
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 45: I'm Sorry

The room seemed to hold its breath, a hushed reverence for the profound moment that had unfolded. I gazed at Beckette, his presence radiating a blend of vulnerability and strength that drew me in. The sunlight, filtered through the window, cast a warm and gentle glow upon him, as if emphasizing the connection that had woven itself between us.

His smile, a reflection of the sunlight's warmth, was a testament to the unspoken understanding that passed between us. It was as if he could perceive the very essence of my thoughts, a depth of emotion that transcended the confines of spoken language. His eyes, those pools of endless mystery, held mine in an unwavering gaze that left me both captivated and understood. "I- the sunlight" it was only the words I spoke out making Beckette smile at me.

"it's pretty isn't it?" he murmured softly, his voice a melodic whisper that seemed to echo within the chambers of my heart. "I mean the sunlight." His gaze shifted towards the luminous rays with a blush tinted his skin that painted patterns on the floor, his words a contemplative invitation to share in the simple beauty of the moment.

But beyond his words, beyond the façade of casual conversation, there lay an unspoken truth—a truth that his demeanor betrayed. The faint blush that graced his cheeks revealed a tenderness he was attempting to conceal, a tenderness that added layers of depth to our exchange.

Curiosity surged within me, the desire to unravel the enigma that was Beckette's emotions. "How?" I queried, my voice carrying a mixture of awe and inquiry. His gaze returned to me, his eyes locking onto mine as if revealing the secrets hidden within the depths of his being.

A moment of silence passed between us, a weighty pause pregnant with the significance of his response. And then, he leaned in slightly, his gaze unwavering. "I teleported Bethujakt somewhere," he confessed, his words laden with the weight of responsibility and determination. "You now the darkness is gone I mean not literally but anyway, I'll deal with him after you guys get back to Earth. Don't worry, he is well taken care of."

His revelation washed over me like a soothing balm, alleviating the lingering anxiety that had taken root. It was an affirmation of his unwavering commitment, his readiness to shoulder the burden that threatened our world. A smile bloomed on my lips, a smile filled with gratitude and admiration for the heroism he embodied.

In an impulsive surge of emotion, I extended my hands, my palms cradling his face in a gesture that transcended the barriers of convention. His skin was warm and soft beneath my touch, a subtle movement that sent a shiver of connection down my spine. "You did it," I whispered, my voice a tender reassurance that held the weight of my heart's unspoken gratitude.

He met my gaze with an intensity that sent ripples of connection through our shared space. "No, we did it," he corrected gently, his thumb grazing my palm as he removed my hands with a tenderness that left a lingering impression. His touch was a subtle dance, a brush of intimacy that resonated far beyond the physical realm.

"You're a badass did you know that?" I said with a playful smile, and he chuckled. It was melodic, a sound that seemed to fill the room with its warmth. I noticed him looking at me intently, a smile creeping onto his face. Under the sunlight, he looked so angelic, so precious.

"You like calling me that, huh?" he muttered playfully, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. I just smiled as I intertwined my hands with his, our fingers slotting together with a natural ease. "Well, you are. No one's gonna change my mind," I replied, a teasing gleam in my eyes. He leaned in, his lips brushing the back of my hand in a gentle kiss, leaving a trail of warmth that lingered.

"I'm glad you're safe," he said, his words carrying a soft undercurrent of emotion. I felt a warmth spread through me, his concern touching my heart in a way I hadn't expected. It was as if he held a piece of my well-being close to his heart, his gaze filled with a tenderness that made my pulse quicken.

"Beckette-" I began, my heart racing as memories of our shared moments played vividly in my mind, like it was just yesterday when he whisked me away to dance. "I li-" He cut me off, a gentle shake of his head interrupting my words. He stood up, his demeanor shifting subtly as his focus turned outward, his words carrying the practicality of a leader burdened with responsibilities.

"Your friends are also trying to rest," he noted, his tone a blend of care and consideration. "Tomorrow, everything will be well. We'll meet at the portal for you to get back to Earth." His voice held a soothing cadence, a promise of better days to come. Yet, even in the midst of his responsibilities, his eyes never strayed far from me, a silent reassurance that he was still present. He shoked his head and walk towards the window of the room.

With my thoughts swirling like leaves caught in a gentle breeze, I found myself at the window beside him, looking out at the realm below. The breathtaking view seemed to mirror the complex emotions that churned within me—gratitude, uncertainty, and a burgeoning affection that defied the odds.

As my gaze fixated on the tapestry of colors painted by the setting sun, I hesitated for a moment, battling the courage to say what lay heavy on my heart. He turned to look at me, his gaze an anchor that grounded my fleeting thoughts. Maybe admitting it to him is a bad idea, I mused, my heart racing as my eyes continued to trace the horizon.

I cleared my throat, my voice a fragile whisper in the intimate space we shared. "I know you feel it," I finally said, the words escaping me in a rush of vulnerability. His reaction was a mix of surprise and curiosity, his brow furrowing as if he was searching for meaning in my words.

He began to speak, perhaps to offer reassurance or to inquire further, but I interrupted him with a subtle movement. My legs, betraying me in a moment of both uncertainty and courage, collapsed beneath me. Instinctively, Beckette's strong arms wrapped around me, preventing me from falling completely.

"I told you not to get up," he chided gently, his voice laced with concern. I looked at him, my heart pounding not only from the sudden exertion but also from the realization that the time had come to lay my feelings bare. His worry-filled eyes met mine, awaiting an explanation for my unexpected collapse. He lifted me up and walks towards my bed.

Gathering my courage, I managed to muster a weak smile, despite the slight trembling in my limbs. "I like you," I admitted, the words hanging in the air like a confession long overdue. His surprised gaze met mine, and for a moment, his features softened, revealing a mixture of emotions that mirrored my own.

He resumed walking, carrying me with care, his steps deliberate and gentle. The warmth of his embrace seeped into my being, igniting a sense of safety and belonging that I hadn't felt before. It was as if his arms were an extension of the sanctuary he provided for the world, a sanctuary that he was willing to share with me.

The quiet continued to linger between us, the weight of my admission settling over us like a gentle embrace. His gaze didn't waver, his eyes a testament to his willingness to listen, to understand, to accept the vulnerability I had laid bare.

As he laid me down on the bed, I took a deep breath, allowing the gravity of the moment to sink in. I watched as he began to back away, his focus on ensuring my comfort, perhaps not wanting to overwhelm me further with his presence. But then, a subtle movement caught my eye—an almost imperceptible pause, a hesitation in his step.

I seized the opportunity, my fingers curling around the fabric of his shirt, preventing him from moving away completely. His gaze met mine, a question lingering within them. With the weight of my feelings driving me forward, I leaned up, closing the distance between us.

Our lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, a moment suspended in time. His lips were warm and inviting, yielding to the gentle pressure of mine. It was a kiss that carried the weight of unspoken emotions, a kiss that transcended the words we struggled to articulate.

As the kiss deepened, I felt a rush of warmth course through my veins, a sense of rightness that surpassed any doubt or uncertainty. His arms wrapped around me once more, drawing me close, our bodies pressed together in an embrace that felt both tender and passionate.

We pulled away, our breaths mingling in the space between us. His eyes held a mixture of surprise and something more—a spark of realization, perhaps, that our unspoken connection had taken on a new dimension. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a kiss that carried the promise of a shared future.

For a moment, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in a cocoon of intimacy. The sunlight that had once painted patterns on the floor now bathed us in its golden glow, as if blessing our connection, our shared moment of vulnerability and acceptance.

"No, I'm sorry" he said and left without uttering another word.