
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 6: Beckette

"I see you're angling for some alone time," he quipped, his words breaking the silence that had settled between us. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his smugness, a flicker of annoyance momentarily clouding my thoughts. Despite my initial impulse to wipe that smirk off his face, an unexplainable force compelled a reluctant smile to curve my lips. It was an infuriating paradox, feeling simultaneously drawn to his presence and exasperated by his demeanor. I fought to stifle the emerging grin, instead opting for a defiant snarl. "Whatever, big boy."

With an impatient gesture, I ushered him to action, the tension between us palpable yet intriguing. Our dynamic was a tumultuous blend of camaraderie and rivalry, a complex dance that seemed to be dictated by forces beyond our control.

As we delved into our search, my fingers brushed against a seemingly inconspicuous surface, revealing a hidden latch. The revelation of a secret passage lay before us, an enigmatic gateway beckoning us into the unknown. With a calculated glance, I met his eyes and nodded toward the concealed passage, wordlessly inviting him to join me in uncovering its mysteries.

The urgency of our mission pushed me to act swiftly. "Kyson," I said, my voice firm yet urgent, "let everyone know about this. Gather them. We might have just stumbled upon a vital clue."

Kyson's eyes widened with realization, his initial smirk replaced by a genuine sense of purpose. Without a moment's hesitation, he nodded and swiftly left the room to round up our team, each member ensconced in their own tasks within the cabin. As the door closed behind him, I was left alone with my thoughts and the haunting allure of the secret passage—a silent reminder that our journey was far from over, and that within the depths of the cabin's walls, untold revelations awaited our discovery.

"This indeed will be a long journey ahead," I murmured to myself, the weight of our mission settling upon my shoulders like a heavy mantle. Unbeknownst to me, I was not alone in my contemplations.

"It'll be easy for you, sweetheart." The voice sliced through the air, catching me off guard. I turned to face the speaker, finding myself locking eyes with the enigmatic master of our endeavor. His very presence was magnetic, his charm woven into every word and gesture. I couldn't deny the inexplicable attraction that seemed to draw me toward him, despite the danger that lay beneath his captivating exterior.

I tried to find my words, to respond in a way that conveyed my wariness, but his chuckle reverberated in the room, rendering me momentarily speechless. Even his laughter was handsome, and I berated myself for succumbing to his allure.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to you," he continued, his gaze sweeping around the room as if searching for something elusive.

I began to speak, to address him as "Master," but he cut me off with a soft command, my name escaping his lips with a touch of familiarity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Beckette," he interjected, his voice a low murmur that cut across my words. I met his interruption with a steadfast gaze, my resolve unwavering. "We don't have anything to talk about," I continued, my tone laced with a mixture of defiance and finality.

In a blink, he was there—teleporting in front of me with a swiftness that defied logic. Our eyes locked, an unspoken connection forming between us. It was as if time itself had stilled, allowing us to exist within this suspended moment. His intense blue eyes held mine, and for a fleeting second, the world around us faded into insignificance.

"Maybe we have, maybe we don't," he mused, his words tinged with a hint of mystery. "If I were you, I'd ask me something to ease your thoughts." The weight of his suggestion hung between us, a tantalizing invitation to explore the depths of our enigmatic connection.

The passage of time became elusive, slipping through our fingers like grains of sand. The trance was broken by a sudden squeak, a stark reminder of the reality that awaited beyond our stolen moment.

"Guess time's up," he teased, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. With a subtle gesture, I caught his wrist, my grip gentle but firm. "Why are you doing this to us?" I implored, my voice laced with a mixture of frustration and curiosity. His chuckle resonated like a melodious echo, a response to my plea that offered no clear answer.

He freed his wrist from my grasp, his gaze remaining locked onto mine. Bathed in the moonlight's tender embrace, his pale skin seemed to glow ethereally as he smiled, an enigmatic expression that left me wanting more.

"Only time would tell," he stated, his smirk lingering like a phantom as he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a palpable sense of intrigue. His departure was timely, just as my teammates burst through the door, shattering the fragile cocoon of our moment.

An exclamation escaped my lips as I took in the sight before me. My team, my companions in this enigmatic journey, stood before me with faces that resembled knights preparing for battle, yet their expressions held a quirky charm that was both endearing and comical. The wear and tear on their clothes told the tale of their arduous efforts, and I couldn't help but be amused by their disheveled appearance.

And then, a realization struck me like a lightning bolt. Eli was among them. How had they managed to make him agree onto this? The intricacies of their collaboration left me both astounded and snorted.

"What are you guys doing? Are you guys having a costume party," I quipped, unable to suppress a laugh as I surveyed my disheveled team. Their appearances ranged from amusing to endearing, each of them sporting an air of determination that was slightly undermined by their haphazard attire.

"Envy here is the mastermind. We do look awful, yes, we know," Atifa retorted with a mock scowl, playfully deflecting the blame onto her companion. Yet it was Eli who stepped up to provide an explanation, his voice laced with a sense of lighthearted camaraderie.

"Demea got us into a bit of a wet situation. She managed to trip over a pipe that seemingly led to a water source. And, well, the rest is history. We had quite the adventure searching for replacement clothes," he shared, a hint of irritation and disbelief coloring his words.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their misadventures, my laughter mixing with the sound of their own.

The echoes of laughter lingered in the air as I wiped away the tears that had gathered at the corners of my eyes. With a nod of determination, I motioned for my team to proceed, their steps carrying us forward into the heart of this new clue we had stumbled upon.

Walking through the passage, Eli's hand found mine, his silent gesture urging me to let others take the lead. A small knife was placed in my palm, a subtle yet significant token of preparation. His whispered words held a promise of protection, a reminder that we were in this together. We approached a door, its surface marred by the absence of a key.

"Did any of you happen to see a key lying around?" Kyson's question cut through the air, his gaze sweeping over our group.

"I have it, here," Yvette answered, producing the key with a triumphant smile. Kyson took it from her, a sense of anticipation building as he inserted the key into the lock. A quiet sigh of relief escaped his lips as the tumblers clicked and the door swung open.

"Finally, you become useful, if you want to," Atifa's snarky comment drew an exasperated eye roll from me, a silent response to her teasing. Pushing past her remark, he moved forward into a tunnel that led us deeper into the unknown.

The tunnel's character gradually transformed, evolving into the cold, stone expanse of a dungeon. My gaze swept over the architecture, each stone seeming to hold echoes of a forgotten past. The absence of recent occupation was tens, casting an eerie stillness over the chamber.

The master's voice resonated through the space, his words echoing like a haunting melody. Yet, his presence remained elusive, his form shrouded in shadows. "Easy, isn't it?" his voice rang out, a hint of amusement lacing his words. "Don't rejoice just yet. Let's hope you've uncovered the piece that was needed in there. There's no turning back now." His enigmatic proclamation hung in the air, a prelude to the challenge that lay ahead.

"Game 3: Knights and dungeons," he declared, his words a cryptic invocation that left us standing on the precipice of another enigmatic trial. The dungeon beckoned, its secrets waiting to be unveiled, and as a team, we took our first steps into the unknown, ready to confront whatever mysteries awaited us and emerge victorious once more.