one who found me and brought me to the estate.

Uta: //My dad was a maniac who killed my mother and took away my voice so I wouldn't say anything. Mr Ervin was able to save me from him though but i don't let the fact that i can't talk anymore stop me from growing.//

Isaiah: (interprets what Uta said to Kato)

Kato: That's awful.

Isaiah: My older sister, father and mother were killed by a Level 1+ Hunter. Since we're sharing sad stories I thought I'd bring up.

Mira: My mom died when I was six years old and I also felt helpless because there was nothing I could do to save her. But even at that i don't allow it to hinder me from growing stronger.

Kato: So you all had it rough too?

Roshi: You heard them Kato we all had it rough too and while we all have the understanding of loss and suffering we don't let it stop us from becoming better versions of ourselves. So you're not alone in your suffering, Kato.

Yamato: (pats Kato) Don't worry man. Whatever happens to your mom we'll be here for you.

Mira: We'll be here for you when the aftermath starts.(everyone nods)

Kato: (smiles) Thanks a lot guys. That made me feel much better.

Isaiah: I'm surprised Yamato said something smart for once.

Yamato: (cartoonish face) HUH??!! DON'T MAKE IT SOUND LIKE I GOOF OFF ALL THE TIME.

Cookie: (laughs) But you do goof off all the time.

Yamato: (cartoonish face) Huh? Come on Cookie. You're my girlfriend. You're supposed to back me up here.

Cookie: (cartoonish face) Not this time.

Yamato: (gloomy)

Kato: (standing up from the ground) Mr Roshi, I wanna try it again.

Roshi: (seeing the look of determination in Kato's eyes) I LIKE THAT LOOK IN YOUR EYES YOUNG BLOOD!! ALRIGHT!! WE'RE GOING AT IT AGAIN YOUNG BLOOD!!! ARE YOU READY??!!

Kato: (with the look of determination in his eyes) Yes!!

Meanwhile, two days after Sanito's funeral, the Hunter Force Academy (HFA) held a press conference, reassuring the public that they were working hard to catch the Kaimi Daja. However, many citizens remained skeptical, questioning why the HFA hadn't been able to locate their hideout. The pressure grew, and society began losing trust in the HFA. Despite arresting a few Kaimi Daja members, they still couldn't pinpoint their main plan or location.

As October 2021 approached, the Hunter Force Academy's Battle Exams drew near, while the Kaimi Daja prepared to execute their plan.