
14. Almost You

"Lucas Lewis," the man held out his hand. "And what's your name?"

"I'm Luna. Luna Lee."

"Oh, Luna. It means the Moon. Your name sounds beautiful like the moon that is shining beautifully in the sky right now."

Luna Lee giggled at Lucas' compliment.

"Thank you, Mr. Flirtatious," said Luna. Lucas also laughed at that title.

They went down the stairs and into the garage where Lucas' car was parked. Without saying goodbye to the owner of the party, they fled to a street more static-filled with shops with colorful lights. To replace the sound of the music at the party, which tended to be noisy, Lucas offered Luna to play a radio that was playing a ballad.

"Are you feeling calmer now?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. Feels better," said Luna.

“Do you want to visit a club or…?”

"No. No. I don't like crowds for tonight. Can we take a quieter path? I think the smell of flower plantations at night is quite pleasant for now.”

"Okay. So I'm going to choose the turn on the right. Do you mind?"

"What's in there?" Lucas shrugged, not so sure. “There is a small bar that is quite famous for its delicious wheat beer. I've been there twice and the atmosphere is quite calming because it's surrounded by wheat fields.”

“Erm… Okay. Well, if you think that's good enough."

"Okay. There we go."

The cat-eyed girl lowered the window and leaned back and breathed in the air the fresh night. Plus, the car finally headed to an area of fairly large corn before then the car stopped at the side of the road.

"What happened?" asked Luna as the car slowed down and just stopped. She turned to Lucas suspiciously. However, Lucas also gave a similar reaction.

"I don't know," he said, shrugging. "The gas is still full. Or maybe the engine is broken? Let me out to check for a bit. You wait here, Luna."

Lucas Lewis got out and walked to the front of the car. Shouted at Luna to open the hood lever. Even Luna couldn't see clearly what Lucas was doing Lucas from behind the iron hood. But she could see a sliver of light passing through the underside of Lucas's car. So, still curious and suspicious, Luna also came out. To where Lucas is now.

It turned out that the man was checking the engine of the car by using the lighting through his cell phone flashlight. He turned around for a moment when he saw Luna was already beside him.

"Looks like the car battery died," Lucas said.

"Oh, shit."

"Why did you come out too, Luna?" Lucas asked.

"Ah, I..." Luna's words trailed off, "... I want to see if you need help or not."

But Lucas laughed softly at the expression of Luna biting her lip while holding one of her arms anxiously. He seemed to know what was going on in her mind right now.

"Don't worry," Lucas said, "I won't hurt you. You can get in the car and lock all the doors and windows.”

Of course, Lucas' statement embarrassed Luna. She also shook her head and to make up for her preconceived notions, Luna took out her cell phone to call 911.

“Erm, how about we call 911? I don't think we're too far from the city area yet, right?”

Lucas nodded in agreement and he closed the hood again. While Luna put the phone to her ear.

“911. What's your emergency?"

"Hello. I'm Luna Lee on the phone. I and my friend were having a car break down on the side of the road in a corn plantation area. We thought our car engine had a problem and no vehicles were passing. Can you send some officers to help us?” said Luna Lee.

"Where exactly is your current location, Miss Lee?"


Luna Lee paused and looked thoughtful. She turned her head left and right, looking for a clue. But, as far as the eye could see, all she saw was a plain expanse of a cornfield.

"Hey, Lucas. Do you know exactly where we are now?” Luna Lee whispered to Lucas who was leaning against the hood of the car.

He was silent for a moment, thinking. But then also shrugged, a sign that he didn't even know.

“But, try telling them that we are on our way to the 'Wealth Bar' which is in the middle of a wheat field. I think they'll still be able to track it down," Lucas said.

Luna nodded and went back to talking to the 911 officer.

"Hello. Sorry, I can't figure out where we are right now. However, my friend and I are on our way to the 'Wealth Bar' which is in the wheat field area. Is this information enough to help you?”

"Okay, fine, Miss Lee. Our officers will come in thirty minutes at the latest.”

"Well. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Miss Lee."

The call was cut off.

Now there were only Luna Lee and Lucas Lewis sitting on the hood of the car. Illuminated by the moonlight that still shines brightly so that yellowish corn can be seen. Then there was silence and only the sound of crickets could be heard from a distance.

"It's a very calm atmosphere, huh," said Luna slowly.

Lucas turned to her and nodded in agreement. "Yes. Very calm. It's as if all our burdens have also disappeared for now."


The two were silent again for a few moments.

Lucas asked, "Luna Lee, don't you feel cold?"

He took off the black blazer he was wearing and put the blazer on Luna's small shoulder, without hearing Luna's answer first. Even so, Luna still thanked him. And maybe to lighten the mood, Luna tried to provoke questions.

"Ehm," Luna cleared her throat, "Are you going to university?"

"Yes. I went to university."

"Where is your campus?"

"Royal Dean University."

"Oh no way!" shrieked Luna Lee, unsure.

"Why? Are you also studying at the same college as me?”


"Wow, what a coincidence. So you're friends with Walter too? Is that why you came to the party tonight?”

"Oh, no. It's not like that. I was only invited by my friend, her name is Alicia. But, well, she left me there alone because a friend of hers wanted to talk about something important. So, I relented and headed to the balcony. That's how it is."

“By the way, how is your friend now, huh? Do you think he will look for you when you suddenly disappear from the party?” Lucas asked.

Luna giggled, "I don't think so. She'll probably notice I'm missing when he wakes up the next day. Oh, if you only knew that Alicia really can't drink. But, she always forced herself to drink until she was very drunk.”

Both laughed.

"And what about you?" said Luna, "Don't you think no one is looking for you there?"

"Me? Oh, I don't think so. After all, Walter invited me just as a formality. So I came here to unwind and that kind of party doesn't suit me. Then I meant to cool off on the balcony and, well… predictably then I met you.”

Luna smiled as she looked at Lucas. His hands gripped the collars of Lucas' blazer tightly. And somehow, Luna Lee felt that Lucas' face was getting closer and closer. Seen dimly by the moonlight that is slowly covered by clouds. Their lips almost met, just as a beam of light and a police siren appeared from behind them. Quickly, Luna and Lucas moved away and sat up straight. Feeling awkward.

"Oh shit," Lucas muttered.

(To be continued)