
Shadow Assassin (Dual Attributes)

It is a hard living in the new age of the modern world, on Earth. Especially if you did not have any Abilities; it was the case for Quinn. His parents were ambassadors, and secretly, Assassins working for the 'greater good'. Wars were quite a frequent occurance on Earth, leaving only ravaged remains of the once beautiful planet. Although, the once frequent wars had stopped and the world finally entered a fleeting age of peace, the larger powers were in a deadlock and in high geopolitical tension. The majority of the interstellar planets and bases were owned by Capitalist powerhouses that held only base value in high regards and sought after strong trans-humans: an evolved species of Humans that were compatible with Ability Dews that were found on alien planets and could extract and use different types of supernatural Abilities themselves. Quinn's parents were sent on an obvious su**ide-mission on the battlefront of some planet by the Governance of Earth, to 'fight and serve' their home-planet by fighting off the opposition consisting of a terrorist group called the "Elementals", and secretly, a whole another unknown enemy... Receiving their last, parting gift, Quinn got his hands on something that was completely out of scope for normal Humans, or any other intelligent race that could possibly or ever will exsist. It was of unknown origins when his parents found it, and only he would be the one to discover its true functioning and creator. He would become something that was nothing like a Human... he would forsake his life and living, only to find the truth about the artefact and why it chose him. He would fight enemies of the peaceful inhabitants of Earth in hopes to protect those that he once loved, when he was still Human. Furthermore, he would fight other beings in the shadows of different realms; discover secrets of the Universe and the one above it all. No, not God; nor the Great Old Ones. Nay, not even the Outer Gods. But, the one and only... above creation itself: a dream that birthed it; the Absolute Being. Existing in the Real World, out of this wretched Dream of his. Only by meeting his real origins and awakening, would Quinn be able to escape this accursed cycle that only he knew the truth of; alone, would he protect the mortals... in hopes of protecting only those that he loved.

MarKD · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs


Quinn stood still and unmoving as the video came to an end, bearing no specific expression to show his grief, sadness or loneliness


"Thank you for leaving something behind like this, at the very least," said Quinn in a low voice clenching his hand, 'But, what do I even do now? I feel like I'm forgetting something... .'


He then picked the ring up and thought: 'They tried everything they could think of... so what can I even do?'. He placed the ring on his finger, put on shoes and went out for a stroll.


As Quinn was walking he looked at the ring on his hand and thought: 'Hmm... maybe I drop some of my blood on it , I mean like... it works in mangas and novels,' trying to figure out how to activate the ring. 'Form a pact or some shit... I don't fuckin' know. No harm in giving it a try.'


Half way home, a water ball the size of a basketball came flying over to him from his side, he nearly dodged it and kept walking, he could hearing a kid of his age laughing behind him but he sucked up the anger. 'Tch, damn ability users! Just wait till I get stronger than all of you' Quinn gritted his teeth and glared at the nothingness in front of him as he kept walking.


Once he returned home, he placed the ring on a table. He then got a knife from the kitchen, ready to cut his index finger, and as he did, he didn't even flinch. Dropping some of the blood on the ring... nothing happened. Quinn let out a long sigh, "Of course, it won't work," no sooner did he say that, the ring started to glow brightly; "What the fu-".


Opening his eyes, he saw the ring on his hand, but it look somewhat different. On top of the ring, several small black stones could be seen. Among the many stones there was one that was slightly bigger than the rest.


[Conditions have been met...]


Quinn was startled when he heard a voice in his head; he then saw a blue transparent screen in front of him with the following words writ on it:



User: Quinn Maw(Human?)

lvl: 1

HP: 500/500

Mana: 100/100


Strength: 10 Agility: 10

Intelligence: 15 Sense: 10

Stamina: 10


Remaining points: 0



As Quinn was looking at the screen, he thought: 'Why the hell is there a question mark besides Human..? Also, what the fuck is this?!'. Soon after, he heard a voice again, but it was just that the voice was not the one that he had just heard when he saw the strange screen appear. Rather, it was deep and menacing... it left Quinn in a state of trepidation. It asked: "What do you desire?" It was as if the ring that Quinn was wearing spoke.


'Wha-what I desire?' thought Quinn questioning what he just heard. But, even if it was just a voice in his head, he knew what his answer would be: "Power!" shouted Quinn. The voice chuckled: "Hahahah, I see... ."

The voice left with a roaring echo of a sound that Quinn could not comprehend.

Just as the voice left, Quinn he felt a tingling feeling all around his body, it was the first time he had felt like this. It was a weird sensation. He unknowingly closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he was standing in a large white room.


As Quinn was trying to figure out just what exactly was going on, he saw the transparent screen again, "It's like a game status tab... reminds me of Diablo but hi-tech," said Quinn while looking at the screen. He noticed that there was also a skills and shop tab but they were still grayed out.


After studying the Status tab there was another window open that said something completely different-