
Shadow Assassin (Dual Attributes)

It is a hard living in the new age of the modern world, on Earth. Especially if you did not have any Abilities; it was the case for Quinn. His parents were ambassadors, and secretly, Assassins working for the 'greater good'. Wars were quite a frequent occurance on Earth, leaving only ravaged remains of the once beautiful planet. Although, the once frequent wars had stopped and the world finally entered a fleeting age of peace, the larger powers were in a deadlock and in high geopolitical tension. The majority of the interstellar planets and bases were owned by Capitalist powerhouses that held only base value in high regards and sought after strong trans-humans: an evolved species of Humans that were compatible with Ability Dews that were found on alien planets and could extract and use different types of supernatural Abilities themselves. Quinn's parents were sent on an obvious su**ide-mission on the battlefront of some planet by the Governance of Earth, to 'fight and serve' their home-planet by fighting off the opposition consisting of a terrorist group called the "Elementals", and secretly, a whole another unknown enemy... Receiving their last, parting gift, Quinn got his hands on something that was completely out of scope for normal Humans, or any other intelligent race that could possibly or ever will exsist. It was of unknown origins when his parents found it, and only he would be the one to discover its true functioning and creator. He would become something that was nothing like a Human... he would forsake his life and living, only to find the truth about the artefact and why it chose him. He would fight enemies of the peaceful inhabitants of Earth in hopes to protect those that he once loved, when he was still Human. Furthermore, he would fight other beings in the shadows of different realms; discover secrets of the Universe and the one above it all. No, not God; nor the Great Old Ones. Nay, not even the Outer Gods. But, the one and only... above creation itself: a dream that birthed it; the Absolute Being. Existing in the Real World, out of this wretched Dream of his. Only by meeting his real origins and awakening, would Quinn be able to escape this accursed cycle that only he knew the truth of; alone, would he protect the mortals... in hopes of protecting only those that he loved.

MarKD · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

I'm A What?

Time passed quickly and almost in the blink of an eye to them, it was already evening. The group of four students were out, exploring the city and the various things it had to offer. 

The city was separated into different sections of the first five Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV, & V. The different sections served different purposes for the students and other people that were present for whatever reason, be it for buisness reasons or any other.

The section 'I' of the city was mostly comprised of appartment buildings for temporary housing, and general stores for every single one of the needs of students to live their life in comfort; section 'II' was a bit more secluded from the other sections, and in all honesty, it looked somewhat like a junkyard with a myriad of metals, alloys, and other technologies as well; section 'III' was a large area that acted as a market-place for the students and forgers who would create magic gear, be it weapons, armour or other gadgets that required magic crystals; section 'IV' could be said to be an entertainment district, although it wasn't the largest in size, it did not pale in comparision to the other sections; section 'V' was a little different to the rest of the sections though: it had services that were not available in the other sections, or to put it simply, it was miscellaneous in that regard. Some of the facilities in section 'V' allowed the consumer to rent forging rooms, small laboratories, etc.

Throughout the entirety of the day, until evening, the group had been exploring the sections III and IV. Despite their short stay at section III, Quinn had tried his best to look for some decent equipment; not that he needed any, but just for the sake of gauging the craftsmanship of most of the equipment. Although most of them were ranked lower than C-rank in his System, he would find a hidden gem here and there in random stalls at the rank of B or one that he was most attracted to: an A-rank, Three-section Staff—the San Jie Gun for the nerds.

Most of the higher rank equipment came from one of the two best forgers in the military school at the moment. Although, the lack of any type of Skills or Special Effects on the equipment speaks for the lack of experience.

Moving to section IV, Quinn could feel the atmosphere change almost the instant they entered the section. It was a merry atmosphere filled with laughs, chatter and tomfoolery between friends. It looked like a top-tier, mordern city with fun activities around every corner like games, movies and what not.

After spending hours in the entertainment district, the group would finally dine on delicacies from all over the universe. Some meat from an unknow creature to most of them, which after inspecting, Quinn found it out to be magical foods, ones that would give them a certain type of buff when eaten. These types of foods were not only enjoyed by Travellers and Dungeon Crawllers due to the buff effects they had, but also by the normal folks that had enough money to spend on it. Although most of the magic beasts were inedible, there were a few exceptions, and thus, such foods came to be; infused with the magic properties of the beast when it was alive, it gave a certain buff to the consumer.

Half the time when they were dining, they would talk about the food. Finally, when they were done, on Quinn's request, they would split the bill between Sen and himself, to which, Sen did comply after elbowing Quinn in the gut. 

