
Shadow Beaster

In a world where Beasters, individuals bonded with powerful Spirit Beasts, hold sway, Eldon once a skilled assassin in a world of shadows and deceit, now awakens in the innocent form of a young boy bearing the same name. All Eldon desires now is peace and quiet, a respite from the chaos and bloodshed that defined his former existence.

Usot2 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Level 4

The group, led by Eldon and the girl, continued to run through the labyrinth, the haunting growls of the wolves echoing behind them. Exhaustion was setting in, but the urgency of the situation pushed them forward. Eldon's mind raced, considering their next move.

"We can't keep running forever," Eldon panted, slowing down. The rest of the group stumbled to a halt, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Eldon turned to the girl who had been leading them. "What's your name, anyway?" he asked.

"It's Arya," she replied, trying to steady her breathing.

Eldon nodded. "What are our chances," she asked, her voice trembling.

Eldon glanced at Jaxon, then back at Arya. "Forty percent if it's just me and Jaxon," Eldon answered. "Sixty if you all can use Adapt."

The group exchanged confused looks. They knew how to summon their Spirit Beasts, but merging with them was a different story. Eldon and Jaxon didn't waste any more time. They summoned their Spirit Beasts with a single word.


In an instant, Eldon's Rat and Gaia, the goddess of earth, appeared before them. The rat scurried around Eldon's feet, its eyes gleaming with intelligence. Gaia stood tall and majestic, her presence commanding respect.

 The rat looked around with disdain. "Brat, didn't I tell you not to put me in there?" it squeaked angrily.

"We don't have time for this," Eldon snapped back. "Adapt!"

As Eldon shouted the command, his body began to transform. Muscles rippled under his skin, and his senses sharpened. He gripped his blade tightly, feeling the power coursing through him.

"Adapt, Jaxon!" Eldon yelled out, but Jaxon remained still, his eyes turning burnt orange with three red, circular pupils in each. Eldon felt a dark aura emanating from him, tightening his grip on his blade. "Everyone back up! That's not Jaxon!" he shouted, fear creeping into his voice.

"Adapt," Jaxon finally commanded. His body morphed, his eyes shifting to a rainbow hue, his skin and hair taking on the colors and textures of trees and leaves. He grew larger, tearing through his garments. Eldon watched in awe and fear, realizing that Jaxon was no longer in control.

"Don't be frightened, child. I am not your enemy," Jaxon said, but his voice was now that of a beautiful woman. "I am Gaia, mother of Earth."

Eldon sensed a calming aura around Gaia, reluctantly lowering his blades. "What did you do to Jaxon?" he asked, still on edge.

"Do not worry, child. I would never harm my daughter," Gaia replied.

Eldon was baffled. "What do you mean, daughter?" he asked, but Gaia turned her attention to the approaching wolves.

"Shall we take care of them first," Gaia stated calmly.

The rat inside Eldon spoke up, "Brat, brat, kill her or whatever that thing is. You don't know what it's capable of," it said seriously.

Eldon frowned. "So you go around killing things you don't understand?" he asked.

"Yes," the rat replied bluntly.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't defeat her now," Eldon admitted.

"Let me take over, like she did to your friend Jaxon," the rat suggested.

"No, I don't want to be in that state plus she's helping us take care of those wolves. From what I know, you probably just want to take over my body," Eldon responded firmly.

Gaia walked towards the incoming wolves, her body lifting from the ground as she began to float. She raised her arm, and the ground beneath the labyrinth erupted, shaking the entire structure. Trees started sprouting from the ground, their branches forming into sharp spears. With a swift motion, Gaia pointed her arm towards the wolves, and the spears launched at them, striking down three of the advancing beasts.

Eldon watched in awe as Gaia effortlessly dealt with the immediate threat. The wolves, relentless in their pursuit, were reduced to lifeless bodies on the ground, pierced by the nature-born weapons. The group, momentarily safe, gathered their breath and composure. Eldon, still wary, approached Gaia cautiously. "You're helping us now, but I need to know more. Why did you call Jaxon your daughter?"

Gaia turned around, her gaze meeting Eldon's with a mixture of serenity and sadness. "Take care of my Meera," Gaia said before she fell unconscious mid-air, lifting Adapt skill. His body turned back to its normal state, naked. Eldon rushed towards him and caught him before he could hit the ground. Eldon was confused; he had a female's body. Embarrassed, he quickly called out to his Pouch, took out a garment, and covered Jaxon with it.

As Eldon wrapped Jaxon in the garment, his mind raced with questions. Gaia's cryptic words echoed in his thoughts. "Meera? Who's Meera?" he muttered to himself, glancing at Jaxon's unconscious form. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

Arya approached Eldon, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "What just happened?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Eldon shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "But whatever it is, we need to keep moving. We can't stay here."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, still recovering from the adrenaline rush of the recent encounter with the wolves. With Jaxon draped over his shoulder, Eldon took the lead once again, Arya by his side.

As they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, Eldon couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The walls seemed to close in around them, and the shadows danced eerily, whispering secrets that he couldn't decipher. Arya kept close, her presence a comfort in the oppressive atmosphere.

After what felt like hours of walking, they stumbled upon a large chamber, the air thick with an otherworldly presence. In the center of the chamber stood a pedestal, atop which rested a glowing crystal. Eldon approached cautiously, his instincts warning him of danger.

"Wait," Arya's voice echoed in the chamber, stopping Eldon in his tracks. "This is a Spirit Crystal. It can enhance our Spirit Beasts' powers."

Eldon turned to Arya, his interest piqued. "How do you know?" he asked.

Arya stepped forward, her eyes locked on the crystal. "I've read about them in ancient texts," she explained. "They are said to be remnants of a time when only Spirit Beasts lived here."

Eldon looked at the crystal, his mind racing with possibilities. With their current predicament, any advantage they could gain would be crucial. "Can we use it?" he asked, turning to Arya.

Arya nodded, determination gleaming in her eyes. "We can try."

Eldon approached the pedestal, his hand reaching out to touch the crystal. As soon as his fingers made contact, a surge of energy coursed through him, engulfing him in a blinding light. When the light subsided, Eldon found himself face to face with his Spirit Beast.

Who should I focus more on Eldon scene or Derek scene????

I'm always stopping at 1k words a chapter sorry..

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