

A Billion Dollar Night, One night Megan feeling depressed after a fight breaks up in the bar, leaving chattered glassed and few blood pools. Megan after cleaning all the mess, is drained in her subconscious thinking if this is how her life may end. Unfulfilled and somewhat she felt useless. Only for Max , a popular Billionaire in town to park his 2024 Bently outside as he walks freely into the bar. To everyone Surprise straight to the counter, where Megan and Max share thoughts on their messed up day. Cloud got thicker,as the day darkened, The two got closer as, their thoughts whispered, "can we share the night". GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Find out as you dive into the pages of SEX WITH A BILLIONAIRE

VivienneDelacroix · Thanh xuân
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38 Chs

Alex Saves Megan


As Alex's heart pounded in his chest, he felt the weight of the world bearing down on him. Every second felt like an eternity as he raced against the clock to save Megan from certain death. With every step he took, the ground seemed to shift beneath his feet, threatening to give way at any moment.




As he reached the crane, Alex's eyes locked onto Megan's, her terrified gaze pleading with him to save her. He could see the fear in her eyes, the desperation to be free from the clutches of her captor. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Alex knew that he couldn't let her down.




Ignoring the voice of doubt that whispered in the back of his mind, Alex began to climb the crane with a single-minded determination. The metal rungs were slick with rain, and his hands slipped as he struggled to maintain his grip. But he refused to give up, refusing to let anything stand in the way of saving the woman he loved.




As he climbed higher and higher, the world seemed to blur around him, the sounds of the city fading into the background as he focused all of his energy on reaching Megan. With each passing moment, the distance between them grew smaller, until finally, Alex reached out and grabbed hold of Megan's hand.




Their fingers intertwined, their hearts beating as one as they stared into each other's eyes, their love transcending the chaos that surrounded them. And then, with a final burst of strength, Alex pulled Megan into his arms and held her tight, his heart overflowing with relief and gratitude.




But their moment of triumph was short-lived, as the ground beneath them began to tremble and shake. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Alex realized that the crane was collapsing, its metal frame buckling under the weight of their combined mass.




With no time to spare, Alex swung Megan onto his back and began to descend the crane as quickly as he could, his muscles straining with the effort. The ground rushed up to meet them, and Alex braced himself for impact, knowing that they only had one chance to survive.




And then, just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a pair of strong arms reached out and caught them, pulling them to safety at the last possible moment. With a sigh of relief, Alex collapsed onto the ground, his body trembling with exhaustion as he held Megan close to him.




As they lay there together, battered and bruised but alive, Alex knew that they had faced their greatest challenge and emerged victorious. And as he looked into Megan's eyes, he knew that their love would always be strong enough to overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.




For in the darkness of the night, where shadows lurked and danger loomed, there was still a glimmer of hope, a flicker of light that refused to be extinguished. And as long as that light burned bright, Alex and Megan knew that they would always find a way to survive, together.


As the celebration continued, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy. Megan felt overwhelmed by the warmth of the welcome from Alex's family, their hugs and smiles reassuring her that she was truly a part of their lives.


In the midst of the festivities, Alex's phone rang, interrupting the merriment with its shrill tone. He excused himself from the party and stepped outside to take the call, leaving Megan surrounded by his family.


The detective's voice on the other end of the line was grave and serious as he delivered the news. "Your wife sent him," he said, his words hanging heavy in the air before abruptly ending the call.


Alex's heart sank as he processed the information. His mood shifted, a cloud of suspicion descending upon him. What was his wife's involvement in all of this? 


With a sense of determination burning within him, Alex decided to play along, to feign ignorance and uncover the truth behind his wife's actions. He returned to the party, masking his inner turmoil with a bright smile as he danced with Megan and their friends.


The music swirled around them, the band playing a lively tune that lifted their spirits and carried them away. In that moment, surrounded by the ones they loved, Alex and Megan felt a sense of peace wash over them, a brief respite from the chaos and uncertainty that had plagued their lives in recent days.


But beneath the surface, tensions simmered, secrets lurking in the shadows, waiting to be revealed. As the night wore on and the celebration continued, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that there was more to his wife's involvement in Megan's kidnapping than met the eye.


But for now, he pushed aside his doubts and fears, choosing instead to revel in the joy of the moment, to dance with his lovely wife and cherish the precious time they had together. For in the midst of uncertainty, there was still love, still hope, and for Alex and Megan, that was enough to keep them going, to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

Alex's heart sank as he received the call from his mother, her voice stern and commanding even through the phone. He excused himself from the party once again, feeling a sense of dread gnawing at him as he made his way to the private meeting his mother had requested.


As he entered the room, Alex found his mother seated at the head of the table, her expression unreadable as she regarded him with a mixture of concern and disappointment. He took a seat opposite her, steeling himself for whatever news she had to deliver.


"Alex," his mother began, her voice measured and controlled. "I know that you care deeply for Megan, but we need to talk about your marriage."


Alex braced himself for the conversation he knew was coming, his mind racing with a million thoughts and possibilities. He knew that his family had certain expectations, certain rules and traditions that they expected him to uphold. But in his heart, he knew that his love for Megan transcended any societal expectations or constraints.


His mother continued, her words cutting through the silence like a knife. "We are no longer rejecting the bar girl," she said, her tone firm. "But you can't have a court marriage with her. This family has rules and legacy, Alex, and you need to respect that."


Alex felt a surge of frustration rising within him as he listened to his mother's words. He knew that she meant well, that she was only trying to protect him and uphold the family's traditions. But he couldn't help but feel suffocated by the weight of their expectations, by the pressure to conform to a life that didn't feel true to who he was.


"I understand, Mother," Alex said, his voice tinged with resignation. "But Megan is the woman I love, and I can't imagine my life without her. I know that our relationship may not fit into the mold of what you had envisioned for me, but I can't change how I feel."


His mother's expression softened slightly at his words, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. She reached out and placed a hand on his, her touch comforting and reassuring.


"I know, Alex," she said, her voice gentle. "And I want nothing more than for you to be happy. But you need to understand that there are consequences to your actions, both for you and for this family. I just hope that you're prepared to face them."


As Alex sat in silence, his mind whirling with conflicting emotions, he knew that he had a difficult choice ahead of him. He loved Megan with all his heart, but he also understood the importance of his family's legacy and the role he was expected to play within it.


But in the end, he knew that he couldn't deny his true feelings, couldn't sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of tradition. And as he left the meeting with his mother, his mind made up and his heart resolved, he knew that he would do whatever it took to fight for the woman he loved, even if it meant defying the expectations of his family and the world around him.