
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Part 8 - Orion

The war cries of Morcarian warriors echoed around the small town. The once peaceful Erised now in disarray, as stone houses and cottages once filled with laughter and happiness, now burnt with the thick black smoke filling the once cloudless sky. Memories lost to the wreckage, as young and old alike ran in the hopes of saving both themselves and the sentimental things trapped within the burning wreckage's. Morgana was quick to rally the people who couldn't defend themselves, into following her, the Shade Princess thankful for Finnick's insistence on doing run through's in case an attack happened. The princes and other warriors rallied together in order to fight the rogue warriors back. Daryl quickly commenting they were after something, even more so when it was highly unusual for Morcarian's to attack any kingdom outside of Heiress.

"Ladies" called Prince Credence upon finding the group of mundane women, Echo looking around her once peaceful kingdom with sorrow to see what had become of it. The attack had started so quickly with little warning, Balor and AJ still with them, doing there best to keep them protected until help could arrive. Although that was easier said than done with Mira whom seemed to be attracting the warriors to her, as if she was the one whom lead them into battle in the first place. "Follow Morgana, she'll get you to safety" instructed the sixth prince, his blue eyes lingering on Evie just a little longer, as if to memorize every detail. Something even his toughest brothers were guilty of doing. AJ soon lead the women towards Arathorn Forest, a sword in hand as he prepared to defend them, even at the cost of his own life. Balor picking up two Morcarian swords, handing one to Echo and the other to Evie, knowing both women could put them to good use and help protect the rest.

"Morgana" yelled AJ, "Odie" added the determined warrior, catching the attention of the born princess and her blacksmith apprentice. Morgana stopped quickly, instructing Odie to continue leading the elderly, women and children to safety, down the path she had taught him so long before hand. No words needed to be spoken for Morgana to understand what she was being charged with, a simple nod sufficed, although it was clear Mira didn't want the two vampire warriors to leave, even when her feelings on them were clear. Morgana soon gestured for the seven women to follow her, Mira pushing the other women out of her way, as if she was suggesting she was more important than them, or would sacrifice them if meant her own safety. Echo soon helped Maggie back to her feet, allowing her to walk ahead, as she looked back once more, as if suspecting the danger had yet to be averted.

Elsewhere Alexander looked around the burning kingdom with a vicious grin upon his lips, almost like a forgotten wish of his, had finally become reality. He didn't bother helping the people around him, instead just laughing. His only attempt to move was to defend himself against the Morcarian warriors when they launched into attack. Daryl on the other hand, helped defend the kingdom as best he could, pulling people away from danger despite the protests and tears of agony. Valentine doing a similar thing, where as Finnick had sent Lucian after the princesses, with his suspicions of the attack being a distraction. Alden and Credence tailed Finnick, as he went from place to place in an attempt to defend those left behind, as he lead his soldiers into the battle and push back the warriors to have raided the peaceful kingdom.

Alden soon smacked his elder brother upside the head with the hilt of his sword, ensure it knocked him out for the time being. Yet quickly the Prince to embody Sloth, noticed something was amiss with the battle. Just like always the Morcarian warriors didn't seem to want to harm anyone but Alexander, all the buildings set ablaze had been empty, as if done so on purpose. If being so clear they warriors had a purpose this time, something they hadn't had for centuries, not since Decidit had been slain.

"Finnick" called the Prince of Sloth, upon the realization suddenly hitting him, like a blade had pieced his chest. "Finnick they're after the princesses" yelled Alden, as he made for Arathorn Forest, seeing Avi run past him with grace, the large dire wolf all but a white fluffy blur as he went passed. The other princes also running past, with the exception of Alexander whom lay knocked out at the edge of the small town near the castle. It being clear each had the same mindset and goal. Protect the princesses and their sister. Yet when they reached the forest's edge, it was as if all sound had been muted, not even the sound of the water rushing over the rocks of the waterfall could be heard, nor birds high up in the trees. Instead everything was eerily quiet.

