
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Part 11 - The Awakening

Mira walked around the cottage prepared for her, critiquing it as she did with everything else, even more so when she deemed it not up to standard or even fit for royalty to stay in. Alexander on the other hand, stood at the window to the left of the main entrance, watching as the Morcarians to call Mordikai home, went about their tasks, as they set everything up for the ceremony the following morning. He'd caught whispers of some passing Morcarians, some hopeful for what could be, while others unsure and fearful of being lead astray. All seemed excited by the idea of Mella, Montrix and Orion being there, although some questioned if some answers would finally be given and mysteries finally solved.

"Are the rumors about Morgana still persisting?" asked Mira, hints of anger and jealousy running through her voice. Alexander could only nod, unsure why his younger abomination of a sister was suddenly the talk of the Morcarians, yet he didn't intend on asking either. Even when he knew from Mira's actions, she had some idea why. "Surely you would know whom the so called Shade Princess's mother is. Just as I'm sure you'd know if one of your brothers was actually a Morcarian" commented the bottle redhead, a wicked grin coming to her features. She wondered if Morgana would make an appearance and prove the rumors of her heritage true, she also wondered if someone out there knew what happened to the child, Tara was expecting, besides Kane and his loyal council.

"You'll be able to find the answers when Rami officially accepts you as High Seeker and awakens the Druids again" responded Alexander, the thoughts to cross his mind, were nothing but ways to use the power his Princess would gain. How they could use the druids to do their biding, how they would have the power to start a war. After all nobody would expect the normally peaceful Morcarians to suddenly attack. No one would be able to stop them, as they took over all of Grisha. "We'd be truly unstoppable. Even more so if we find Letha's Mirror" added the first vampire prince, once again his mind settling on the mirror and the creature imprisoned inside it. The sheer power the creature processed was unmatched by anything else in Grisha. Yet there was a catch, the creature could only bound with those whom willingly agreed, and Arathorn's sword was the only thing the creature would accept as a peace offering.

Elsewhere in Mordikai, Montrix walked the peaceful road up the side of the mountain with Orion, the powder blue hair warrior unusually quiet, as if filled with dread in these uncertain times. Still to this day he held so many secrets, still he refused to speak them to another. Many times had Montrix attempted to get him to open up to her, even more so when she could both see and sense something was bothering him. As she knew it was now. Although at the same time the elegant woman wondered why Orion had done all in his power to avoid Mira, not even speaking a word to her, let alone telling her his name.

"You avoid the Midnight Star, our future queen" voiced Montrix, recalling when Decidit had ruled as King. Anyone whom refused to acknowledge him risked banishment or even execution for treason, depending on his mood. Some believed Mira would be no different, after all she was from the same questionable royal line as him, she was Decidit's descendant. Orion stopped, instead taking a seat on a stone bench, overlooking the edge of the mountain, to the forest, fields and valleys below. Recalling when he visited Mordikai for the first time as a child, when he truly realized the burden he would one day bare.

"Mira will be a queen" responded Orion, his golden eyes landing on Montrix seeing her confusion and even fear for the words to leave his lips. "She wont be my queen, I can not follow someone who hates who we are, she'll only lead our people down a path of despair" admitted the softly spoken warrior, although Mira was destined to be a queen, he refused to accept her as his. He couldn't ignore what so many with the gift of foresight had spoken of. The fate all signs seemed to be pointing to. "All druid heirs must choose their own path. Whether that is to follow in our parents footsteps or finding our own way. I have chosen, as you must" calmly spoke Orion, a gentle friendly smile appearing on his lips, as Montrix sat at his side, even more so when it became clear to her, which he was choosing.

"You choose to follow the princess rather than our own queen. Why?" simply questioned Montrix, as she struggled to understand. She knew once, a long time ago the druids had been split. Sasha and Reeves had fought on one side of war, where as Malakai and Tara had done all in their power to prevent it, even going as far to help the vampires who wished for peace. Montrix soon grabbed hold of Orion's hands, as a lover would do. Refusing to look into his golden eyes, for fear of what she would see, for fear of what the future would hold for them both.

"I have to protect her. She is the key to salvation and victory" calmly commented Orion, knowing the salvation he spoke of wasn't just for Morcarians but for everyone whom chose to follow her. "The Shade, Wyatt. He speaks of things others haven't seen. He's never been wrong before, I doubt he will be now. The fate of all Grisha is worth this treason" added the Morcarian warrior, accepting his fate if things were to take a turn for a worst, seeing the punishment would be worth it, as it would mean he hadn't compromised who he was for someone he didn't believe in. "I can't follow someone so selfish Montrix. Our people have been through enough. I choose to fight for a better Grisha than accept a false queen" finished Orion, noticing Montrix nodding to his words, reluctantly accepting his decision, even if she wished he would stay with her, or at least see what was so clearly in front of him.

