
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs


Running... panting... no it cant be..

It was dark no stars no clouds no nothing this endless chasing endless chaos I don't want it. I was in a castle snapped into the forest. A sharp pain in my heart, this is only the option.

I need to get out. No, WE need to get out. But how, I have no idea where my team are. I was still captivated and overwhelmed by running in a forest that seemed no where is the end. I grew tired. I looked around, the dead trees engulfed me as I pan my head side to side. They are dark, dark as it ever will be.

"Xilliana, hiding in the forest I see."

Deep, husky and groggy voice I heard echoing in this so called forest. He planned this. I don't want to repeat this again. I need my team... to be alive.

"Is this how you play The Game?"

His voice is getting closer I have accepted my fate. I need to be intelligent. With a deep breath I stopped. My legs couldn't stop shaking, it's not because of fear... it's because it's tired. I'm tired.

"I'm the host remember?"

With my last breath I closed my eyes and faced my fate.

"Do you miss me.... Xi?"

I heard him. I never opened my eyes and I know he's infront of me. Those words he whispered through my ear, shivers run through my spine. I keep it together. I kept it together for a long time.

Let's reply shall we?