
Yes She is, She is Here. 

It's been one week since Kertabumi's death. Since then, Wisnu rarely sleeps. He always looked at Kendari, his daughter, in silence whenever the little girl slept. He never left his only child. The man always had nightmares; every time he tried to close his eyes, the image of how Kertabumi was killed flashed through his head.

He had never really seen how his wife was killed and died, but based on how Kertabumi's body looked when he was found by Langit, he could clearly imagine everything.

His eyes were always empty when he watched Kendari, who was sleeping. Various suppositions flashed through his head: if only he had not meditated, if only he had not left Kertabumi, if only he had not wasted his time in Yamani the longer he thought about them, the more it hurt him.

The man gently rubbed Kendari's cheek. "You look so much like Kertabumi," the man muttered in a hoarse voice.