
Sewer King - An SI in Gotham

Imagine waking up in a sewer. Now imagine you got no legs, no memories, and no bitches- Hey, there's a huge croc guy! To make sure he doesn't you, you promise him you'll make him a king! And he doesn't eat you. Now, you gotta make him a king. Well, at least that sounds fun? ------ Author here! Originally posted on Questionable Questing, where I reccomend you go read this because of the way the text looks :3 Also, Hi, read my name. This is gonna be gay.

DaoOfGay · Tranh châm biếm
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84 Chs

Chapter 60: Rise of Beastialis (Part 2)

[Clock - 07:00 | 07:00 AM]

[Calendar - 05/05/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey]


POV Change

3rd Person POV

It was absolutely insane! Nobody could even believe that the president, the one in charge of the United States of America, would simply declare war against another independent nation that was simply born out of the necessity of Gothamites! A disaster happens, he isolates the entire region by declaring it a No Man's Land zone, and he further enrages the population by simply declaring war on the kingdom that was born of the ashes of Gotham when there wasn't even a slightest attempt by the military or the goverment itself to regain Gotham, to rebuild the bridges that connected Gotham with the outside world, and the only news they could get from the inside of Gotham was from the [Gothamite Survivalist Guide], which had released a single new post after the declaration of war from the US president.

It was a video that had gathered... mixed reactions for the first hour that it was released. It was both a dismissal of the authority of the US president as well as a mockery of the goverment too.

[War Response by the King and Queen of Beasts]

[Whatever the King and Queen say, there will be quotes on them beneath the video itself, so you can go read the "script", if you want to. I also added subtitles for this video, for the better understanding of what the Queen and King say.

Protector of the Beastialis Cyberspace - Cyber-Neet

*The video starts with a short introduction, we see the shadows of a room turn to light as a small sphere of light simply appears in the hand of a short but handsome young man. He has his legs crossed, and they look metallic, almost silver in color. Besides him sits an enormous dragon-like man with black scales and bright green eyes, he is easily double the size of the smaller man*

"So, we heard this random fucker decided to be the ultimate Karen- Don't worry, you guys will get this mem in the future, in about 20 years or so -and declared war on our little nation, born out of the necessity and the goodness of our hearts, just because we didn't have the luck to be in a random spot a thousand miles away?" The young man sounded indignant, his amber eyes baring a glare so sharp it could cut through steel. He turned to look at the draconian humanoid sitting beside him and asking: "So, my love, what'chu think? Should we go all dark and evil and go to war?" He sounded really excited, but his smile seemed to drop as he turned to look at his king, because he could not hide the sadness in his heart.

With a heavy sigh, the King turned to look at the camera before he barred his sharp white teeth, with a growl that sounded like an engine, he said: "Well, I'd like to... But I have to think beyond myself, I have to think of my people, think about the children and the lost, and about everyone else... I have to say, we won't stay. This war is nothing but a joke, and we don't care about it." He turned to look down at his queen- the mirth in his eyes spike a thousand words and the unspoken ones were said with the simple gesture of hin reaching out and touching his love's chin, lifting it up a bit and smiling with a sadness hidden behind his green eyes -and with a sigh, he said: "Do your absolute worst and best, my beloved." With this, he turned away from the camera and offered his hand for his beloved wife while getting up, and together they left. 

"Ah- right!" Pushing his head back into the screen, the Queen grinned as he stared directly towards the sky: "Next time you see us, look to the sky, because we're above you. You wanted us gone from your land? Well, we will leave your incompetent hands, US government. Don't worry." With a wink, the screen turned completely black. 

*Text appears on the black screen that reads [We, the Beastialis Kingdom, choose to ignore the fucking idiot man known as Geoffrey James, because he is stupid and idiot. Let it be known that the King and Queen of Beastialis thinks the President of the United States is a bitch.]* 

And that's the answer of Beastialis. We do not care about your declaration of war, but for the safety of the people of Beastialis, we shall leave.

May your dreams reach the endless stars above, with love and respect.

Beastialis Kingdom - Menagerie of Magic]

This was the last message sent in the [05/05/2003] at [06:12]. And of course the president was furious. He wanted to send the military- he did, in fact, send the military to invade this wannabe kingdom and take over! It was on the news! Many journalists from around the United States of America had gathered southwest of Gotham City by the "beaches" of Gotham Harbor, and they were all rolling with cameras and showing to the world the seriousness of the situation. One particular reporter, that you might recognize by her long black straight hair and beige suit that she always used whenever she went live in national television- which this is the very fucking first time, and although she feels bad about the circumstances in which it happened, she is still a little bit excited about the fact that it is happening!

You know what- Why don't I show you?

"-and that is a summary of the situation in Gotham City." Tightly holding to her microphone, Lois turned to stare towards Old Gotham, the region of Gotham that it was now known as the Beastialis Kingdom territory and that it truly was the only completely safe place within Gotham city right now: "Ever since the events of the Cataclysm, Gotham has been hanging on by a thread, and we of the Daily Planet feel for the loses of Gotham. In grim news, however, we were not allowed to interview or record the military that is invading Old Gotham by boats. We have managed to find a good angle-" As she said that, the cameraman pointed the camera towards Old Gotham in the distance, they were a few or more miles away, and they could see the various military boats rushing through the waters of Gotham Harbor (that connected to the sea) towards a port. "-to record this moment in history, for the first ever war was declared by the USA on a nation that is in, technically speaking, surrounded by US soil." That's true. While Gotham itself is no long part of the US of A, the land surrounding Gotham (and the sea) is part of the US of A!

