
Sex Gods' Dirty Secret - (Moved to a New Link)

Amber Star, a journalist with an easygoing life, had everything turned upside down when she stumbled upon a dark secret and in turn got her life entwined with something darker, leaving no room for an escape. Damian Stormborn, CEO of Starline Entertainment with a prestigious reputation as a sex god and every woman’s crazy dream man, had everything at his beck and call including a dirty secret that could ruin it all. Sadly, he had not counted on the fateful encounter that would reel a little rabbit into his dark lair. They had a problem. A sweet love tugging at his heartstrings and a dangerous romance ready to engulf her, changing all of her morals. With bigger problems and demons lurking in the dark, waiting to destroy all that he held dear, including her, how would the sex god survive this ordeal? Would both of them succumb or would they be determined to break the weak link, giving into the darkness?  ********* This book would have a lot of mature content and readers' discretion is advised. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, all right go to the original artist. Discord server: https://discord.gg/eSxAQAtGR2

Caramel_Butter · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs




Dropping her threats, Amber did her best to keep her head straight irrespective of the look in those devious eyes of his.

"You wouldn't dare," Damian informed with a hint of threat in his tone.

"And why wouldn't I? What do I stand to lose?"

"I could kill you where you stand."

To her surprise a more frightening aura exuded from him, leaving her wondering if she was doing the right thing going against someone of his calibre.

"But then," she let her words fade on her lips and squinted. "You know you could have done that simply before you met me. You did not even need to come here to the company and cause a scene."

He raked his eyes on her face briefly and exhaled.

"Which leads me to the conclusion that for some reason, you cannot bring yourself to do that.'

To her amazement, his eyes turned a light red and his hand flew straight for her throat but rather than grip tightly, he held her throat a bit and brought his face over to hers.

She gulped. At the very least he did not take that ability away as her eyes remained wide and stared into his.

Amber had not expected such action from him. Still, she refused to give up.

"Do it then."

The next few seconds flew past by quickly, with Damian's patience being tested while he glared into her eyes.

His breathing ragged. His breath on her cheeks was seemingly hotter than the others had been before.

Amber knew he was fighting with something inside him, or else he would not have bothered sparing her and snapped her neck.

Finally, he let his index finger slide down the length of her neck till it got to the top of her shirt and stopped.

All the while he kept his eyes locked on hers, feeling her fear rise with all of his actions. However, deep in those eyes, he was met with boldness as sharp as a two-edged sword.

He chuckled, adding more to the devilish flare that was already surrounding him. Slowly, Damian licked his lips and nodded.

"Good one."

He let her go and took a step back. Once free, he decided to drop his words sharply. "You think I do it know that all you have is bluff, huh?"

"That's your cup of tea, Mr. Stormborn but this girl here would do it."

"Then do it."

She lifted a brow while squinting. Did he just dare her to make his secret known?

She had only bluffed just now. She knew when she decided to take a picture or record him, it might alert him.

Not only that she had been too petrified by what she saw and only wished to run away when she alerted him of her position.

There was no way she had anything to prove what she saw. She only wished to stall and get away from this office and now he stated she should do it.

'Shoot me!' Amber lamented inwardly.

"What? You can't? Or was it all just a lie?" Damian questioned suspiciously.

"Just wait. You asked for it," Amber refuted and reached for her pocket.

Her hands felt the sides of her hips and the front for some seconds. On and on she searched until realization dawned on her.


She had been in a hurry to listen to her boss speak when he hollered her name like that. She had forgotten to take her phone with her.

Even if she did, her only plan was to fake post something as a write-up first and show him she was uploading a file but everything concerning her working tools was nowhere to be found.

"Hahaa, don't you look dumb now? You have not even have your phone or a hidden camera. To me you are the stupidest journalist out there," Damian insulted and dipped his right hand in his trouser pocket.

As much as Amber had not been prepared, having him insult her like that was not going to be tolerated.

Instinctively, she lifted her hand, sending a slap straight for his face when he effortlessly caught her wrist.


His grip tightened a bit on her wrist as he lifted his right hand, bringing it over to hers.

"Let go," Amber ordered through gritted teeth.

