
The Queen of Witches

The golden sun of the evening has set, the air seems chilly. There are cries of anger and agony coming from a underground dungeon-like pit about 25feet deep. A dragon-like creature shouts from the pit, " It seems that the spell you used in sealing me is weakening Gregory. Very soon, I , Malkin will come for my revenge. Hahaha"

2 Years Later...

At a bar..

Everyone in the bar is drinking and making merriment. Suddenly a young knight comes around finds an old man and tries to get some coins out of him but the man nevertheless remains still not moving. Then all of a sudden the bells for the city starts ringing. Immediately after this a young man cones in shooting, " Master Gregory the emperor had called for you." He then sees that he his been harassed by the knight. He lets out a shout, " Don't you know who you're messing with" The young knight smirks, gives him a cold shoulder and proceeded to unsheathe his sword. He slashes it at the table, the old man suddenly moved, his agility like that of a cat. He quickly pulled the rum away from the table, dodges the attack and counters him. The knight tries again but his attack was again dodged. All this while, the rum on the hand of the old man did not spill a drop. Then the old man shouts, "the trick is not to dodge but to avoid spilling the wine" and everyone at the bar laughs at the foolishness of the knight. Then, Mr.Bradley,the young man who came in earlier shouted, " Gregory sir, the alarm bells have been ringing for quite since time now, we're needed in the palace immediately. Gregory then said, " why didn't you inform me, your still add incompetent as ever." He grabs his staff and prepares to leave, Bradley started, " I already informed you but... " he stops amidst and camly says " Im sorry master" They both get in their horses and leaves.

At the emperor's castle

As Gregory arrived at the castle, the emperor heaves a sigh of relieve and explains the situation to him.

Emperor :- Spook!, thank the heavens you're

here. She has been possessed like this for three days. We chained her down for the meanwhile. Can you do something about it?

Gregory :- Well, we'll just have to see first.

Gregory then starts to recite some incantations while pouring a white, powdry substance around the girl. All of a sudden the girl starts to speak, " Gregory, its been a long time since we've been together, I loved you and you sealed me away in that pit."

Gregory:- The spell must have weakened. Show yourself, Malkin, don't cower away in the body of the young girl.( At the same times he signals to Bradley to get ready)

Then a dragon-like creature came out of the girl and as it descends, it slowly changes into a woman clothed in red attire.