
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 5: Now You See me, Now You Don’t

Without the slightest hint of warning, gravity's invisible hand seized us all, and we found ourselves plummeting through the sky once more.

"Please, catch me!" My cry pierced the air, a desperate plea for a safe embrace before the imminent impact. Tension coiled within me as I mentally prepared for the jarring collision with the earth below.

In the midst of the heart-stopping freefall, I found myself enveloped in Kyson's strong and reassuring arms. A relieved smile danced across my lips as his presence reassured me that I wouldn't face this chaotic descent alone. "I got you, princess," his voice, laced with a hint of amusement, murmured against the whirlwind of wind and adrenaline.

A mischievous glint sparked in my eyes as I peered up at him from the shelter of his arms. "You certainly know how to make an entrance," I quipped, a playful tilt to my words.

As our rapid descent continued, a thrilling mixture of adrenaline and fear coursed through my veins. The world around us became a dizzying whirlwind, threatening to sweep away all sense of normalcy. In the midst of this chaos, his strong embrace provided an unexpected sanctuary, a momentary escape from the vertiginous plunge. Time seemed to stretch, bending to the gravity of our shared experience, and in that suspended state, it was as though the universe had reduced itself to just the two of us.

I allowed myself to briefly revel in the comfort of his arms, the steady rhythm of his heart beating against my cheek. Yet, the urgency of our situation snapped me back to reality. Amid the tumultuous descent, Eli's voice pierced through, a mix of concern and something else—a tinge of jealousy perhaps. His words were a reminder that our embrace, while comforting, could only be a brief interlude.

With a gentle brush of my fingers against his chest, I signaled my readiness to regain solid ground. A playful grin passed between us, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had momentarily shielded us from the world's chaos. "Alright, you can put me down now," I teased, my voice carrying a hint of both reluctance and anticipation.

Reluctantly, he released me, and as my feet touched the ground, a new reality unfolded before us. The surroundings were shrouded in darkness, the only source of light emanating from an enigmatic moon that cast eerie shadows across the landscape. Trees loomed tall and mysterious, their branches stretching like skeletal fingers toward the obsidian sky. The forest exuded an aura of ancient secrets, an untamed wilderness that held both beauty and trepidation.

A shared question hung in the air, unspoken but palpable: Where had our companions vanished to in the midst of our chaotic descent? As we exchanged puzzled glances, Eli and I ventured forward, navigating the dense underbrush and the haunting silence that seemed to envelop the forest. It was then that a spectral figure emerged, her form ethereal and translucent, like a mirage that had materialized from the depths of our imagination.

Kyson's incredulous voice broke the stillness, his words carrying a mix of awe and uncertainty. "Is that a ghost?" he mused aloud, his eyes wide with a blend of fascination and apprehension. Beside him, Eli's disbelief was evident, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "What do you think?" he replied, his gaze locked on the apparition before us.

As the ghostly figure gradually approached, a palpable sense of anticipation hung thick in the air, weaving a mysterious tapestry that seemed to mirror the very essence of the enchanted forest surrounding us. Our once straightforward journey had careened into an unforeseen trajectory, thrusting us into a realm where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural were so finely interwoven that they danced upon the edge of a razor. Little did our unsuspecting hearts realize, this eerie encounter was merely the prologue to a cascade of revelations poised to stretch the taut fabric of our beliefs, ultimately binding us together in ways beyond the scope of our wildest imaginings.

The resonant timbre of the master's voice sliced through the atmosphere, his words a sonorous proclamation that pierced our collective awareness. It was as though he descended from the very heavens, his ethereal form transitioning gracefully from air to ground, his movements as fluid as a wisp of smoke. A sardonic smirk curled upon his magnetic countenance, a testament to the enigmatic power he held over our fates.

A jolt of unexpected emotion fluttered within me, my thoughts momentarily overridden by a hushed internal monologue. *Damn*, I chided myself, the unbidden intrusion of attraction interrupting my focus. I hastily recalibrated my sentiments, mentally berating my untimely distraction. Yet, there was no denying the undeniable truth: the master possessed a haunting handsomeness that transcended ordinary aesthetics. His face bore a rugged charm, accentuated by a patch that concealed one eye, lending an air of enigmatic mystery to his appearance. His gaze, an oceanic expanse of cerulean blue, possessed an almost hypnotic allure, a tranquil depth that beckoned one to lose themselves within its azure depths. His smile, however, was the true conundrum—a beguiling curve of lips that exuded an intoxicating danger, its allure tempting as a forbidden fruit one couldn't help but crave.