"Magic" spat Valentine, as if he recognized the unnatural unseen bubble blocking out all sound. Worry soon etched on his features, somewhere in the thick dense forest was their brother Lucian, sister Morgana and the seven princesses, along with god knows how many Morcarian warriors hunting them. "What do they want with the girls?" asked the third princes, as if unsure what was so interesting about them, besides the obvious. Daryl, Credence and Finnick looked to each other, almost as if they held the answer but refused to speak it aloud out of dread, something they feared would become reality.

"One of them is their Midnight Star" responded Alden, before Finnick ran off to the east. Yet still no sound could be heard, only the unsettling feeling being left in the Prince of Wrath's stead. "They want to restore their magic and wake the druids again" quickly explained Alden, pulling a hand through his short dark hair. Deep down he knew for Credence the druids return wouldn't be a bad thing, as it would also mean the return of his closest friend Malakai, the Air Druid. Before another word could be spoken, the eeriness surrounding the forest seemed to melt away like mist in sunlight. The sounds of the forest returned, hitting each prince like a battering ram. The sounds of the birds fleeing the trees for safety, the smell of smoke from the burning building, war cries and swords clanging together. Even Avi could be heard howling and Finnick yelling Echo's name as if on repeat.

"Finnick!" came a voice deep in the forest, the calm voice familiar to all princes. Each of those stood their ran in the direction their sister's voice come from. Each remaining quiet in case they missed her calls again and lost where she was. Again her soft voice called out, but this time filled with pain and worry, it being clear something had happened. Lucian's voice also joining Morgana's, this time calling for Credence. The Prince of Pride diverted off to find Lucian, the feeling of dread settling in the pit of his stomach. The moment he found his elder brother, Credence felt his heart drop. There lying in his arms was Evie, blood staining the fabric of her torn dress, wounds to her arms and another to her head, it being clear she'd put up a fight, but had lost. Whomever she fought against long gone.

"Echo and Mira are missing still" spoke Lucian, his shoulder length brunette hair falling into his face, as if a veil separate him from his younger brother. The dread only seemed to tighten around Credence upon hearing the words leave Lucian's lips. Echo was still out there, which meant Finnick wouldn't give up until he found her, Mira was who knows where. It wouldn't surprise the Prince of Pride to learn she had simply stormed off in a tantrum, as she had been known to do before when not in the limelight. "There's something different about the Morcarian's, its almost like they didn't want to hurt anyone. The warrior could have killed me, and Evie but left us alone" admitted Lucian, his confusion on full display. Never once in the past had a Morcarian wasted an opportunity to strike down their enemies.

"We're not their enemy, we never were. Alexander is" responded Credence, realizing quickly even in war Morcarian's would choose mercy, much like most vampires would. "Alden said they're after their Midnight Star" started Credence, with fear pranging in his voice, yet not for the druids return, but for what the Midnight Star could do. As the brothers listened, each of the remaining princes called out to say they had found their princess wondering the forest in an effort to find those they'd been separated from. Morgana calling there was no sign of Mira, where as Finnick refused to answer, instead he focused his search.

"Let me in Echo" whispered Finnick from his spot near the ruins of Vidavellir, the ancient and once beautiful Morcarian city. With a deep breath, Finnick focused his attention on Echo, once again hoping to use the bond they shared to find her,. All while ignoring the dread to be stinging the pit of his stomach. He refused to acknowledge the fear of losing her, refused to give the fear the power to grow. "Vidavellir" commented the Prince of Wrath, looking in the direction of the ancient ruins, the uncertain feelings growing as unexplained memories re-emerged again. Memories of the city during its prime over a thousand years prior, memories no living being should have. "Why Vidavellir?" questioned Finnick, curious why every path seemed to lead him to the ancient ruins, curious what was drawing him there.

"You find her?" questioned Lucian, as the fourth prince appeared from the dense foliage, his own princess in Mercedes safe with the others. "Alexander woke up, looking for Mira and blaming Alden for her being missing" spoke the Prince of Envy, refusing to speak of a matter he'd been charged with investigating some time ago. Finnick simply shook his head, his attention turning to the ruins of Vidavellir, the high towers of which could been seen overshadowing the tallest trees, dwarfing them even with their sheer height. "Remember what Wyatt said to us the day we took our princess to our kingdoms" calmly added Lucian, suspecting what was happening now, had something to do with it, just as this would only serve to prove his theory correct or show just how little he truly knew.