It was six in the evening by now, and the group would walk around the rest of the entertainment district to burn the enromous calorie intake. Whilst walking, Quinn happened to take notice of a herb shop. Using his Scrutinize Skill on each and every one of the herbs and flowers, to see their effects and learn about them, and hopefully increase the level of the new, evolved Scrutinize Skill. Having basic knowledge in botany of alien ecology was a must for the sake of survival on a planet with beasts and different lifeforms if the mission were a long one, after all.

It was all going well until he came across a certain herb...


[Indigo Calkaro]

Type: Medicinal Herb

A rare and potent root renowned for its invigorating properties. It can restore vitality and enhance physical prowess for a short time period.

It acts as a viagra, and enhances sexual function by increasing nitric oxide production, which improves blood flow to the genetalia of human males and females. It has proved more potent than the likes of the ginseng roots, etc.


Quinn's cheeks flushed with a bit of red and he was holding back from letting out a slight laugh as well. "Hey, Quinn, are you feeling alright?" Quinn heard from his while he was busy looking at the item description and the herb, it was Sen as he checked Quinn's temperature. Quinn was startled as he wasn't the one he was expecting, and quickly, knocked his hand away, "I'm alright, for goodness' sake."

Quinn noticed that Petra was staring at a flower the colour of a light and beautiful purple. 'Hmm. Maybe Luna would like one too. She seemed a bit... frustruated? I don't even know what to do with her...'

Eventually, they would reach the gates to the grand military academy once more, and bid each other farewell.

"It was fun while it lasted," Sen said as he smooched towards Quinn. "Dude, what the fuck?! Were you here for me or Emma?!"

Laughing at Quinn's comment, the students were ready to disperse and go their own dorms. But, Quinn grabbed onto Petra's hand, "Hey, uhh, I did have fun today and I saw you looking at the flowers at the store, so here's a... little gift. Consider it an apology for what happened at Butani too..."

Petra almost jumped when Quinn grabbed her hand, but quickly calming down, she turned around and heard what he just said, "You... don't need to apologise, Quinn. It was due to my own incompetance. I didn't know what was coming and the amount of danger that would be present on beast infested planets... . In fact, I should be the one thanking you. I heard from Carl that you almost single-handedly defeated the rock-worm and even insisted on searching for me even though I might have been dead in there..." Petra looked at Quinn's eyes as she reached for his hands and held them, " So, thank you! I'll gladly accept the gift as well!"

Before he could say anything, Petra stormed off after grabbing Emma and went straight for the girls' dorms. "Damn, Quinn~" Sen placed his hand on Quinn's shoulder, "And here I thought I was something. She's clearly interested in you~. She wants you, bro!"

"Enough," Quinn shaked his hand off of him and walked towards one of the training areas in the academy premises, "You can go home if you want. I'm going to use the training dummy for a bit."

"Hey, I'm coming too!" Sen rushed behind him. "Say... I noticed that you got stronger from the last time we faced each other. Now, before you say anything, I already know that you're keeping some crazy secrets. Not only from the time when Zayne attacked us, but also during the fight with Victor;

I saw that enormous Shadow that was raished above our heads, and I know for a fact that that wasn't your Darkness ability. I've never seen that use of the Darkness ability in my whole life, and I come from a family that is mainly comprised of Darkness ability users, and this Metallic Blood ability is just something the members of the main family possess."

Quinn didn't stop walking forward as he heard Sen talking, not in his usual cheery attitude as well, but he did not speak a word. "Now, hear me out... I'm not going to perster you about this, and I know when a secret is too important to be revealed to anyone. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone anything. You should thank your luck that I was the only one from the Berman in this school," Sen explained so as to keep Quinn calm, "If it were someone else... I'm afraid anyone in the entire universe would even remember you..." Sen mumbled very quietly under his breath, but due to Quinn's inhuman senses, he could hear it.

"You remember the last time we fought?" Sen asked Quinn, to which, he nodded. "Well, I was holding back my full power back then. I never used my Ki and didn't control the blood that was pouring out of you, did i? Don't underestimate a person with a B-rank ability from an Original family~!"

"What're you getting at?" Quinn finally stopped in his tracks and looked dead straight in Sen's eyes. "We're friends, and you're probably the closest friend I have in this school, so you don't need to worry about me telling anyone anything. I won't tell a soul!"

"You'll not tell them what, exactly?" Quinn walked towards Sen with his hands in his pockets. "That you're an alien!" Sen said with a grin.

'What the fuck...'