"I hope when this is all over. We'll be together again" tearfully spoke Montrix, knowing well what Orion's words meant. He wouldn't be at the awakening tomorrow, instead he would leave and join the vampires, no doubt going to Erised. "Just promise me you'll come back, when you've found what you're looking for" asked the lavender haired woman, trying her best to put on a brave face and smile, although it didn't seem to work. None the less Orion nodded to her request, pulling her to her feet and embracing her, placing a soft kiss to her hairline, and whispering the promise the pair had made as children, as if reminding her of something from a lifetime prior.

Reluctantly Montrix pulled away from Orion, watching as he opened a portal leading to the grassy open fields of the Shadow Lands. With one last look to Montrix, Orion walked through, closing the silver and red portal behind him. Montrix on the other hand, slowly continued her walk up the mountain side. Her thoughts being on her father, Reeves. As well as the other three druids, Tara, Malakai and Sasha. It was no secret they would have harsh judgement for Mira, her father especially. She wondered if Tara would be proud of Orion, for following his heart rather than what so many expected of him, as an druid heir.

Morning soon rolled around, with it came the excitement for what could be, for the awakening and potential return of the druids. Many whispered in hope. Mira on the other hand, dreaded what was to come, she'd spent the night reading through books along with Alexander. Trying to find any information she could on the Awakening, although both had quickly become frustrated when they found so little. Both had quickly changed, Alexander changed into royal robes, robes that so often set him apart from those around him. White with gold decorations, his rarely used silver bladed sword attached to his hip, with a princely crown upon his head. Mira wore something of Morcarian Tradition, a red sparkling gown, like Alexander it had golden decoration on the sleeves, neckline and waist. Although she had no crown to speak of.

Mella soon knocked on the door, taking Montrix's place in leading Mira to the shimmering silver tree. Alexander had been determined to follow the women, but had been held back the moment he stepped from the wooden door. The two warriors far stronger than him and both gifted with magic, both making it clear, he had no place being in the epicenter this time. Mira had attempted to go back and even demand Alexander be at her side, Mella had simple refused and ushered Mira forward, watching as Mira looked around for Montrix and likely Orion. Neither of which were present, Montrix had left for Wraith during the night, with the claim her people needed her more. Where as Orion had only left a note before leaving, his destination unknown.

"We Morcarians have lost so much over the years. Our druids, our magic and even our loved ones. But through all of it we kept faith there was a reason for our sorrow. We kept hoping things would be better. We kept hoping our Midnight Star would come, and she did" spoke Mella, her attention on the people from all Morcarian cities, Mira stood behind her, as if she was the most important person there, looking upon the Morcarian people as if they were beneath her, and nothing more than slaves to do as she woefully demanded. "Today Mira will place her hand upon the Druids Tree, she'll face Rami's trial and hopefully take her place as our queen" continued Mella, being careful to choose her words. Even more so when she knew Rami could easily reject Mira, despite her status as Midnight Star.

Mira looked to the shimmering silver tree, failing to see what was so special about it. The tree was leafless, parts of it was dulling to a pale grey, although she did notice a hand print mid way up the bark, around it was the same jewel which grew in the tree at Erised, in the throne room. The one that had given her an eerie feeling whenever she looked at it, the one she had an unexplained fear of. Carefully Mira held up her left hand, as if admiring the golden rings adorning her bony fingers, slowly she stepped towards the tree, ignoring all of those watching her, although she enjoyed the attention. With a deep breath, the first princess and Midnight Star pushed her hand forward until it pressed against the smooth hand print on the silver tree trunk. The second she did, she felt a powerful wave of magic serge through her, yet nothing else appeared to be happening. Those there to watch the ceremony, seemed frozen in place.

From the back of the crowd Alexander, struggled against the armor clad warriors. Once again attempting to get to Mira now she had done as she was supposed to. Yet still the two strong guards refused to let him go, or even listen to his threats. Upon Alexander's attention returning to Mira, he noticed her looking around in confusion, as if searching for something, she held a hand to her ear, as if listening to something no one else or at least he couldn't hear. To his horror and without warning Mira collapsed, at the same time a powerful unseen force hit him, pushing him backwards and further from Mira. No matter how much he fought against it, the force always seemed stronger, as if it was the spirit of past druids coming back to haunt him for his wrong doings.

