
6. Another Happy News

Luna dressed as usual in the morning to go to the office. She didn't show any signs that she was pregnant or anything other than a face that kept on shining brightly. Luna even smiled when a bum bumped into her, who was holding a tumblr filled with pregnant women's milk until half of its contents were scattered on the street.

"Oh, sorry. Really, I'm sorry," said the homeless woman, "Are you hurt? And… oh, sorry again, I ruined your breakfast. I really am a fool!”

While picking up the tumbler bottle that was slightly rolling on the pavement, Luna Lee smiled. Then approached the homeless woman and patted her on the shoulder.

"It doesn't matter. It's okay, ma'am. Just relax."

Luna also took out some dollar bills and gave them to the woman. The homeless woman accepted with trembling hands and didn't stop saying thank you. Even though Luna Lee had disappeared around the corner in the office block over there.

Luna arrived at an office building and went inside. Cross the lobby area to go straight to the elevator. There are two elevator booths and Luna Lee chose one of them. Unknowingly, there was a coworker who happened to have just arrived. Her name is Mila Stone. For information only, Mila Stone is stubborn as a stone, just like her name. Well, just kidding. She is such a very lovely and adorable girl.

"Hey, Luna. Just arrived?"

"Oh, hi Mila. Yes, I just arrived.”

The clinking of the elevator was heard followed by the steel doors opening and the two and several other people also entered. Luna Lee and Mila Stone chose to stand in the back corner because they were going out on the top floor of the building, which was the thirteenth floor. Some people believe that thirteen is an unlucky number. But, Luna doesn’t care at all.

Mila Stone realized something when she saw Luna.

"Hey Luna, looks like your tumblr is leaking because your hands look a little dirty too," said Mila Stone.

His words made several people in front of them turn their heads slightly and even had time to check whether their clothes were on the back of Luna's tumblr or not. So, Luna Lee immediately answered at once as an indirect clarification.

"Oh, of course not, girl. Earlier on the street, there was a homeless woman who accidentally bumped into me, causing my tumblr to fall onto the street and some of its contents spilled out."

While listening to her best friend's explanation, Mila reached into her own bag and offered her a tissue.

"Do you need a tissue, Luna?"

"Yes, please. Thank you, Mila."

Luna Lee grabbed the tissue to clean the remnants of the liquid that had dried on the outside of the tumbler bottle and for her hands, Luna Lee immediately headed to the toilet after she got out of the elevator cubicle.

“I'm going to the toilet for a bit, Mila. You go first," said Luna as she walked rather quickly.

“I will come with you then. My make-up needs a little touch up.”

Luna Lee chuckled at that, "Oh come on."

So, Luna Lee wet her palms under the sink water after cleaning her tumblr and made sure the water bottle didn't stick to the outside. Meanwhile, Mila Stone took out a small bag containing make-up equipment. Dotted cheeks with blush on and daub lips with blood red lipstick.

From the mirror, Luna saw that Mila glanced at her slightly while keeping a smile, making Luna curious.

"What's the matter, anyway? I've seen you smiling all the time," Luna prodded. Turning around and leaning on the edge of the sink, talk to Mila Stone next to her.

Mila was still smiling as she closed her make-up pouch and then looked at Luna with meaningful eyes.

He said, “You know what, Luna? I had some very exciting news last night.”

"Oh yes? What's that?" asked Luna Lee curiously.

"Can you guess it?"

Luna was silent for a moment. Thought, but then quickly shrugged.

"I don't know, Mila. What's that about?"

The smile on Mila Stone's face grew wider and her cheeks also suddenly turned red like her lips. He looked like he was really happy.

Mila said, “Well, Andrew proposed to me last night. When we had dinner at a fancy restaurant.”

"Oh no way!" Luna Lee screamed with rounded eyes and covered her mouth.

To further confirm her statement, Mila Stone raised her hand and showed an emerald ring that was wrapped around her ring finger. It's gorgeous and fits perfectly with the stunning Mila Stone.

“Woaah…” Luna Lee's breath seemed to be sucked into her throat when she touched Mila Stone's engagement ring.

“Andrew gave it to me. He said this ring was very valuable because it was inherited from his mother, then his mother. and mother of her grandmother. I dunno, I think he's lying about the origin of this ring. But, for sure I'm happy to accept it, "said Mila shyly.

“This is a beautiful ring, my friend. You are really lucky. I can't say anything else," Luna Lee praised sincerely. He even made a little joke by raising both hands as if he had given up, making Mila Stone laugh.

"Yeah, I like it myself too. Even if Andrew lied, this ring would still be very expensive. I have tried to find out about the price on the internet.”

"How much does it cost?"

“About $1900.”

"What?! Impossible. You must be joking!”

"No, I don't," Mila chuckled at Luna Lee's totally hilarious response.

He added, "And you know what else makes the other happy?"

"What? What's that?" Luna was made curious for the second time.

“Andrew is planning a trip to several countries. He had booked the tickets, determined the place, researched the location of the trip, even Andrew had been planning this trip for a whole year! He saved a lot for this. Ah… I am so touched because of my dear Andrew.”

Mila touched her own chest while feeling intoxicated. Luna Lee, who heard the happy news from her friend, was also happy and hugged her.

"Oh, Mila! I really don't know what else to say other than that I'm very happy with this news! Andrew must be lucky to have the most amazing girl like you! Really!"

"Oh, thank you, Luna. You are my best friend. But, there is one more thing I want to tell you," said Mila.

This time Mila Stone let go of Luna Lee's arms and looked a little sad.

"Okay, what now?" asked Luna Lee anxiously.

Mila Stone shrugged and said, “Like I said before Andrew and I are going on a trip around the world and we will do that next month. I also plan to resign from the office as soon as possible. So, well, maybe we won't see each other for a long time, Luna."

"Oh, don't be sad, sweet child," Luna poked Mila's chin, "Even if you were gone for five years, I would still be able to be happy, because... ah, now try to change you to guess."

"What?" Mila squinted.

Luna Lee also patted her own stomach to give a little hint. Mila's eyes started to fall to Luna's stomach and screamed like Luna did to her earlier.

“Oh my Gosh, Miss Lee! Don't tell me you…”


“In that belly…”


“Gyaa…! What a naughty girl! Why didn't you tell me earlier, huh?!”

And once again, these two friends hugged each other and jumped happily in the bathroom.

(To be continued)