"Come forth, players," he beckoned with an authority that left no room for disobedience, each word a command that resonated within our cores. One by one, we emerged from our concealed positions, drawn by an irresistible force that compelled our compliance. The assemblage stood in silence, an unlikely septet bound together by an enigmatic invitation that defied reason.

The master's gaze, unfaltering in its intensity, swept over our motley assembly before alighting upon me. His lips, forming a knowing smile, seemed to communicate a veiled message, a connection forged in the fleeting moments before his words gave birth to the next phase of our enigmatic journey.

"Welcome, players, to the second game!," he declared, his voice a symphony of intrigue that echoed through the clearing. His proclamation elicited a frisson of trepidation and excitement, emotions entwined in an intricate dance. "Game Two: Now You See Me, Now You Don't."

In the forest's enchanting embrace, an inexplicable occurrence unfolded before my eyes. His gaze, an embodiment of an enigmatic force, met mine with a connection that transcended the mundane. Its intensity delved into the very core of my existence, shattering the barriers between our souls. His lips curled into a beguiling smile, hinting at concealed mysteries yearning to be discovered. And then, as swiftly as a wisp of smoke, he disappeared into the tapestry of reality, leaving me with a mingling of eager anticipation and unsettling ambiguity, blurring the fine line between what's real and illusory.

"Who really are you?" I pondered aloud, my curiosity kindled by his presence, as though he held the key to unlock secrets that had long been veiled.

Yvette's voice, tinged with a sense of nonchalance, sliced through the moment. "That's it? No instructions or anything?" Her words echoed as if she were an innocent bystander in the unfolding drama.

Atifa's sharp retort sliced through the forest air, her urgency palpable. "Yvette! How could you?!" Her voice resonated like a clarion call, a warning that reverberated through the woods. The ethereal entities that had been lurking now stirred, their spectral presence becoming more tangible by the moment. We needed to act swiftly.

Amid the tension, I focused on scanning my surroundings for any clue that might aid us. Amidst the ephemeral specters, I noticed an anomalous figure – a ghost walking in tandem with an owl. The owl, its gaze meeting mine, seemed to share a cryptic connection, as if understanding the weight of our predicament.

"Find the treasure hidden within, he'll ask soon the question in here," a voice echoed within my thoughts. Was it the owl speaking to me? A surreal shock coursed through me, yet it paled in comparison to what followed.

"Yes, I am talking to you. Go, before you meet your doom," the owl's voice echoed, a haunting blend of urgency and guidance before it vanished into the night.

Emerging from the shadows like a steadfast sanctuary, the cabin stood as a beacon of refuge, a sanctuary amidst the tempestuous uncertainty that engulfed us. With a determined heart, I rallied my diverse team, urging them to put aside their petty bickering and instead unite under my guidance. We approached the cabin, each step resonating with our shared purpose, until we stood at its very threshold. Our spirits were high, so as our anticipation, but our progress was abruptly thwarted by the unyielding obstacle of a locked door.

An exasperated sigh escaped Demea's lips, her frustration echoing our collective sentiment. "Now what? The door is locked," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and impatience.

As the weight of our situation settled upon us, I turned my gaze toward Ezra, whose demeanor radiated a quiet yet resolute resourcefulness. From his pocket, he produced a simple paperclip. Our eyes met, and I nodded in approval, allowing him to take the lead. Stepping aside, I watched as Ezra's deft fingers manipulated the paperclip, dancing skillfully within the intricate mechanisms of the lock. Tension hung thick in the air, a palpable reminder of our precarious circumstances.

Kyson's unease was palpable, his restless energy adding to the charged atmosphere. "Ez, can you pick it faster? The ghosts seem to sense our intrusion," Kyson's voice trembled with a hint of desperation, mirroring the urgency that coursed through all of us.

"I'm tryi—" Ezra began, but his words were abruptly silenced by the resounding click of the lock as it finally relinquished its hold. Time seemed to hold its breath as the barrier before us yielded, opening a path into the unknown. Without a moment's hesitation, we crossed the threshold, stepping over the invisible boundary that separated the known from the enigmatic, and we found ourselves inside the cabin—a space that seemed to pulse with secrets waiting to be unveiled, and the promise of the next chapter of our extraordinary journey.

