
11. A 'Friend' From the Past

"Luna Lee? Is that you?” said a man who accidentally bumped into Luna Lee's shoulder in the hospital lobby.

Smiling at Luna Lee, whom he hadn't seen in a long time.


Two and a half years ago…

It was a cold December night on the fifteenth. According to the weather forecast, it will snow quite heavily tonight so everyone is advised to stay home so as not to get caught in a blizzard at the end of the year.

"... please warm yourself in front of the fireplace while drinking hot chocolate," said the weather forecaster in the morning.

So everyone should be ready in front of the fireplace or heating in their respective homes. But, not with Luna Lee. The girl with flowing brown hair was standing on the edge of the street crying.

The snow was already falling when Luna Lee rubbed her nose which was starting to turn red from the cold and her crying still didn't stop. Her heart was breaking because half an hour ago, Lucas Lewis had said the thing that Luna least wanted to hear.

"Luna," Lucas Lewis said over the phone, "we broke up. Sorry."

"What?! No. Do not. I don't want to break up with you, Lucas. I... I'm still here, Lucas. I'm still waiting for you at Dersten Resto—”

“Never mind, Luna. No need to wait for me because I'm on a flight to Sydney. Go home."

"Do not want to. I will wait for you here. Come on in and we'll talk things over, Lucas. I… I… I don't want us to end up like this,” said Luna Lee, starting to cry.

"Luna. That's enough. We're done. There's nothing to talk about. It was my fault—”

“No! No! It is my fault. So, come here, Lucas. Please…”

Lucas didn't hear Luna's words. Meanwhile, Luna Lee herself was busy wiping her snot and tears. The sound from her nose also sounded pitiful. Therefore, occasionally Dersten Resto customers turn to the girl with pitying eyes.

Luna said again, “Lucas, you should know what I am like. We've been together for more than a year. I've given it all for you, Lucas. But, why are you like this? Why did you dump me like this, Lucas?”

Luna's voice was pathetic.

"Luna," Lucas Lewis sighed, "I didn't want to dump you. It's because I'm not a good person. Understand? Now I'll hang up the phone and don't call me again. We're done, Luna. Sorry. I hope you find a better man than me.”

Without waiting for Luna Lee's approval, the call was disconnected unilaterally. Even Lucas didn't say 'goodbye' or anything like that. This made the girl very sad and sobbed at table no. 8.

Luna had been waiting for Lucas for almost two hours. She had also finished five cups of coffee that made her stomach bloat, waiting for Lucas. However, that guy did not come. That guy had no intention of coming.

Finally, Luna Lee raised her head and wiped away the tears. Called the waiter to pay for the five cups of coffee. Then she walked out and down the sidewalk to the club bar a few blocks ahead. The plan, Luna Lee wanted to dispel her sadness there while having fun alone. But, just walking ten meters, Luna's tears fell again and made her steps stop there.

On that side of the road. Alone. Crying alone when the snowdrops begin to fall.

"Lucas, I still love you. I don't want us to break up. Don't leave me, Lucas," said Luna in solitude on the side of the road.

It didn't matter if it had snowed or it was getting colder, Luna still kept on crying. She also did not care about the people who passed him and had time to look at him with a look of curiosity and pity. It was just that, as the weather was getting colder and below zero degrees, no one wanted to stop to ask why the girl was sad.

Nobody; except him.

A man who passed the road and saw a girl who was quite familiar to him was crying on the side of the road in the very cold weather, without wearing thick clothes or socks. So, the boy took off his coat and walked over to the girl to put the coat on Luna Lee's shoulders.

"Luna Lee? What happened to you, Luna? Why are you crying on a cold night like this?”

Reflexively, Luna turned her head and found her best friend's older brother, putting on a coat.

"Gerald," Luna said, sobbing.

Suddenly, Luna hugged Gerald, the older brother of her best friend, and cried in Gerald's chest. Crying until Gerald's clothes are wet. Feeling concerned about Luna Lee's sad crying, Gerad stroked Luna's hair and let it sit for a while. The man didn't try to push Luna's body away at all or ask any questions. Just silent as he returned the hug of this girl who was breaking her heart. However, he also had time to wave at a taxi that happened to be passing by.

"Luna, hey," Gerald also patted Luna's back so that the girl lifted her head.

Gerald said, “Come on, I'll take you to your house. The taxi is waiting. It's too cold here for you, Luna. Then you will have a fever. Come on."

Luna nodded and followed Gerald's orders to get into the taxi. She also adjusted the position of Gerald's coat she was wearing and sat by the window. Staring outside at the snow that was starting to fall heavily.

"I'll take you to your house, okay?" asked Gerald offering.

Luna Lee didn't nod or shake her head, but just stayed silent while looking outward with sad eyes.

"Where are you going?" asked the driver, shivering with cold.

“Mountbale Street no. 13, please," said Gerald.


The taxi slid carefully on the slippery road. Now and then, it almost slipped around the corner because the cab passed by a truck or bus. However, this driver is quite good at driving so nothing dangerous happens.

In the passenger seat, Gerald observed that Luna Lee was indeed very sad. He was not very familiar with the girl next to him because he was only a friend of his younger sister, Alicia. Even so, Gerald had been to several parties where Luna Lee was in it.

So, you could say that the figure of Luna Lee is quite familiar to Gerald.

"It's here," said the taxi driver, interrupting Gerald and Luna's thoughts.

"Oh, right," Gerald said, looking up at the apartment where Luna Lee lived, "Luna, it's arrived at your house. Come on down, there's going to be a blizzard soon."

Luna Lee was silent for a moment, then walked out the door. Actually, Luna was about to open her wallet to pay, but Gerald forbade it and instead told Luna Lee to change clothes immediately, turn on the heating and make some warm food. But, said Luna;

"Then come over to my house. Accompany me for a moment."

Gerald was silent. He wanted to refuse because of the severe cold weather, but on the other hand, seeing Luna crying like that made him unable to help but say, "Okay."


Back to the present…

Luna Lee, who heard her name being called, immediately looked at the man next to her and smiled.

"Oh, Gerald Olson. Long time no see."

She also gave a hug to Gerald, her old 'friend', with a happy feeling.

(To be continued…)