
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 47: Bumping Into You

I blinked, my senses momentarily scrambled as I found myself back in front of my PC, my screens displaying the familiar sight of my wallpaper. Yet, something was off. The surroundings were different, the atmosphere shifted. It was nighttime, and the room felt strangely distant from the one I remembered. My mind raced to catch up with the situation as a knock sounded at the door, and Zaki, a mischievous grin on his face, sauntered into the room.

"Hey, pulling an all-nighter?" Zaki quipped, his tone light and teasing. I struggled to process his words, still disoriented by the sudden change. "What time is it?" I managed to mumble, my thoughts struggling to catch up.

Zaki chuckled, shaking his head. "It's 10 pm. Come on, we're taking you out."

Before I could protest, Zaki's hands were around my wrists, pulling me out of the chair with an urgency that matched the gleam in his eyes. "Let's go, no time to waste!"

And just like that, I found myself in the heart of a lively club. The music reverberated through the air, the dim lights creating a vibrant and energetic ambiance. Zephyr was there too, his energy infectious as always. "Time to break out of that cocoon you've been wrapped in. Let's find you a bae," Zephyr teased, a playful glint in his eyes. "Docs can wait." I sighed and try to forget all of it for a second.

Zaki nodded in agreement, his grin unwavering. "Yeah, Zephyr's got a point. It's time to unwind!"

As the night unfolded, I allowed myself to be swept away by the infectious rhythm and the excitement around me. The world outside my work felt both thrilling and unfamiliar, a stark contrast to the routine I had grown accustomed to. Laughter, conversations, and dance moves that I didn't know I had filled the hours.

And then, my eyes landed on someone familiar, someone unexpected – my boss, Eli. I mean Mr. Eliezer? I mentally chided myself for getting flustered over his name. He stood across the room, surrounded by friends and colleagues, his presence commanding attention. Our eyes met for a fleeting second, a moment that sent my heart racing. I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Look who's here," Zephyr said with a sly grin, catching on to where my gaze had wandered. "Mr. Eligible Bachelor himself."

Zaki playfully elbowed me. "Eli's got his eyes on you." What does he think about the game, should I bring that subject? Or not?

Heat crept up my neck, and I tried to maintain my composure. "Oh, come on," I mumbled, my attempt at nonchalance failing miserably.

As if fate had its own agenda, Eli's gaze shifted back in my direction. Our eyes locked once again, and this time, I couldn't look away as quickly. My heart raced, and I managed a small, awkward smile before hastily breaking eye contact.

Zephyr, the eternal troublemaker, leaned closer to me. "Seems like you've caught his attention."

Zaki joined in, his grin teasing. "Not every day your boss looks at you like that."

I wished I could melt into the floor at that moment. "Seriously, guys?"

Eli's gaze remained on me, his smile suggesting he was enjoying the scene. But before I could further contemplate the situation, I excused myself and made a beeline for the bathroom. I needed a moment to collect my thoughts and regain my composure.

The bathroom was a sanctuary of sorts, a place to escape the whirlwind of emotions that had stirred within me. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, willing my racing heart to slow down. "You're overthinking it, I'll ask him tomorrow." I muttered to myself, attempting to regain some semblance of calm.

A few deep breaths later, I stepped out of the bathroom, my heartbeat gradually returning to normal. But the universe had a funny way of keeping things interesting – I walked right into someone. Eli. Of course.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I stammered, my cheeks reddening at the collision.

Eli's voice was smooth and composed. "No need to apologize. Are you enjoying the night?"

I managed a nod, my words temporarily escaping me. "Yeah, it's different from my usual routine."

Eli chuckled softly. "Change can be a good thing sometimes. Can we ta-?"

Before He could continue, Zephyr and Zaki appeared at our sides, their grins unapologetically mischievous. "Well, well, well. Look who's here," Zephyr said, his tone implying he knew more than he let on.

Eli's smile was genuine, unaffected by the presence of my friends. "Ah, the wingmen. I should have known."

Zaki laughed. "We're here to ensure our friend has a night to remember."

Eli's gaze returned to me, his expression kind. "Well, I hope you're having a good time."

Despite my earlier flustered state, his words put me at ease. "Yeah, I am."

As the night continued, the club's energy enveloped us. Laughter, dancing, and conversations flowed freely, and I found myself gradually letting go of my initial nervousness. Eli's presence became less intimidating and more comforting, and he effortlessly joined in on the group's banter.