When Mira hit the rocky ground beneath her, it was like she had been transported to the galaxy beyond Grisha. The twinkling stars of far off planets in the distance, resting in the blues and purples of a newly formed galaxy. The same voice deep mumbled voice she heard seconds prior echoed again, speaking in the same forgotten language as before. As it did, a dragon like figure formed in the galaxy, as if the far way galaxy had birthed it. Mira looked upon with fear and anxiety, all of it seeming too much for her to handle. All she was supposed to do was place her hand on a stupid tree, awake the druids, then she could control the Morcarians and go home to Heiress. Now she was god only knew where. Yet the moment she began to focus, she noticed the voice was no longer speaking in a forgotten language, but one that could easily be understood, and the voice seemed to be rumbling like thunder from the dragon before her.

"Midnight Star of old, two paths lie before you now. The forgotten ways of peace and acceptance and the murky path of despair and betrayal" spoke the thunder like voice, although the dragon's jaw didn't move, its black eyes focused solely on her. Mira shivered, her spine tingled as if the dragon was looking in her soul and reading her thoughts. "I am Rami, the High Seeker's spirit guide. The druids will wake once more, to guide our people again. Choose your path wisely Midnight Star, for you will not get another chance" added the dragon, finally saying its name. Although like many Morcarians, Mira noticed he didn't seemed convinced or even pleased to see. Almost like she wasn't the one meant to lead the Morcarians as their chosen monarch, or even be the one there in the first place.

Before Mira could respond, she woke up, once again back in Mordikai, as if she hadn't gone anywhere. The once shimmering silver tree now seemed to be cracking and creaking, as if something was attempting to break free from the wooden prison within. Mella appeared at Mira's side, holding out a helping hand, to which Mira thoughtlessly used to pull herself up, wasting little time in pushing the druid heir to the side. It didn't take Mira long to notice some of the Morcarian's present had fallen to their knees, at first Mira had been unsure why, until she noticed her once bottle red hair was now a pastel green color and reached down to her hips. Her hands were now long and elegant like Morcarians, the rings she wore had fallen off at some point. Mira soon grabbed hold the closest reflective object, looking at her reflection in shock and horror. Gone was her boring mundane form, its place of it was that of an elegant and graceful Morcarian woman. Large, dull orange eyes, straight pastel green hair, a small nose and thin lips with a pointed chin. A thin frame, her arms appearing long and decorated in tribal markings.

Mira had forgotten Alexander was there, until he appeared at her side, almost as if he was making sure, she was still his Mira. Before either could stay a word, the groaning, creaking and cracking from the silver tree got louder, a white light escaping from a few cracks, as the once pale grey hand print now had a familiar golden glow. Soon the pure bright white light, was too blinding to look at, all those there taking a step back. Some gasping, others jumping back when a explosion of some kind could be heard, from the middle of the blinding light. Far above in the clear blue skies, the sound of an eagle calling could be heard, it appeared to be getting closer, as if drawn to the bright white light.

Only when the light dimmed, did the Morcarians truly begin to celebrate. There in the place where the shimmering silver tree once stood, was a man. Tall and graceful like many Morcarians, clad in a white robe, his hair short for a Morcarian man, his hair the same wooden brown as his eyes. The markings on his arms, matching some of the ones Mira also had. Mira and Alexander heard Mella's whispers of relief, as single word slipped from her lips, a peaceful grin of hope appearing on her lips as she watched the figure walked towards Mira. He greeted and blessed Morcarians as he did so, as if settling into an old routine again, like he hadn't missed a beat, despite it being centuries.

"Midnight Star" calmly called the robed Morcarian, one of his hands finding Mella's shoulder, a reassuring squeeze, as if informing her, he recognized her and all would be put right soon. "I am Malakai. The Air Druid. I am charged with helping you learn the traditional Morcarian ways, as decided by Rami there" spoke Malakai, introducing himself to the once mundane woman, watching with almost amusement as she looked over to her right shoulder, to see a much smaller version of Rami hiding beneath her pastel green locks. Alexander too look to Mira's shoulder, confused when he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. When the first prince turned his attention back to Malakai, he quickly noticed the Air Druid was looking right at him, distrust and judgement shone brightly in his wooden brown eyes, as if he already knew a truth Alexander had tried so hard to hide. Or he knew which path Mira had chosen the moment the choices were placed before her.