
Shadow Assassin (Dual Attributes)

It is a hard living in the new age of the modern world, on Earth. Especially if you did not have any Abilities; it was the case for Quinn. His parents were ambassadors, and secretly, Assassins working for the 'greater good'. Wars were quite a frequent occurance on Earth, leaving only ravaged remains of the once beautiful planet. Although, the once frequent wars had stopped and the world finally entered a fleeting age of peace, the larger powers were in a deadlock and in high geopolitical tension. The majority of the interstellar planets and bases were owned by Capitalist powerhouses that held only base value in high regards and sought after strong trans-humans: an evolved species of Humans that were compatible with Ability Dews that were found on alien planets and could extract and use different types of supernatural Abilities themselves. Quinn's parents were sent on an obvious su**ide-mission on the battlefront of some planet by the Governance of Earth, to 'fight and serve' their home-planet by fighting off the opposition consisting of a terrorist group called the "Elementals", and secretly, a whole another unknown enemy... Receiving their last, parting gift, Quinn got his hands on something that was completely out of scope for normal Humans, or any other intelligent race that could possibly or ever will exsist. It was of unknown origins when his parents found it, and only he would be the one to discover its true functioning and creator. He would become something that was nothing like a Human... he would forsake his life and living, only to find the truth about the artefact and why it chose him. He would fight enemies of the peaceful inhabitants of Earth in hopes to protect those that he once loved, when he was still Human. Furthermore, he would fight other beings in the shadows of different realms; discover secrets of the Universe and the one above it all. No, not God; nor the Great Old Ones. Nay, not even the Outer Gods. But, the one and only... above creation itself: a dream that birthed it; the Absolute Being. Existing in the Real World, out of this wretched Dream of his. Only by meeting his real origins and awakening, would Quinn be able to escape this accursed cycle that only he knew the truth of; alone, would he protect the mortals... in hopes of protecting only those that he loved.

MarKD · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
51 Chs


"Let us begin!" a hooded figure shouted as he turned towards the asleep body of a young boy.


"Hand over the blood" the figure commanded. "Ahhh... the flesh and blood of the first vampire... no one knows how old, how strong, or how beautiful she was, but a single vampire hunter... a DAMPHIR was able to challenge her".


"No matter how she was killed, she always came back to life! SHE was immortal... SHE was the founder of this holy land!" he shouted as he gently opened the cork of the tube which contained a piece of flesh of the first vampire.


The flesh looked like it was moving rhythmically like one's heart.




'Huh? No... who am I?' the young boy found himself floating in a pure white.










A hole formed in his chest and a hand grabbed his heart and crushed it.


The figure had already fed the piece of flesh to the young boy.


He then looked at the person next to the body. The temple Knight nodded.


"Release the seal!" he ordered.


The body of SECOND began to twist and turn in unnatural ways. But no sound was made.


"The ring" he put his hand out.


Blood continued to pour out of the hole in his chest endlessly until it formed a humanoid figure with a crimson color. It was a blood breed with the frame of a human child. Perhaps the guardian spirit of SECOND.




"Who... are you?! What happened to me?! why is there a hole in my... chest?" Second looked down and his chest seemed completely fine.


"What... is happening to me?!"




"Second... is that my name? Do you know who I am?!"


The blood breed walked towards Second and placed its hand on his chest.


"Who are you people?! How dare you defile this holy place! Leave at once, or pay the price!" the figure removed his hood and revealed a shiny bald head.


"Tch...! Filthy vamps tellin' me what to do?!" one of the people walked towards the old man and drew a scythe from his back and placed it at the back of the old man's neck.


"You will regret doing this... vampire hunters" he said without moving at all.


There was a buff priest at the back of the vampire hunter group with a book dyed red in his hand. The priest walked towards the old man and took out a stone with a radiant golden shine to it.




"You...! How?! Where did you find that... SPIRIT STONE!!"




In ancient human history, vampires had managed to blend into human society. The only humans who had known that vampires existed and had been in their presence, formed an organization of vampire hunters.


These hunters only existed in the shadows and made use of miracle stones called SPIRIT STONES. The divine and holy light that it gives off can easily render any vampire unable to fight.


Spirit stones are a gift from the gods to help humans in their quest of eradicating vampires.


Spirit stones make dreams come true.


Spirit stones are just baits to transform humans into hideous monsters.


All kinds of beliefs... but since these stones helped the vampire hunters, they continued to use them. Until finally a vampire strong enough to resist the holy light of these stones came to existence and erased all traces of spirit stones along with the vampire hunters.




The first vampire to ever exist.


An immortal vampire. With no one to side with her or anyone to oppose her. Unlike other vampires, she could drink human blood freely. An ordinary vampire didn't have the luxury to afford to drink human blood.


Vampires can survive by just feeding off of each other if the urge was too irresistible. Blood was not necessary. But the sweet scent of human blood is irresistible to a vampire that has not been trained enough to resist it.


She had her heart stolen and was weakened to such a state that even a vampire Knight could defeat her.


The one who stole her heart was none other than the dhampir that defeated and sealed her soon after stealing it.


Vincent Scion. The one and only kin of the immortal vampire.


"So... you're telling me that..."








[Choose a class:






Magical archer]


[Special class acquirable: Avenger]




'Special class...?'


"Oye, Executioner! What are you doin' just sitting down near that boy?! Help me damnit!" he kicked away one of the cultists holding him down and swung his scythe at him.


"You should not have made haste to hurry and get rid of them... you need to control yourself or you may be incompetent to be a vampire hunter" the priest named EXECUTIONER was seemingly a human in his mid 30's.


"This boy is already dead, a pity indeed... if he had woken up, he would have enough hatred to join us and become a vampire hunter" he said.