Eventually, the music began to fade, and the crowd started thinning out. Eli turned to me, a knowing smile on his lips. "Looks like the night's winding down. Ready to head back?"

I nodded, a mix of contentment and reluctance filling me. As we left the club, the cool night air was a sharp contrast to the warmth we had just left behind. "Thanks for tonight," I said to Eli, my voice sincere with gratitude.

He smiled, his eyes twinkling in the dim light. "Anytime. We should do it again."

With a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, I agreed. Little did I know that this spontaneous night out would mark the beginning of something new and unexpected – a journey filled with shared moments, revelations, and a connection that had started amidst the most unexpected circumstances. The night may have begun with confusion, but it ended with the promise of something exciting on the horizon.

Hold on. How could I forget, the game. The thoughts churned in my mind like a whirlpool, tugging at my attention as if insisting that I address the unanswered questions that had lingered since our encounter. Should I ask him… now? The anticipation danced in the air, a mixture of curiosity and a touch of apprehension.

We were walking towards his car, the soft hum of conversation between us a contrast to the night's tranquil ambiance. The moon cast a gentle glow on the world around us, its silver rays painting the scene with an air of mystery. And amid this poetic backdrop, I found my voice, the words tumbling out in a rush.

"Hey uhh, sir—" I began, the sentence faltering as I realized that I had slipped back into the formal address I had been using. His gaze met mine, and there was a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Didn't I tell you to call me Eli?" he reminded me, his tone light and friendly. I couldn't help but sheepishly smile and offer a quick apology for my slip.

"Uhhm, so about the game," I continued, my heart drumming a little faster. He turned his attention towards me, a hint of curiosity in his expression. It was a relief to finally broach the topic that had been gnawing at my thoughts.

His response caught me off guard, his words tumbling out with a mix of surprise and an unintended admission. "So I wasn't dreaming?" he blurted out, his cheeks taking on a faint blush. I chuckled softly, appreciating the candidness of his reaction. "Oh, I- did I say that out loud?" he facepalmed, as if trying to physically contain the unintentional confession that had slipped from his lips. It was a moment that carried a hint of endearing embarrassment.

With a thoughtful smile, he opened the car door for me, a gesture that held an air of old-fashioned courtesy. I slid into the passenger seat, his movement graceful as he walked around the car to take his place in the driver's seat. The atmosphere inside the car was tinged with a mix of expectancy and a touch of awkwardness, as if we were both aware that we were about to delve into uncharted territory.

As the engine purred to life and we began our journey, the air between us seemed to hold the weight of the conversation that loomed on the horizon. "So, Kyson is the killer?" I ventured, my voice carrying a blend of intrigue and a desire for closure.

Eli's response was cautious, a reflection of his measured approach. "I— we'll look into it further," he replied, his words carrying an undertone of seriousness. It was clear that he was treading carefully, perhaps unsure of how much information to divulge or how to navigate the complex web of revelations that the game had brought to light.

The drive continued, the world outside a blur of lights and shadows as we delved into a discussion that was equal parts enigmatic and thought-provoking. We dissected the details of the game, piecing together fragments of our experiences to make sense of the narrative that had woven itself around us.

As the night deepened, we found ourselves parked in front of my house—a familiar yet somehow transformed space. The moon hung in the sky like a silent witness to our conversation, its ethereal glow bathing the scene in an otherworldly radiance.

With a sense of finality, Eli turned off the engine, and the quiet settled around us like a comfortable embrace. There was a moment of stillness, a pause that held a multitude of unspoken thoughts and emotions.

"Thank you," I said softly, my gaze meeting his. The weight of our conversation lingered, but it was also a moment of gratitude—a recognition of his willingness to engage, to explore the complexities of a reality that had once seemed impossible to fathom.

Eli's smile was genuine, a reflection of a shared understanding that transcended words. "We're in this together," he said, his tone a blend of reassurance and camaraderie.

As I stepped out of the car, I felt a sense of resolution settle over me. The questions that had once clouded my thoughts now seemed less daunting, replaced by a growing sense of trust in the journey ahead. We bid each other goodnight, the moonlight casting elongated shadows as Eli drove away, leaving me with a heart that was a little lighter and a mind that was a little clearer.