
10. Chit And Chat

"Are you sure, Luna?" asked Mila Stones, looking incredulous.

"Do you think I look confident?" Luna Lee asked back, making Mila chuckle.

"Well, I don't think so. Your face looks sour, Luna. But, then, why did you agree to meet Olivia? Can't you refuse? After all, Lucas also knows what happened in the past between you and his mother, right?” Mila said.

Luna exhaled while crossing her arms.

"That's right. I could have refused to meet Mrs. Lewis, but Mila… Oh, my goodness. I couldn't refuse blatantly after seeing how Lucas was looking at me! You should have seen how hopeful Lucas looked, Mila! He was like a toddler begging for candy. So, well, because I couldn't see her like that and because I loved her, then I agreed to meet. I don't know, maybe I'm stupid," Luna Lee shrugged.

Mila Stones patted her best friend on the shoulder and tried to comfort her with kind words.

"No, Luna. It's not because you're a stupid girl. It's because you have a heart that is easily touched. You're too kind, that's why you finally decided to take Lucas back, didn't you?”

“Yes, that has a point too. Come on, we don't have to talk about that anymore," Luna waved one hand in the air, "Now, let me help you tidy up all the things that you will bring during your trip with Andrew."

"Oh, Luna. But, is it okay if you stay? I became worried after you told me about this.”

"Don't worry about me, Mila. You just have fun. I already have Lucas who will protect me. Calm down."

“Well, but…”

“Did you bring extra underwear, Mila?” asked Luna who deliberately interrupted so that Mila would not discuss it again.

As if she understood that her best friend no longer wanted to talk about Olivia Gonzales, Mila responded to the question.

“Erm… I don't think so. Because I think that's enough," replied Mila Stones as she re-examined her underwear in the suitcase.

However, Luna Lee put her hand into her own bag then smiled at Mila while taking out a gift.

He said, “Oh, really? On the contrary, I have a feeling you will need this, Mila. Andrew definitely… will definitely lust after you. Here, open it."

Luna Lee handed her the gift she brought and Mila grabbed it and opened the gift according to her best friend's instructions. Instantly, Mila squealed happily because the contents of the gift were two pairs of lingerie from a well-known brand that Mila Stones wanted the most.

"Oh my gosh, Luna! This is amazing. You know best what I want! Aw, thank you. You are my best friend, Luna."

Mila hugged Luna Lee tightly then let go of the hug to look at the lingerie again.

"Oh, this must be very expensive, Luna."

"Ah, no. No. No need to talk about the price. It was indeed a gift for your engagement, Mila. Again, congratulations."

"Oh, Luna. I love you."

"Love you too," replied Luna, smiling proudly.

Luna Lee said again, "Now let's double-check all your belongings and of course don't forget to bring the ticket. You don't want to be left here while Andrew travels around the world on his own, do you?"

Mila Stones just giggled.

That night was the last night Luna Lee could be together and chat with Mila Stones before her best friend would travel for the next few years. Mila said that Luna could still contact her whenever she wanted and Luna just said yes.

Mila Stones actually left the next day with her boyfriend, Andrew Floss. Luna only took her to the front of Mila Stones' flat. Had whispered in Mila's ear like this.

"Hey, when you arrive at the hotel, don't forget to wear my lingerie, Miss Stones," said Luna Lee teasingly, making Mila giggle.

"Of course, Miss Lee," replied Mila Stones. The

These two friends finally hugged and waved at each other. The hand before the car driven by Andrew Floss and Mila Stones disappeared from Luna's sight then she went to the obstetrician first before heading to the office. She went alone, of course, because Lucas Lewis couldn't accompany her.

Yesterday that guy said, "Oh dear. Sorry, I can't accompany you to check your pregnancy this week. I have to meet my colleague from Hong Kong."

"It's all right, honey," Luna replied, stroking Lucas' head.

"Or shall I ask Mrs. Brown to accompany you?"

Lucas mentioned one of his female assistants. But because she didn't want to involve anyone outside of their relationship, not letting people who had something to do with Lucas' family or company, Luna Lee turned down the offer. This woman convinced Lucas not to worry because she was just going to check the womb.

"Don't you know that I'm an independent woman, honey? So you don't have to worry."

So that's why Luna Lee stopped a taxi to go to the Hospital where she had her pregnancy checked the other day. After paying and leaving, she headed straight for the second floor where there is an obstetrics clinic.

"Miss Luna Lee," called a nurse after Luna waited for fifteen minutes. The

This woman looked up, looked away from the phone screen and nodded.


"It’s turn for your examination, Miss Lee. Please come in," said the nurse politely, pointing at the door to the clinic.

So, Luna got up from the bench and entered the room. She shook hands with the obstetrician who greeted her kindly.

"Good morning Doctor Alexa," said Luna.

"Oh, good morning too, Miss Lee. Please, sit. Did you come alone?" asked Doctor Alexa Loren.

Luna sat down on the chair opposite the doctor and answered, "Yes. Cause my boyfriend has an important meeting today so he can't come."

"All right. I understand. It doesn’t matter at all. Then, let's start the examination, Miss Lee."

Then, Luna Lee underwent a routine examination of her womb which was about six weeks from the last time she came and was told that Luna was indeed pregnant. Doctor Alexa Loren asked several things such as if Luna had excessive nausea, fainting, vertigo, etc. Then Luna answered plainly. She does feel nauseous sometimes, but it's not too bad. It's just that her appetite has changed. Just a simple example; At first, Luna Lee really liked sushi, sashimi and sea shells. However, recently she even felt like throwing up just looking at the photo of that food.

"Ah, that's natural, Miss Lee. When you are pregnant in the first trimester, there are hormonal changes due to the fetus you are carrying. But, that's not a problem. It's okay," said Doctor Alexa.

So, after the gynecological consultation lasted about fifteen minutes, Luna Lee was allowed to go home. She was recommended to take the vitamins that had been prescribed by Doctor Alexa, then leave.

As when Luna came, she left. Getting out. Go down to the ground floor using the elevator and arrive at the lobby. Then, unexpectedly, someone who also just got out of the elevator next door, walked too fast and bumped into Luna Lee's shoulder.

Hastily, that guy turned to Luna. Wanna apologize to her.

"Sorry… Oops. Luna Lee? Is that you? Hi."

(To be continued)