
Seventh Sense: Queen of the Underworld

Don't be fooled by the genre. There will be little to no romance in this novel. The only romance will be for the plot of the novel. ......... A Succubus Queen, forged by a cruel past, rises to power and rules her kingdom with an iron fist. Her sole focus is maintaining control and order, ensuring that her subjects never experience the subjugation she once endured. As challenges arise, she makes ruthless decisions to keep her dominion intact, navigating the complexities of rulership with unwavering determination.

FugiTee · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Construction Begins

"Greeting esteemed figure, I am Thorin, and these are my children. We are glad to have the opportunity to serve a person of such a caliber."

His introduction served as a reminder of how Heimdall is being encased in the depths of history. A man of such power would not be forgotten easily, but the higher-ups of the kingdom have been working hard to erase his name from people's minds in the past century. Not even his castle was recognized.

"My castle should be built on the mountain peak to the far east."

I am a woman of few words, so I kept my words short and straightforward which earned frowns on the dwarves' faces, but I didn't bring them here to butter up to them. I was surprised since they barely showed traces of lust, even after I spoke but then I remembered that dwarves have little to no libido and are solely focused on their crafts.

"I understand, but the mountains to the east are very cold and it would take a long time to build there. On top of that, the costs would be astronomical if following these blueprints."

As I listened to his statement, I felt he was reasonable, but I didn't care for the time it would take and only wanted my castle built so that I could work in peace. The costs would have been a problem, but I had no obligation to pay him as his ruler. I gestured to Trista to relay my words.

"My lady has no obligation to care for the working conditions or cost, rather, you are the ones obligated to follow her orders with no mistake. I advise you to work as fast as possible since the fate of this kingdom rests in her hands."

Her words were very offensive and even surprised me since she strayed from my words. Trisha grew to be ruthless when it came to me and even dared to disobey Heimdall for my sake. The dwarves threw away their respect and started threatening me to abandon the project.

"We are the best builders you will find in the region, and we have treated you with a lot of respect since we came here, yet you dare to disrespect us and humiliate us with such idiotic claims. Young lassie, no matter how rich you are, there are dire consequences that come with disrespecting us."

As soon as he finished his sentence, silence fell upon the room as they stared at us with anger. I could sense Trista's aura threatening to erupt in a fit of anger, but these dwarves were all above A-tier and she knew she would not be able to win against them when she was only at the third rank of the B-tier. I calmly looked down at them as though I was looking at children despite most of them being older than me.

"My attendant seems to have come off strong, I apologize. However, her words were true, and you have no right to decline with your position. You have the choice to build this castle or have your face wiped from the face of the world, you will choose."

My voice was melodious and soft, yet it contained a commanding tone that would make anyone who heard it want to follow whatever orders came from it. I felt the dwarves' aura calm down and I could tell that persuading them wouldn't be too difficult.

"Your confusion and anger are well placed, but I will not explain anything until my abode is built. You were selected because you can work in such harsh environments, so I hope that you do not disappoint. My attendant will explain the rest and you can work within one year without fail. That is all."

Thorin stared in confusion at my order and felt disrespected since dwarves are known to finish all builds very quickly, so having a deadline of a full year for a mere castle ignited a flame of passion in him which would make him work even harder.