"Fuu... that's the last of them"


"Since you're done, we should head out as soon as possible, William"


"Can you stop calling me that?! Just say my name normally man... WILLIAM! Not fucking wirrium" he complained, "had enough with your fake ass Japanese".


"It's like one of those RPG games I used to play... wait what?" confused with what he said, he asked the blood breed if it knows what he just said.


"I do not know, this is not the era I know of..."




"I just need to select one, huh?"




[Congratulations! you have been granted the 'Avenger' class]


[+5 sense and Stamina and +10 strength (permanent) has been granted due to Avenger class boost]


[The user will be granted a unique ability...]

[Searching for suitable ability]

[Ability found!]




[Will you accept Blood manipulation?]



"Accept it, every vampire has the ability to control blood... even if they are a half breed like you" it said, "although you are mostly vampire".


"Even though I don't understand much of what's going on, I'll accept it if you say so"


[Congratulations! You have been granted 'Blood manipulation']


[You can choose an additional ability as a gift:







"You can choose any ability you want, I don't want to tell you everything you need to do" she said, "I will have disappeared by the time you have woken up, I wish you luck".




[Congratulations! you have been granted the Light ability]


User: Second(Quasi vampire)

lvl: 1

Job: Avenger

Ability: Blood manipulation/Light

HP: - /-

Grudge: 0/1000

Mana: 100/100


Strength: 25 Agility: 15

Intelligence: 10 Sense: 15

Stamina: 15


Remaining points: 0


"What do you mean by... WOKEN UP?"




"AAHHHH!" Second screamed as his eyes opened in a dark room full of bodies. The room which was supposed to be dark had lit up as bright as the day suddenly.






He felt memories pouring in as he got up. Memories of his family being murdered in front of him. Memories of him being captured by faceless figures.


"Gah...! Haa... haa..." he felt tears rolling down his face.


[Grudge : 120/1000]


After taking a moment to recover, he found a piece of stone with a golden shine to it. He went ahead and picked it just to get brunt. He dropped the stone immediately.


"The hell was that? either way... I should get out of this place" he spoke softly as he looked down and snatched a robe from one of the bodies.


After walking for a minute or two, he finally found a massive door. Pushing it open, he saw a hallway with a bright light at the end.


-Blood manipulation-


[Blood control] Lvl 1


The user can control their own or an enemy's blood from a short distance. It can be used as a means to attack or defend. As the skill levels up, the control over blood will increase.


Cost- None


[Rot] Lvl 1


Fires 3 blood projectiles at the enemy, if one of them manages to wound the enemy or enter an open wound, the enemy will get the following ailment: BLEED. The number of projectiles and the piercing power can increase as the skill levels up.


Cost- 30 mana


[Bloody revenge]Lvl 1


A class exclusive unique skill that requires the maximum amount of grudge that can be accumulated(1000). Summon 30 giant blood swords enhanced with HASTE and PIERCE.


Cost- 120 mana


-Light ability-


[Holy bullet] Lvl 1


Shoots out a bright white ball from the user's finger, it moves very fast. when the enemy is hit with it, they will get the following ailment: PURITY. It will become stronger as the skill levels up.


Cost- 10 mana



[Holy blade] Lvl 1


Summons a sword imbued with PURITY. The durability and sharpness of the sword will increase as the skill levels up.


Cost- 20 mana per minute


As Second kept advancing, he heard someone mumble things to themselves but he couldn't quite make sense of it.


As got closer, he saw a man sitting on the floor with his back on the wall. Having lost both of his legs and a large amount of blood it was really surprising that he was still alive.


"Kill me..." he demanded in a low voice.


[Grudge: 150/1000]




"...doesn't matter... hurry up and kill me"


"If you really want me to kill you, I will"


DO IT...


Second found a broken sword near the man so he picked it up and thrust it at him.


[Level up]

[Grudge: 170/1000


[Congratulations! You have met the requirements. Quest tab will be unlocked]

[You will now receive daily quests]


[Congratulations! You have unlocked a new skill. Open the 'Skills' tab for more details]







[The immortal vampire's kin] Lvl max


While facing vampires or beasts, the enemy will be inflicted with FEAR.

The user is immortal to a certain extent. If their core of existence is destroyed, the user will die.




[Inspect] Lvl 1


You can use this skill on anything(Humans and beasts included) to gain information about it. When the skill levels up you can access more information.


[Perseverance]Lvl max


This skill will absorb half the damage the user receives and then returns it with double the damage.The user cannot move while skill is being used.

Linked skill: Eye for an eye


Cost- 50 mana


[Sacrificial revenge] Lvl 1


Sacrifice some health to land a flurry of attacks on the enemy.


Cost- 100 HP



"But man... it sure is bright" he said as he neared the exit.


As soon as he set a foot outside, he suddenly felt extremely hot even though it was seemingly morning.


He then looked at his hand which seemed to be the source of the heat.




"My...hand" he managed to say just before he caught on fire.




He tried to run somewhere but was blinded by the flames, so he didn't know where he was going.




He fell down and accepted his fate. No longer moving or screaming; he was unconscious. A figure jumped out of Second's shadow.


"Foolish servant!" he heard just before the mysterious figure began to pull him towards the hallway again.


The figure had also caught on fire.


"Hmph...! I can't believe my servant tried to kill himself without my permission" the immortal vampire who was in a blood-breed form until recently had taken the form of a human woman.




"Enough! Now I can't recover completely until two days" the MASTER said, "go in that corner and learn some sword technique will you?"


"The ring's power won't activate until I've recovered... if the ring isn't at full power, you will get caught on fire in the sun"


"Well... even if you tell me to train with the sword, I don't know what I need to do" he complained.




She passed him a picture scroll of length at least 10 meters.




"Get to it immediately!"