
13. How They Met

Luna's introduction to Alicia Olson happened so naturally. The reason for that was because Alicia Olson was a schoolmate of Mila Stones when they were in high school. So, since Luna is Mila's friend and Mila is Alicia's friend so the two can be friends. Moreover, by chance Luna and Alicia also study at the same campus.

Alicia Olson is a sociable girl and has many friends. That's why she is often invited to famous children's parties.

“Alicia likes making friends with anyone,” Mila Stones once said, “Back at Prom Night in high school, Alicia surprised everyone by coming with the geekiest guy in school. If it was another girl, it might be ridiculed. But since it was Alicia so no one would insult her. The geeky boy became quite popular the following year.”

Well, that's why Lune Lee didn't refuse when one afternoon Alicia approached him after class.

"Hey, Luna," Alicia immediately took this cat-eyed girl's hand. "Are you free tonight?"

"I guess so. So what?"

“Do you know Ryan Walter from the business school? He's having a party tonight. Will you come along?"

“Erm… I don't know.”

Luna still felt doubtful. Because Ryan Walter is one of the most popular boys on campus and also belongs to a gang of conglomerate kids, that makes Luna Lee a little less confident when she has to come to Walter's party. But, because Alicia Olson kept persuading him, so Luna Lee agreed.

At that time, Luna did not know what to wear. He thought that a rich kid's party would, look glamorous and extravagant. However, when Alicia came to the flat where she lived, Luna saw that Alicia was only wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and normal tight jeans. Doesn't look fancy.

"Why did it take you so long to choose the clothes, Luna?" asked Alicia who was getting annoyed.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm so confused, Alice. I don't think I have good clothes for a party," Luna Lee complained.

Hearing this, Alicia just rolled her eyes and got up from the chair to look through Luna's wardrobe. Finally, Alicia Olson picked up a short dress and a cardigan.

“Wear this and hurry up and get ready. I don't want us to be late getting there."

So, Luna Lee immediately put on the dress that Alicia had chosen. Don't forget to dress up a little and roll her hair up. But when Luna came out of the room, Alicia untied Luna's hair and said, "You look sexier when you let your hair down."

So the two girls went to the place where the party was being held. To Alicia, it was an ordinary house. But, to Luna, it looked like a fairly luxurious mansion. The building consists of three floors with a very large courtyard and a pool with a shower in the front yard. Luna noticed a lot of luxury cars parked haphazardly in a very spacious garage. Then, there were lots of lights and people screaming at the party. Everyone was drinking, dancing, chatting, and doing crazy things like dancing in the pool shower or playing the piano naked. Anyway, it was the most boisterous party Luna Lee had ever attended.

But luckily, Alicia Olson is still normal. The girl's mind was still sane so instead of joining in doing crazy things at the party, Alicia brought Luna Lee inside. Invited Luna to get acquainted with some of Alicia's friends who Luna Lee had never known before. Until finally, Alicia pulled Luna towards the kitchen because this blonde-haired girl chirped.

“Oh, look! Looks like it's my brother, Luna. Come on, I'll introduce you to my brother."

That blonde-haired girl patted the shoulder of a young man who was facing a kitchen table and looked bent. When he turned around, that guy looked a little annoyed because he was disturbed but his face suddenly changed.

“Hi, Gerry,” said Alicia, “this is my friend Luna Lee. And Luna, introduce this is my stupid brother, Gerald Olson. But you can call him Gerry if you want. Well, Gerry-Luna. Luna-Gerry."

Luna, who had been smiling since earlier, now reached out to get acquainted with her friend's brother. They greeted each other briefly before, again, Alicia dragged her somewhere.

"It's boring in here, huh. We'd better find another place, Luna. Come on,” said Alicia Olson.

Until fifteen minutes had passed, Alicia was still busy introducing Luna Lee to the people at the party she knew. Some seemed enthusiastic about getting to know Luna, but some were not. Looks unconcerned and just having a chat with Alicia Olson. Some tried to take Alicia away and made Luna Lee get lost at the party.

“…there is something I want to show you for a moment, Olson. Come on, come along,” someone said as he grabbed Alicia’s hand.

"Wait. How about my friend?” asked Alicia, pointing at Luna.

Instead of inviting Luna as well, Alicia's friend only glanced at her for a moment as if she didn't care and said, “Just leave it, it won't be long. After all, your friend is not a child anymore. Are you the babysitter?”

Of course, it’s irritated Luna but she didn't want to make a fuss. So Luna Lee pretended not to hear. Also, she let Alicia go.

"I won't be long. Wait here, okay?” said Alicia.

Even so, Luna was still annoyed because she felt left out so this girl didn't want to just sit there like an idiot. Luna Lee approached a table and drank a glass of cocktail before deciding to walk alone in the house. Big and very spacious. Luna had forgotten where she had turned because now, all of a sudden, she was on a third-floor balcony overlooking the backyard where a golf course and a small artificial lake were.

Feeling no longer interested in the boisterous party back there, Luna chose to be alone on the balcony, staring at the moon that was shining brightly and leaning on the balcony railing. Even she didn't care about a pair of young people who are kissing hotly on the balcony over there. Their kiss sounded wild.

But what calmed Luna was the moonlight reflected by the water in the lake.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" said a guy from behind her.

Suddenly, Luna Lee turned around and was surprised before then smiling and nodding.

Once again, this guy said as he walked over to Luna. Standing by her side. "That moon on the water, what a beautiful sight, isn't it?"

"Yes. Beautiful. The most beautiful view of what this party has is," said Luna Lee.

"Well, not there?" The guy pointed inside, where the party was going on and everyone was going crazy. Unfortunately, Luna shook her head.

"Too crowded. I can't be comfortable with that."

"By the way why are you here alone?"

"I am not alone. I mean, I didn't come alone. I was coming with a friend."

“Then, where your friend now?”

Luna Lee shrugged, “I don't know. He's talking to someone."

"Oh, same with me. I was also personally invited by Walter. I thought about what kind of party he was going to have, but it turned out to be just this kind of a mess. It's really like a children's playground,” said this guy as if he was complaining.

"Then why don't you just go home?" asked Luna.

"And you, why don't you just go home?" this guy asked again.

“I… erm, first; Because I'm waiting for my friend. Second; Because I don't know my way around this area."

Once again, this guy gave a meaningful smile.

“Then, shall I show you the way in this area? I happen to be bored and alone. Well, that's if you don't mind with the night breeze."

Luna Lee frowned and thought for a moment. Seeing the party that was there, the couple who had made great love at the balcony turn, and the reflection of the moon on the lake water. Then, for some reason Luna even said;


And before the two of them left, Luna had time to ask.

"Wait. I don't know your name yet."

"Me?" this guy smirked at Luna, “Well, you can call me Lucas. Lucas Lewis."

(To be continued)