
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Thành thị
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23 Chs

End of the Trip

Akirai decided, this was to be their last Beast, and then they would leave.

Akirai became thoughtfull, her normal fighting strategie wouldn´t work on the spider, at least not where they were now, maybe she could prepare a few traps?

She looked around and the first thing that caught her eye was the stream the spider was drinking from, was there a river nearby? Could she trick the spider in jumping in and drowning?

Akirai was quite sure that spiders couldn´t swimm... was there a cliff or ravine anywhere nearby?

That would work as well, Akirai tilted her head and backed off, in her time out in the wild she had become daring, but not stupid, she could deal with most Beasts quite easely, but a King-Beast was another matter entirely, Akirai was afraid that she´d get killed in 10 seconds flat if she were to attack head on, the snake from before had doomed itself, killed itself with its own corrosive poison, but there was no guarantee that the spider would, or even could do the same as the snake had.

She crept away silently and explored the surrounding region, it was relativly empty except the trees, there were a few small streams nearby, but nothing big enough to drown the spider...

Could spiders die from fall damage? Maybe, maybe not, what if she put spikes into the ground? Could she kill the spider that way? Would the wood be strong enough not to break under the spiders weight?

Mabye, AKirai looked at Lynna, would her poison work? Slow it enough?

...Was Lynna able to produce deadly poison? Would it work? It would certainly be faster then digging traps or luring it far away.

Was it worth a try? She would leave afterwards anyway, was it worth to experience Death?

"Lynna, do you think you have poison strong enough to immoblilize that spider?" She asked, in theory, this could work, Lynna was a Bronze-rank now, even though she was a support-type, and the King-Beast was only a No-rank, although the King status made it clear that it could fight against a Bronze-rank if need be.

Afterall, a King-Beast could fight a Beast of a rank higher than itself.

Through their pact, Akirai felt Lynna give her a firm yes, although it wasn´t spoken, but felt.

Akirai tapped her thigh in thought and smirked. "That would work." She thought and climbed one of the trees near the stream, if Lynna attacked from above, then it should work.

She set her partner down on one of the lower branches and climbed down and onto another tree, this one being placed directly above the spider.

"Showtime." She mouthed and jumped.

Suprisingly it all went down very fast after that, a knife of Akirais lodged itself in its back and it jumped, Akirai fell and ran, the spider following behind in anger, she ran toward a tree and along it, jumping back into the spiders back, letting her other knife sink in to it as well.

She grabbed both handles and pulled them, not out, but down the spiders back, leaving behind two large gashes that spurted with blood, the spider flung her off and she crashed in a tree, hard enough that she was sure she brok at least a rib, she was dizzy and would not get up again, but she had done what she planned to do, Lynn dropped her poison powder down and it entered the enraged Beast through the open wounds.

At first nothing happened and Akirai used her hands to support herself as she got ready to dodge, but just as it was about to jump for her again, did it loose its balance and fell.

It lay there, twitching on the ground as a little black shadow fell from the tree and onto its back, sinking its teeth into the open wounds, the spider shrieked and the poison seemed to wear off, put Lynn spat another cloud of golden dust onto it, and it became immobile again.

This started a cycle, the spider fought off the little learva on its back as the little thing slowly burrowed itself into the spider, it fought and fought and fought for hours, but Lynnas poison was just to strong, too potent, and in the end, she dissapeared from view.

Akira let out a long breath and tittered a bit on her legs, she brought up her balled fist against her lips as she coughed and she saw the blood leak through the gaps.

Seemed like she punctured a lung, it didn´t hurt as much as it should have, although Akirai made a note to be far more carefull in the future, drowning in her own blood was something she didn´t want to go through a third time.

Akirais view became black as she heard a thump as something hit the ground, her own corpse, maybe?

"The Host has died, do you want to respawn at your current location, or a randomized one?" Sylvie asked her.

"On the spot, Sylvie, on the spot." She replied.

Akirai opened her eyes again, she was lying on the floor, blood pooling underneath her, she stood up, all aches from before gone, and stretched, hearing most of her bones crack lightly, as if she had just stood up after laying down for a long time, she yawned, she suddenly felt very tired, maybe the strain from this little adventure of theirs was catching up?

She moved to the trunk of another tree and sat down, letting her head rest on her arm, her legs pulled up against her chest.

She fell asleep, not worried for Beasts or the elements, the forest had been rather warm all this time and it had hardly rained since she came here, this was the territory of a King-Beast, for a day or two? Nothing alive would dare venture there.

Akirai noted with a bit of annoynce, that it was once again daytime.

"Bye-bye sleep cycle, nice knowing ya´." She commented half asleep.


In all honesty, Akirai was prepared to camp out for another month at least, as Lynn sure took her time to eat... or whatever it was... Akirai stuck to her eating.

Suprisingly though, she barely took a week before she was done, maybe the Bronze-rank did the trick, she thought she´d have to wait another week again?

She didn´t really care why she was finished early, she wanted to go to bed.

While Akirai loved being outdoors, she really wanted a hot cup off hot cocoa and a bed every once in a while, her gear was beyond ruined and she had been out there for two month at the very least.

Most of the time was spent waiting for Lynn to eat.

Akirai could, technically, stay out in the wild for as long as she wished, but this was another world altogether and she wanted to read up more, study more and just be more prepared, but she was in the middle of fucking no where and there were no stores nearby to get her new knifes, sharp ones, hers had began to dull, or new clothes, Sylvie was also limited in what she could do, right now Akirai could only buy goods from her outside of the Realms, not that at this poin in time that she had much to offer.

Sylvie wanted to rank up soon, then she would get access to more things and functions, this also meant more Quests, and that meant operating her store soooo.

They had to get home.

Akirai looked at the new little moth in front of her, fully finished evolving, still Bronze in rank but much stronger, and now a real moth instead of a larvea.

"Sylvie? If you would?" Akirai prompted.

[Moonlight born Shadowmoth]

[Level 7]



[State : Healthy (Happy)

[Contracted / Tamed]

In all honesty, Lynna didn´t look like a Beast, she looked more like a plushy, a high quality one, but a plush nontheless, she was a mix of the Luna moth and the lymantrine moth, she had the shape of the luna moth, if you made the purple, black, and the green a transparent prurple with white glowing dots where the eye markings on the wings of the Luna moth were, her feelers were a mix of grey and white, she also had a pair of mandables, small and cute, but shining dangerously if you looked closely and beady black eyes.

Lynna also looked like a poodle moth to some extent, covered in soft ... could you call it fur? Maybe, Akirai was no expert on moths, but her main body was covered in soft fur, her wings, when tucked in were also very soft and Akirai really didn´t think she was raising a Beast, or even looking at one, she was just too cute, or maybe that was Akirai as a proud mother to her fur baby, who knew?

Akirai gathered the ball of fluff in her arms, it was just like holding a fluffy teddy bear, and told Sylvie to take them back.

God she wanted a red bull after this, did they have red bull over here?