"Stay still and this would be over soon."


His aura darkened further as the look in his eyes changed into one of complete seriousness. "I am not asking either."

Mesmerized by the glow in his eyes, Amber lost herself for a split second. Taking her distraction to his advantage, Damian slipped a ring on her finger.

As soon as Amber felt the coldness of the iron on her skin, she was jolted back to reality.

Shocked, Amber yanked her hand free from him and took some steps away from him, for safety. Immediately her eyes fell on her right ring finger.

A beautiful gold ring rested on her skin, shining in its glory. She did not give it a single minute to stay on her finger before she tried taking it off.

Amber's eyes bulge in their sockets as she struggled but to avail, the ring failed to come off.

Snapping her eyes up, her expression became ardent. "You, what did you do? Get it off."'

"No," Damian refused.

"I am not asking."

"And I do not take orders from ladies. My only exception can be when you are fully naked and bucking underneath while screaming my name in ecstasy as you come down from your high."

He licked his lower lip seductively.

At this point, all Amber felt was disgust and hate from him. He could say what he wanted but for her, she did not wish to keep anything of his on her.

"Get it off."

"No. That ring binds you to me as my servant. You cannot take it off once worn."

"What?!" Amber's eyes blazed with fury. "Your servant, how dare you?"

"It is only precautionary measures. Now you are bounded to me as my slave. Now, I suggest you…"

Amber did not let him finish when she cursed loud and clear. "You phenomenal douchebag. I will…"

She felt something press on her finger. She gazed down only to see the once golden ring turn silver.

"What the…"

She had barely gotten the words out when her senses were assaulted immediately and her hormones awoken.

"Aaahh… what is happening?" She managed to let out and pressed her thighs together.

"That is the sexual punishment that activates when a servant disobeys her master," Damian informed with a malicious smile dancing on his lips.

Amber's eyes widened the more with understanding.

"Anytime you disobey me, insult or go against me as your master, the ring activates self-punishment. You will get aroused and it would keep heightening and punishing you till I relieve you and stop it."

With every word flooding out of Damian's lips, Amber's face grew pale with horror.

"So tell me, you wish to keep insulting me now or what?" His mischievous smirk broadened, making her wish she could smack him across the cheek.

Instantly, she felt her core lick out with juices as her body felt stimulated. Her eyes opened even more and closed, repeatedly.

"Oh, if you also hate in your mind while the punishment is activated, that makes it worse."


"Ah ahann…" he shook his head and pointed his index finger at her. "I would be careful if I were you, Ms. Star. Now, it would interest you to know that I can also heighten your pleasure, I mean punishment depending on your behaviour."

Amber glared him daggers and pressed her legs tighter.

"I will ask one more time. Would you take the offer? Yes or no."

She opened her mouth to speak with a deadly gaze when he lifted his finger to stop her.

"Do not forget, I can make your pleasure go high and you will beg me to make you cum here and even squirt. If I were you I will choose my answer carefully."

He bridged the gap between them, ignoring the awkward position her body was in as he leaned in close to whisper into her ear.

"And do not forget, there's no escaping me, Amber."

His right hand moved to her shoulder, trailing down the length of her arm in a gentle manner.

She shuddered, feeling her panties get wet with every passing second. He brought his other hand to her waist, going slowly up till his thumb traced the outlines of her breast.

Not stopping for a moment, Damian continued to tempt and arose her as he spoke.

Bringing his right hand forward, he held her chin, lifting her head with it to make her face him.

"Defiant. I am going to love making you bend to my will."

He brushed his lips on hers, tempting her for a kiss. By reflex she found herself wanting and waiting for the kiss when he pulled back, grazing her breast.

A small whimper escaped her lips at the loss of contact but heaven knew she was glad and punished. Watching his expression change, Amber knew he was serious.

"Remember, answer wisely. Do you accept or not?"

She bit down on her lower lip, dropping her eyes as she prepared herself for her answer.


Can we guess the answer Amber would give?

Comment your answer and Damian's possible response.

The highest and best answer along with the best response from Damian, wins the next spot in chapter 6.

Get wild, naughty and comment.

Caramel_Buttercreators' thoughts