
16. When He Gets Love At The First Sight

Actually, Lucas Lewis did not study at Royal Dean University, but at one of the most prestigious and quite expensive campuses, namely Brown University. So it could say that Lucas was lying on purpose.

The reason why he can admit that he attended Royal Dean University, if traced backward will be like this chronology:

First, Lucas Lewis and Ryan Walter do know each other. But that doesn't mean they are close like friends. Ryan Walter is the son of one of the managers at the company-owned branch Mr. Lewis and coincidentally, Ryan had been a classmate of Lucas when in high school. So, Ryan Walter has always considered himself a friend of Lucas, although Lucas never thinks like that.

Second, earlier this week, Ryan Walter heard the news that Lucas Lewis would be visiting the city for an important event with the Mayor. After trying to get in touch, Ryan Walter was finally able to talk to Lucas and that moment was used by Ryan Walter to invite Lucas to his party.

Third, although less familiar, but to appreciate the owner of the party, Lucas asked what Ryan Walter was busy and he replied;

"I majored in Business Design at Royal Dean university and all who came were mostly friends from my college, Lewis."

So, when Luna asked where Lucas studied, for some reason, Lucas reflexively replied that he was also on the same campus as Luna, namely Royal Dean University. This is based on his logic which remembers Walter's previous sentence, that;

'... all those who came were, for the most part, friends from my college.'

That meant that it was highly likely that this cat-eyed girl attended Royal Dean University, and her lie was worth it because her guess was right.

So, after Lucas realized that he was in love at first sight with Luna Lee, he immediately said without much thought.

"I'm moving to Royal Dean University. So tell Frank to get things ready by tomorrow at the latest."

The young driver, who had worked for the Lewis family for a year, could only gape. Do not believe.

But all he could say was, "Very well, Young Master."

And no one can resist the desire of the Young Master of the Lewis family, including her mother, Olivia or better known as Mrs. Lewis.

"Why do you suddenly want to move to that small campus, honey? Are you having problems at your school?" Mrs. Lewis asked rather anxiously.

But Lucas of course shook his head. Smile a little.

"No, Mom. Everything is fine. It's just, I want to feel a different atmosphere. That's all."

So, nothing could prevent Lucas Lewis's desire so that the day after tomorrow, he officially became a student at Royal Dean University majoring in Business Management.

"So now, where is Luna Lee, huh? Ah, I forgot to ask for her number." Lucas mumbled to himself while smiling cheerfully.

Even though it is in a simple city, Royal Dean University has a large enough area so that if Lucas wants to find Luna Lee, he has to circle the entire campus area in three days and three nights. That is if fate brings them together.

But apparently, fate really brought them back together.

At that time, Lucas was walking briskly towards his classroom on the fifth floor. He was already in the elevator and ready to press the button for the elevator to close. Just then, Lucas heard someone running shouting at him.

"Wait! Hey, hold the door, please!"

Lucas' palms reflexively stopped the door from closing.

At first, Lucas couldn't see who was shouting because her voice could be heard from the right side of the elevator. But then, when that person finally arrived at the doorway of the elevator, Lucas could see it.

"O-oh. You…?"

That's Luna Lee. Of course.

Both Luna Lee and Lucas Lewis pointed at each other and were flabbergasted for a moment. Then Luna rushed in with a smile, and the elevator doors closed automatically.

"Where, uh… the floor... you’re going to?" Lucas asked rather stuttering.

"Three," answered Luna.

Then the atmosphere in the elevator was very quiet.

They smiled at each other and looked away, but then stole glances at each other secretly. Even though it wasn't visible, Luna and Lucas' cheeks became flushed red, and their hearts were beating fast under their clothes. Until finally they both started talking.

"Your blazer is still with me."

"How are you?"

Maybe because they were too nervous, they spoke in unison so they fell silent again. Clears his throat, then Lucas gestured for Luna to speak first.

Unfortunately, before Luna could open her mouth, the number indicator on the elevator showed that they had arrived at the third floor and the steel door opened automatically. So, Luna had to come out on this floor.

"I'll go first, Lucas. See you later," she said quietly.

Lucas was a little reluctant to let Luna go. But a few seconds late before the elevator doors closed again, Luna turned around to face Lucas and spoke quickly.

"I still have your blazer in my closet!"

It was fast, but at the same time the elevator doors closed tightly and the engine lifted to take Lucas to the fifth floor.

However, just seeing and hearing Luna Lee was enough to make Lucas' heart flutter, making his legs suddenly move unsteadily. Knocking on the steel floor of the elevator with a little rhythm. Lucas also glanced at the ceiling of the elevator which now showed the number four, then the number five, and…


The door opened.

Now it didn't matter that he had to go to class. Because Lucas immediately ran out of the elevator cubicle and headed for the emergency stairs instead of the classroom.

He ran down the stairs in a hurry and his heart was pounding. The ultimate goal is clear; Meet Luna Lee.

The cat-eyed girl who had captured Lucas Lewis' heart in just a split second. The petite girl managed to make Lucas Lewis mesmerized in a flash. The jet-black-haired girl who managed to make Lucas Lewis drunk just thinking about it.

"Luna Lee, this time I won't let you go," Lucas muttered as he jumped over the last stair railing where he arrived on the third floor.

He traced the hallway where Luna Lee had walked after getting out of the elevator. Along the hall, there were only classrooms and Lucas was even willing to peek at each one of them through the small windows on the doors of each class.

Until Lucas found it. Lucas saw it. In the 'RD-3' room, Luna Lee was. Reluctantly, Lucas knocked on the door and opened it then after everyone in the classroom turned to look at him, Lucas walked over to the stands. Don't forget Lucas nodded slightly at the teacher in the class. Acting as if he was a late student.

Lucas' footsteps were clear; Headed to the bench where Luna Lee was sitting.

In the fifth row from the top.

Luna Lee, once again, was flabbergasted by her sudden presence and meeting with Lucas Lewis. Moreover, Lucas Lewis then sat next to him. The man bowed his head slightly to greet Luna silently.

"Hi, Luna. How can I get my blazer from your closet?"

(To be continued)