

Simon de montfort,simon,simon!!! I heard my name being called but I was in my head,an abyss of total darkness.... How did I get here?? sighs and holds his head. He woke up in a room filled with strange things a bed made of something soft like wool and linen.. He looks up and sees iron connected at the middle turning round and bringing the wind..ahhhh he screams in terror where am I? Is this the afterlife?. He abruptly stands up and runs out falling down and getting up because of the tiles pushing through people moving around busily pushing half dead people around and treating some...who are these people?why are they dressed in uniforms?...he walked around lost to this unfamiliar surrounding then he opens the main door of the hospital and goes to the road and before him he sees a whole new world different from where he was from funny things carrying people inside and moving in an orderly form!!! am i in the future?? he says to himself and he blacks out......

Gedoni_Eyo · Lịch sử
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Where it all began...

The city of leicester was under siege and the Duke of leicester simon de montfort was holding off the attacks at he city gate,the city's last line of defense.when the forces finally broke through he shouted in a loud voice this men "for love,God and for country",and he and his men charged fiercly towards the enemies.but before the king's army had breached the city walls he had sent a letter to his beloved;his wife eleanor who he was fighting for and who he was also ready to die for ,it read;

*My darling eleanor you have accepted me despite my shortcomings and imperfections and today I fight and die for you because I love you,but since we couldn't have a happy ending in this life we meet again In the next in a new age and world where we are safe and free to be who we are without fear of destruction or restrictions..and when we meet there I promise to protect you and all the others who face the same calamities because of the stagnant principles of some people in power and as I have failed you in this life I promise to make it up to you in the next"

Your husband,simon

Meanwhile on the battle field simon had multiple injuries and he had exhausted himself he looked to his left and right with a wavering vision and saw his men lying dead with their arms amputated and some heads were sepersted from their necks,he knelt down with his last strength and fell to the ground in his last moments he saw a face looking down at him a man dressed with a high priests attire and the strange man chanted some words in french "il n'est pas finir",it is not finished ,and Simon felt his sould slipping out of his body till there was nothing but his dead body.

Mrs eleanor got the letter from her husband with tears and wailing she was still protected inside the castle walls and had many ways to escape,but what was a world without simon.she sent her slave to prepare a deadly poison for a quick death and when she was about to take it she received another package with the head and testicals of simon.she looked down at his face and kissed his bloody lips one more time,and in one gulp she finished the poison and joined her beloved in the afterlife in a world he promised her they would meet again....

In the in-between eleanor found herself in a strange looking place "where could I be? She asked herself,she felt a serene energy and heard someone chanting in foreign languages which she couldn't understand "hello,who are you ? She asked but the strange looking man only pointed at her and said in french "va,il est temp" and she felt her body slipping away into the unknown her screams of fear and confusion were hear where exactly was she going and who was that man.....

At the same time simon ended up in a different place one where those with unfulfilled promises and unhappy endings were found he wandered around in this unknown place seeing people with regrets for not living their best life and living up to their expectations,he must find a way to meeteleanor again no matter how long it took or how hard it will be;finally!! He had the chance the man who sent him here told him it was time he could finally be in a new world with eleanor and fufil all his promises and help those who face the same fate as his and Eleanor's.

What will this new world be like and could he truly find her.....