"The Princesses of Heiress and Erised, opposites sides of war they shall be. Their paths similar but different. One fights for the people of Grisha and peace, the other for recognition and her own selfish desires" repeated Finnick, recalling the words so clearly, as if Wyatt had spoken them mere moments before. Finnick sighed loudly, frustration and a mix of an array of emotions all present. "Echo's not their Midnight Star, she's something else, more powerful" added Finnick, sharing his belief on which one of the two women he believed was fated to lead the Morcarian's down a path of sorrow, lead them into a pointless war with a reward of heartbreak and uncertainty of the future.

"You're right, Mira is their Midnight Star. Father knows it. But for Grisha to finally be united under one rule, secrets have to come to light and the hero must rise again" responded Lucian, cryptically speaking of what he suspected was coming. All signs pointed to it, even Avi was playing his part in the long journey they were all apart of. "Listen to what the forest is telling you Finnick" spoke the Prince of Envy, being wise with his words although not finishing his sentence, nor sharing the secret only he and Wyatt knew when it come to the youngest prince. A truth that would only prove, the gods of Grisha had always had a plan for all of them.

Finnick soon left within a blink of a eye, he found himself in the ruins of the ancient Morcarian city, in a long forgotten graveyard. He wondered why that spot, until he noticed the door to an out of place tomb open, the name Arathorn written above the entrance in a long forgotten language. The Prince of Wrath found himself unsure, but also knew Echo was inside, almost as if someone was trying to tell him something or lure him there for a reason. A snapping sound behind the vampire prince soon brought him from his trance, quickly he turned to face a possible enemy, only to see a lone Morcarian Warrior. His powder blue shoulder length hair styled similar to that of Lucian, his orange eyes friendly, as if greeting someone he was familiar with, he drew no weapon instead holding his hands up as if to surrender to the Prince of Wrath.

"She's unharmed" calmly spoke the lone warrior, speaking as if the vampire prince was a friend. The kindness he showed suggesting he knew something very few others did. "No Morcarian would intention hurt her, not when those with foresight have spoken of her importance in the wars to come" added the warrior, keeping at a distance, as if to calm the prince before him, yet the smile her wore suggested he recognized Finnick for whom he truly was, or at least sensed something few others could. "My name is Orion, I believe this belongs to our princess" spoke the pointed ear warrior, holding out a bracelet, the same bracelet Echo had lost the day she'd come to Grisha, at the mirror. Orion's choice of words didn't slip past Finnick, but still he didn't say anything as he reached out to take the bracelet.

"Thank you" voiced Finnick, showing his gratitude for the warrior, yet also finding himself curious why Orion had gone out of his way to not only protect Echo, but return something that she'd thought was lost. Yet despite the Prince of Wrath's best efforts, he was unable to word his question. Upon turning his attention back to Orion, the Morcarian warrior had seemingly vanished, almost as if he was never there in the first place. Finnick soon turned back to Arathorn's tomb, swallowing his uncertainty before entering, finding Echo calmly sat on one of the stone benches against the furthest wall, opposite the stone carved tomb of the ancient hero. Her attention solely on the old battered book in her lap, it almost like she was unaware of the battle of sorts to have taken place or her status as missing.

"Echo' called Finnick, his voice sounded so loud as it bounced of the marble walls of the tomb. Echo soon looked up, a smile appearing on her lips to see him again, she soon closed the book she'd previously been reading. Running over to him with happiness he was okay, despite everything to have happened, the question of the other woman lingering on her lips, even more so for Evie whom had fought against another well trained warrior, she done her best but still ended up injured. Although the warrior had seemed regretful for hurting Evie, even staying with her until Lucian had arrived. "How did you get here?" asked Finnick, curiosity getting the better of him, as he held her close, relief finally washing over him.

"Orion" simply responded Echo. "He saved me, I would have fallen from the cliff had he not created the portal" elaborated the silver eyed princess, showing her own confusion. She could recall reading somewhere, only the most powerful Morcarian's could create portals. The ability itself was considered to be a gift from Rami.