
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 44: Light after Darkness

Darkness descended around me, its velvety tendrils wrapping themselves around my senses, as if I had been pulled into the depths of an abyss. Was this darkness a manifestation of reality or something else entirely? Confusion clouded my thoughts, my perception skewed, and it was with a sense of disorientation that I finally opened my eyes, my surroundings revealing themselves slowly.

The room I found myself in was unmistakably my office, the familiar furniture and décor asserting their presence. Yet, a nagging uncertainty gnawed at me, like a thread of doubt tugging at my mind. The morning sunlight filtered through the windows, casting warm beams that illuminated my workspace. Had I fallen asleep at my desk? It was a perplexing question that wrestled with the boundaries of reality itself, leaving me on the precipice of bewilderment.

But what about the game? Is it done? My thoughts raced to the digital realm that had captivated my attention—the world where battles were fought, friendships were forged, and destinies entwined. It was a place that had, in some inexplicable way, seeped into the seams of my everyday existence.

And then, a voice, a presence, disrupted the surreal calm that had enveloped me. "Hello, child." The words floated through the air, carrying an echo that resonated with familiarity and reverence. My gaze darted toward the source of the voice, and there, standing before me, was a figure that seemed to transcend the boundaries of my understanding.

"Cateus?" I breathed his name in a mixture of disbelief and astonishment. It was a name that had only existed within the virtual confines of the game—a character, a guide, a mentor. This can't be real, I thought, grappling with the uncanny convergence of fantasy and reality.

"You're doing well, helping Beckette in his quest to vanquish Bethujakt," he remarked, his voice holding a depth of wisdom that seemed to emanate from eons of existence. "Do not be alarmed; this is a dream—a moment suspended beyond the veil of the waking world. By aiding Beckette, you have earned a gift, a boon that shall resonate within your life back on Earth," he continued, his smile radiant with an otherworldly grace. I blinked in astonishment, my mind attempting to comprehend the weight of his words.

"I know you want to apologize. You needn't apologize for Bethujakt," I stammered, my thoughts racing to process the implications of his presence. "I—how—"

"No need for remorse, my child," Cateus's voice held a soothing reassurance that transcended the boundaries of language. "I have foreseen the paths that intertwine in the tapestry of fate. You will come to understand that certain events are set in motion, regardless of intervention."

As he approached, a sense of calm washed over me—a sensation of being enveloped by an aura of benevolence and guidance. I rose from my chair, drawn to his presence, my gaze fixed on his eyes—eyes that seemed to hold within them the wisdom of centuries.

"Why didn't you prevent it then?" I blurted out, my confusion and curiosity intertwining in a knot of emotion that I struggled to untangle.

"I did intervene, yet the forces at play were formidable," he responded, his gaze meeting mine with a depth of understanding that seemed to resonate through the very core of my being. "But let that not burden your heart. There are lessons in every step, in every challenge, and in every choice made."

A torrent of questions surged within me, yet before I could voice them, Cateus's words carried a change in direction. "Would you like a glimpse of your future?" he inquired, a suggestion that held both intrigue and a sense of caution.

"If you're willing to share, I am willing to listen," I replied, a mixture of curiosity and anticipation coursing through my veins.

"Your path is diverged, torn between two choices," he explained, his voice carrying the weight of inevitability. "Each choice bears consequences that will shape your journey. Choose wisely, for your decisions shall ripple through the fabric of your destiny."

Before I could delve deeper into his cryptic words, he turned away, his back to me, as if the passage of time was a force that moved at his command.

"Wait," I called out, my urgency stemming from the unquenched thirst for understanding that his words had ignited. "What does that mean?" My voice echoed in the chamber, a plea for illumination in the midst of obscurity.

"You will discover the answers in due time. Our moment in this realm is fleeting," he stated, a sense of finality underscoring his words.

And just as swiftly as he had appeared, darkness embraced me once more, a gentle tide that swept me away from his presence, from his enigmatic revelations.

My eyes fluttered open, reality reasserting itself, though the echoes of the dream lingered like fragments of a half-forgotten melody—a melody that spoke of choices, of destinies, and of a future that lay shrouded in uncertainty, waiting to be unraveled.

As I blinked, allowing the remnants of the dream to dissipate, a sudden thought struck me—was it truly just a dream, or had I glimpsed something beyond the confines of ordinary perception? The lines between reality and fantasy had blurred, leaving me to ponder the significance of the encounter with Cateus and the mysteries that his words had woven.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I shifted my gaze towards the window, where the soft embrace of sunlight painted the world outside with hues of warmth and hope. It was the first sunlight I have seen since I was here. The boundary between the game and reality had blurred, intertwining the threads of my experiences into a tapestry of interconnected moments. The battles fought, the friendships forged—they were no longer confined to the realms of code and pixels. They had seeped into my reality, leaving an indelible mark on my consciousness. As I stood there, contemplating the fusion of the virtual and tangible, I found myself grappling with the profound realization that the choices I made, both in the immersive virtual world and the familiar realm I called home, were instrumental in weaving the intricate design of my destiny. The tapestry of my life was being shaped by forces both seen and unseen, and I was only beginning to unravel the depths of their influence.

However, my contemplation was abruptly interrupted by a surge of searing pain that tore through my body. A sharp hiss escaped my lips, an involuntary response to the intensity of the sensation that coursed through me. The agony seemed to reverberate within every fiber of my being, rendering me momentarily breathless and disoriented.

Amidst the haze of pain, a gasp resonated in the room, the sound drawing my attention. I turned my head to find Beckette hurrying towards me, his eyes wide with concern and urgency. He moved with a grace that bespoke his familiarity with crisis, his presence a reassuring beacon in the midst of the turmoil I was experiencing.

"No, lay down," his voice was a blend of authority and gentleness, a command issued with the intention of preserving my well-being. His strong yet gentle hands guided me back onto the bed, his touch a stabilizing force that anchored me amidst the waves of discomfort.

As I settled back onto the bed, Beckette maintained his hold on my hand, his fingers a constant source of comfort. His gaze bore into mine, his concern mirrored in his eyes as he asked, "How are you feeling?"

The question hung in the air, weighted with a complexity that words could scarcely capture. How was I feeling? It was a question that extended beyond the realm of physical sensations, delving into the recesses of my emotions and thoughts. I met his gaze, my own eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty, the turmoil of my inner world laid bare.