
Seven Sins (And One Clueless Human)

Izuku had made a choice. He still should have time. He wanted Yagi-san to live a long life, and not pass away at the age of forty-eight. He has no other choice... ...But to summon a demon or: Midoriya Izuku, a young half human, half witch, has no other choice but to summon a powerful demon. Enter Bakugou Katsuki, prince of hell, the avatar of wrath, the greatest of them all- is summoned by a lowly human- Deku?? A story about these two dorks through the depths of hell, facing many enemies together, and perhaps their feelings as well.

greenuts · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

From goodbye to welcome

"I want you to be mine."


"Are you stupid Deku? I said I want you to be mine. As in my property. I'll own your whole being, soul and body included." The blonde barked out impatiently.

Oh. Izuku heard it very clearly for the first time, he just couldn't believe it. Kacchan always called him names, and took up on every opportunity just how worthless he was in every meaning. So why would he want him now.. "Why?" he questioned it out loud.

"The fuck you mean why? Because I want to. You were the dumbass who made a pact with a demon saying he'll do 'anything'." Katsuki shook his head as he still couldn't believe the amount of foolishness.

"But why would you want me?" Izuku asked once again.

The demon sighed. "You really don't get it, do you stupid Deku?" he grabbed the human by his shoulders as he leaned closer, hot breath tickling the green male's freckled face.

"There wasn't a being in hell for centuries now, who made a pact like this with a human. You know why?" The question lingered in the air for a second.

"Because most humans weren't stupid enough to dedicate their life to a hell spawn. They made deals for other smaller shitty things." At this point Katsuki rolled his eyes. "So as you can see you're an exception. And while I hate doing this kind of shit, I fucking love being the first to have a human trailing behind me and following my orders like a pet." He smiled wickedly at the end of his so-called explanation.

Izuku narrowed his eyes. Maybe he should've thought twice about the contract. No, scratch that he'd still choose this fate instead of seeing his mentor die between his mother's arms.

"Are you regretting your decision now, huh Izuku?"

The demon sneered, finally as his point seemed to get across the mortal's mind. The name rolled off his tongue like a taunt yet it sent shivers down Izuku's spine. He wondered if Kacchan ever referred to him by his name and as far as he recalled there were no memories of it.

He looked towards Toshinori one last time and moved to take a hold of his hand. He still remained unconscious but Izuku wanted to say a proper goodbye at least to one of his caretakers.

"Yagi-san.." He started, and he felt the temperature changing behind him as Katsuki moved further away. "I.. will be back-"

"Nah, you're wrong about that Deku." Kacchan interrupted, inspecting the medical herbs laying on the counter shelf. He sniffed one and chewed on it, spitting it out with a curse when the taste wasn't meeting his standards.

Izuku cleared his throat and fought the urge to glare at the demon. "I'm sorry. It was the only way I could save you. Please take care of mom for me. And yourself too. I'll be okay." He whispered the words trying not to let his emotions take over him. It was already embarrassing having Kacchan's gaze on him while he was trying to bid farewell.

"You done-"

"Young Midoriya.."

Both Izuku and Katsuki startled at the sound of the weak voice that cut off the blonde's usual bitching.

"Dad?!" The greenette shrieked in joy

"Wha- Dad?!" Katsuki spluttered in surprise at the title. "I'm outta here. Deku I give you sixty seconds to wrap this whole shit up." He didn't go far though. The outside walls of the little house kept his form hidden, just in case Deku planned something as stupid as escaping him.

Both humans paid him no mind as they were too focused on communicating with each other. Toshinori's eyes were still hazy and unfocused. How was he suddenly conscious the younger didn't know, Kacchan himself said he'd need a few days ro regain himself.

"Father I-"

"Izuku. We don't have much time" The older man hurriedly sat up wincing in pain. "You have to eat my hair."

"Huh?" Maybe Old Toshinori wasn't feeling too well after all. He just woke up from months -long coma and the first thing he intended to do was feed Izuku his hair.

"You.. I don't have time to explain it. You have to carry on the legacy before you go, or worse I disappear forever. I was too reckless thinking we had more time to prepare." The elder explained as much as he could, his voice raspy and faint.

His weak shaky hand quickly grabbed one of his golden hair strand and moved it towards Deku's mouth.

"Are you sure about this?" Midoriya asked one last time just to be sure he wasn't misunderstanding something. But what he saw in All Might's eyes was nothing but fierce determination and hope. He swallowed all his doubts before taking the hair and gulping it down without hesitation.

"There.. all.. should be.. fine.." Yagi said his words slowing down "The future is in your hands young Midoriya. I trust you. Heaven trusts you." He said finally, falling back to sleep.

Izuku stood there motionless trying to process everything that's happened in the past minutes.

He didn't have much time to wonder though as blonde spikes popped up from the front door

"Time's up" Katsuki said, grabbing the human by the wrist to drag him God knows where.

Oh well. Maybe even God didn't know.