Turning my attention away from the mysterious interior, I noticed my boss standing at a distance, his demeanor a canvas painted with swirling thoughts and emotions. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I approached him, my footsteps purposeful but gentle against the worn floorboards. With a reassuring touch on his arm, I guided him a few steps away from the hustle and bustle of our companions who were busy making the cabin a temporary home.

In the midst of the dimly lit cabin, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight filtering through time-worn windows, my boss's gaze locked onto mine. A tension hung between us, a reflection of the weight our shared mission bore upon his shoulders. His eyes became mirrors, reflecting a fusion of determination and uncertainty, an evidence to the complexities of our undertaking.

"We've come this far, and I believe in us," my voice emerged as a soft murmur, a gentle stream of reassurance that flowed from my lips. It carried with it the unwavering conviction that had steered us through the corridors of countless challenges. "We'll find the answers we seek, even within these mysterious walls."

A hint of a smile—a fragile yet genuine expression—tugged at the corners of his lips, a silent acknowledgement that my words had found their mark, if only to provide a fleeting moment of solace amidst the burdens that threatened to engulf him. And as we stood side by side, his hand enveloping mine, a fragile yet unbreakable connection was forged, a silent promise that we would weather whatever storms lay ahead, hand in hand.

The cabin's timeworn walls seemed to exhale secrets, the very essence of the place resonating with a hushed reverence that enveloped us. It was in this enigmatic cocoon that my boss finally spoke, his voice a whisper that seemed to resonate with the cabin's ancient echoes. "Ezra, is a killer from long ago. He was on a run. His last kill was 20 years ago." His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of a revelation long held in silence. "I want you to be safe, okay? And be careful with Kyson."

I nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of his concerns. His protectiveness was both endearing and cautionary, a reminder of the intricacies that lay hidden beneath the surface of our relationship. As I held his hand, on top. I mouthed my promise: "I will."

Turning our attention toward the rest of the team, I noticed the tapestry of emotions woven into their interactions. Atifa, her usual effervescent self, was endeavoring to capture Kyson's attention with an infectious enthusiasm, while Envy, shrouded in a quiet brooding, found solace in the comforting presence of Ezra, who offered both empathy and understanding. Demea, ever watchful, stood sentry near the window, her gaze outward, a guardian of our fragile sanctuary.

In the presence of our team, each person carrying their own history, burdens, and dreams, I felt a surge of unity, a profound understanding that we were bound not just by circumstance, but by the shared journey that had led us to this moment. The cabin itself seemed to hold its breath, a silent witness to our collective resolve, its timeworn walls bearing witness to the tapestry of lives woven together by fate. And as the moonlight danced upon the floor, casting delicate shadows that seemed to echo our destinies.

"We should start guys, we might unrest the dead," my words cut through the air, commanding attention as I directed our motley crew to scour the cabin for items of utility. Our collective mission awaited, and time was of the essence. Amidst the flurry of activity, I felt a spark of tension, a sign that not all was harmonious.

A moment of contention surfaced as Eli, his voice edged with determination, declared, "No, Kyson, I'll accompany Zammirah." I gestured for him to lower his voice, aware that discretion was paramount.

Kyson's retort was quick and pointed, laced with a mixture of accusation and curiosity. "Why, Eli? Are you two in a relationship? I couldn't help but notice your conversations, excluding the rest of us."

My patience wavered, the harmony of our purpose threatened by this burgeoning conflict. "Enough," my voice held a stern edge as I intervened, realizing that squabbling among ourselves was an unnecessary hindrance. "This fighting can't help us! It only hinder us to find what we need and loose time"

With a determined grip, I gently pulled Kyson aside, his smirking demeanor challenging my resolve. As my gaze met Eli's, I offered a reassuring smile—a subtle gesture meant to quell his concerns and affirm our shared unity. It was a gesture that spoke louder than words, a reminder that beneath our differences lay a steadfast bond, woven through shared challenges and aspirations.

In a moment of tension, Kyson's hand found mine, our fingers intertwining. Yet, an abrupt release followed, as if an invisible boundary had been breached. With purposeful steps, I led the way to a room, leaving behind the remnants of a clash of egos. As the door closed behind us, the cabin seemed to exhale, its timeworn walls absorbing the lingering echoes of our exchange, a proof to the complexities of our shared journey.