"-huh?" There was this soft static noise that made Lois pause. Not only her, but every other journalist or reporter that were there gathered, stopped.

Some took out their phones and others didn't, but what all could hear was a voice. A voice that many recognized, as it was the same voice that had mocked the president! "Checking, checking... Is this spell working? Well, anyway- Hey, you guys in the boats, you sure you wanna do this? I'm giving you a chance to live. You're no longer in Kansas, you're getting dangerously close to Beastialis. I'm warning you, if you get any closer, I will kill you all." Of course the boats did not listen, instead opting to move forward and keep their journey, much to the annoyance of the voice, that once again said: "Seriously? You guys wanna die for a random guy who sits his fat, ugly ass down in a stupid fucking chair and shouts like a fat pig to whoever will listen? Shit damn, I will give you three chances. This is the second one, turn around and run, or else you all will die today." And once more his voice was ignored. The orders they received were rather important, and the people that were in charge had sent them to their deaths... It was a pity. "Last warning- Leave or don't leave a corpse behind for your family to bury." And once more he was ignored.

The last thing the people in those first boast, about 50 or so feet apart from each other was this black line. It was a visible but thin line of pure black. The a few lucky cameraman were able to catch the following scene in clear detail, showing it to the nation and even a few other nations the power of the Queen of Beasts! The thin black line seemed to simply expand in all directions for 100 feet thick while the line went through an entire mile forward, and this sideways cylinder of pure black blocked everything for a few seconds as Atlas casted [Gravitational Annihilation], a powerful 10th level spell. There was this enormous suction force of the spell that pulled in the water from the sea and even a few pebles and broken pieces of building before the beam of extreme darkness simply flew towards the beam of black before it simply faded out like it was never there to begin with, and with a hauntingly cheerful and sweet tone of voice, he asked: "So, anyone else wanna invade my fucking kingdom? No? No volunteers? Okay then, bitches- Ah fuck, almost forgot why I was doing this spell in the first place... Citizens of Gotham city, those that wish to ascend alongside the Beastialis Kingdom and all its citizens, redirect yourself to the Old Gotham region. We will ascend in two hours." Nobody knew for certain what the Queen meant by "ascending", but the citizens of Beastialis prepared themselves for the new influx of citizens- which wasn't a bad thing once you made sure they're not secretly some sort of extremely disturbing psychopath that will eat babies at the mere mention of being hungry.

But nobody wanted to miss this.

All the survivors of Gotham that were hiding within their homes rushed out to the streets- those who either had too much hope or nothing left to lose, of course, because criminals were also going towards Old Gotham to see the show. Thankfully, Atlas had prepared himself for this! Waylon had his new divine glaive and all able bodied individuals were given weapons (wands and guns too) to defend the walls of Beastialis in case it was needed, while Atlas worked on the "screening" of the new citizens of the Beastialis Kingdom as they came in. It was easy to just cast [Aura of Truth] and [Zone of Truth] at the same time- while one compelled those close to him to tell the truth, the other simply made it impossible to lie, and in tandem, they worked incredibly well alongside [Detect Thoughts] to read the surface level thoughts of the poeple and even dive deeper into their minds to find hidden villains or hidden spies (he is being a little paranoid).

There was a small scuffle where Waylon had to step in and cut down Solomon Grundy, but he was easily killed and kicked out by Waylon.

And like that, two hours had gone by.

"Please go down. Enter a home and do not leave." Atlas motioned down and all citizens went rushing down to enter their homes to be perfectly and completely safe from the change that was going to happen. As Atlas gripped this pale lilac crystal sphere with a small cloud within it in his hands and closed his eyes, and through the Mythallar he casted two spells. The first one was the [Move Mountain] spell, a 10th level spell that would rise the entire land he designed as his to the sky. The spell was called [Move Mountain] because it was normally used to take mountains off of the ground, flip them upside down, and build cities in the flat side. The second spell casted was called [Create Mythallar], which basically enchanted the crystal ball that Atlas was holding, making it able to permanently hold the city aloft for as long as magic exists, because it cannot be dispelled. The strain on his soul and magic was heavy, even more so after casting that enormous [Gravitational Annihilation] spell that was essentially a show of strength. "And... rise, Beastialis, reach the clouds." With a heavy sigh of having a weight being taken off of his back (this spell takes a toll on the body too), Atlas was completely exhausted! Casting two 10th level spells in the span of two hours and casting an 11th level spell cast one of the two 10th level spells took a toll on his body, and he needed to rest.

As the ground shaked and was lifted from the ground, thousands of eyes watched in awe and horror as the entirety of Old Gotham, half of the abandoned and destroyed City Hall district, the entirety of the Slaughter Swamp, Financial District, and Blackgate Isle simply were lifted off of the ground as if a magical hand pulled them free.

They rose, higher and higher, until the rest of Gotham city below was but a distant memory.

In the future, all Beastialis would know this to be the Day of Ascension.

But Atlas?

"Hey, love... wanna marry me?"

Atlas would know this day as the day Waylon proposed to him.


End of Book 1