Izuku blinked as he took in the familiar sight of the forest they used to play in as children.

"Why are we here? Where are we going?" He asked, trying to tug out his arms from the demon's grip but it was too strong.

"I know you're stupid Deku, but think a little," The demon said as he stopped. He let go of Izuku who rubbed the wrist Katsuki was holding. The blonde appeared to be drawing something into the dirt, and the Deku realized it was another summoning circle.

"Are we going to summon another demon to take us somewhere?"

Katsuki just gave him a glare and continued working "As if I'd need another bastard to be able to do such a minor thing as teleportation" he scoffed as he finally finished the symbol. It wasn't one Izuku recognized from the summoning books, it had sharp edges in the middle and it seemed more complex than the ones in the spell scrolls. It was definitely something ancient and from the depths of hell.

Before Izuku could say anything more, he was grabbed again this time by the waist and pulled close to Katsuki.

"Welcome to hell, Deku"

It was the last thing he heard before bliding flames in all shades of red, yellow, and orange surrounded them. Emitting such heat Izuku was certain his skin would melt off, but for some reason it did not. However his human clothes did not survive the temperature of teleportation.

At some point he closed his eyes, a reflex due to the sudden brightness that engulfed them. It could've been a brief moment as well as eternity, Izuku wasn't sure. When they arrived the two things that registered in his brain was the very fact that he was as naked as the day he was born, and Kacchan distant muttering of 'what the fuck'

"How the fuck did we end up here?" It was louder this time, frustrated confusion leaking through the demon's words.

The human mage slowly opened his eyes, and the sight only could be described as breathtaking. The irony was not lost on him as he was practically in hell yet -

The colors burned vigorously on the sky as if they were painted by acrylic, ripped from a children's book. It was mesmerizing in its own way, darker shades mellowing with lighter ones. Yellow seemed to be the dominant color above them all, Izuku noted. He wondered if it had any special meaning.

"-the first damned floor. How the fuck did we end up here? I don't understand goddamnit.."

Oh right. He was in hell.

"Uh Kacchan?"

As if the blonde had already forgotten about his presence, his voice suddenly seemed to bring him back as his red eyes found his face, the wandered off to the rest of his bare body.

"Deku wh-" He seemed to not quite find the words he was looking for. He then looked around suddenly before taking off his cape. "You can not be wearing nothing, smelling like that. Fuck. Especially not when we're not on my floor." And with that he threw the scarlet cloak on him.

"What floor? Are we.. not supposed to be here?" Izuku asked, wrapping the cloth around himself. It was ridiculously large on him but at least it covered everything for now.

Katsuki sighed, already looking done with the situation "You really don't know anything about the underworld, do you?"

Deku shook his head "Not really. I haven't had much interest in it until I decided to summon.. well you. My knowledge of this realm is minor." he confirmed.

"Alright, listen to me then dipshit, cause I'm not repeating myself," The demon started, spotting something in the distance. "We need to get over there" He pointed towards a castle. It was still within seeing distance.

"Out here isn't exactly the safest." Kacchan said, and the human could admit. As pretty as this place was, it had an atmosphere not to be messed with. And not to mention the hell creatures he has read about back on earth. He shivered by just thinking about encountering them. There was also something inside him that was heavily repulsed by just being here.

"Not for me obviously, I can handle myself," Katsuki continued "But for a wimpy human like yourself. Who is not exactly dead" He said, pointing towards the greenette as they began walking towards the mysterious palace.

Izuku perked up at that "Am I not dead? Then how could I get here?"

"Again, too long to explain. Connected to making a pact with me or some shit. Technically doesn't require you to die or whatever." Kacchan grumbled as he picked up a faster pace

"So listen. Hell has multiple floors." He started

It kind of reminded Izuku of the times when they were just merely children, sneaking out to play im secret in the near forest. Kacchan always telling him new things about everything, and the human absorbing the information.

"To simply put, the deeper you are, the deepest shit you're in." It was very easy to lose focus as he recognized the differences between then Kacchan, and now the full adult version of him. His form was tall, shoulders board, body tensing with muscles with each step. But he did manage to keep his ears open as well as his traitorous eyes were wondering on Kacchan's form.

"Now, we're on the first floor. That means it holds no great importance of danger" He glanced at Izuku behind his back "Well, at least for me. With your weak as shit human body, I can't leave you out of my sight even for a second here. I'll do that, and you're snatched up by whatever creature is out there."

Izuku nodded, swallowing down his fear "So then, why are we going there?" He asked yet another question looking towards the enormous castle lying near a small river that seemed to have a vibrant purple color.

"Safety reasons" Katsuki answered simply "And answers. Usually I am able to teleport right into my floor, but this time it did not work. I suspect it has something to do with you." He accused, as Izuku was the one who begged him to make him his eternal pet or something.

"You keep repeating 'safety' this 'safety' that but why would I be more safe-"

"Halt right there intruders. State what business you have here, in the castle of prince of Gula"