
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 35: Rhebris

Amidst the enchanting yet mysterious surroundings of the Demon Realm, a place that seemed to exist at the nexus of dreams and reality, our group found itself enveloped in a rich tapestry woven with emotions, revelations, and the promise of untold secrets. The journey we had embarked upon was no ordinary quest; it was a convergence of destinies that had intertwined in the most unexpected of ways, forging connections that bound us together with threads of unity and purpose, threads that glowed with a brilliance all their own against the backdrop of the realm's mystical landscape.

The resonance of our collective endeavor lingered in the air like a melody that refused to fade, its harmonious chords echoing through the corridors of our shared consciousness. I took a moment to reflect upon the guidance we had received from Nosmjir, a figure shrouded in both enigma and significance, his words a compass guiding us through the labyrinth of fate. The gravity of his words, the weight of his suggestions, resonated deeply within me as I stood before our companions, a voice carrying not just my own convictions but the collective strength of our shared journey. "Atifa," I began, addressing the core of our unity, "Nosmjir pointed us towards the demon realm. He said that this place might hold the answers we've been fervently seeking."

In response to my words, Atifa's demeanor shifted, her expression a canvas painted with subtleties of emotion and experience. A smile, at once subtle and profound, danced upon her lips, her eyes alight with a story waiting to be unveiled—a tale of triumphs and tribulations, a narrative that had led us to this moment of profound significance. Her revelation, however, was momentarily set aside as the harmonious cadence of our conversation was disrupted by an unexpected intrusion.

A commanding voice, resonant and authoritative, sliced through the ambient hum, its very timbre demanding immediate attention. The figure that emerged from the shadows exuded an aura of authority that was impossible to ignore, a presence that seemed to cast an almost magnetic spell over the surroundings. As he moved closer, his footsteps resonating like deliberate beats in a cosmic rhythm, the air itself seemed to bow in deference to his stature.

Atifa's response to his arrival was a testament to the intricate web of relationships that connected the threads of our fate. With a warmth that spoke volumes of familiarity and shared history, she nestled against his side, the silent understanding between them palpable—a glance, a nod, an unspoken agreement that passed between them like a breeze that carries secrets. With practiced skill, he unlocked the cell that had confined us, revealing a connection that had remained concealed, an unexpected dynamic that added a layer of intrigue to our unfolding narrative.

Atifa's subsequent words carried a note of intrigue, a revelation that sent ripples of surprise through the ranks of our group. "Allow me to introduce you to Phloach—my boyfriend," her words reverberated like the pealing of a bell, underscoring the fact that even within the intricate framework of our quest, the bonds of affection and relationships transcended the boundaries of worlds and dimensions. Indeed, she is lust. I mean, she managed to captivate that individual's attention in under a week.

Phloach, once a figure steeped in stern authority and an aura of inscrutability, underwent a transformation as he stepped into the light. His posture retained an air of command, an embodiment of his station, yet it was softened by an unexpected tenderness that radiated from within. Guiding us out of our confining cell, he extended a hand in welcome, his presence marked by an overwhelming sense of acceptance and camaraderie. "Welcome to the Demon Realm," he intoned, his voice a blend of authority and genuine fascination. "I am Phloach, the leader of this realm, and, as Atifa has mentioned, her boyfriend."

As our hands connected in a gesture that symbolized unity and alliance, a spark of energy seemed to ignite and travel between us—a fusion of strengths, wisdom, and purpose that reverberated in the air. "I'm Zammirah," I introduced myself with a nod, my words a careful blend of respect and curiosity. "And these are Eli, Kyson, Yvette, Xilliana, Demea, and E—," I began enumerating our companions, only to be interrupted by an unexpected interjection.

"I am already acquainted with these two," Phloach's voice exuded calm certainty, an indication that he was privy to certain aspects of our narrative that had yet to be revealed. With his guidance, we fell into step behind Atifa and Phloach, our footsteps a rhythm that marked the cadence of our journey—a journey that promised not just revelations but a symphony of dialogues that would redefine our understanding of the world we inhabited.

The path we tread led us deeper into the heart of the enigmatic realm, a landscape that juxtaposed the familiar with the alien, the known with the unknown. The atmosphere crackled with an energy that held both anticipation and curiosity, urging us to follow the trail blazed by our enigmatic guides, to venture into the realm of the unknown with open hearts and inquisitive minds.

Amidst the rhythm of our footsteps, I seized another opportunity to bridge the gaps in our conversation, to pave the way for deeper understanding. "Phloach," I began, my voice carrying a note of determination, "Nosmjir directed us to see Rhebris—" However, before I could delve further, Phloach's response interrupted my train of thought, his gaze meeting mine in a dance of sternness and intrigue, like the shifting currents of a river that conceal hidden depths.

Yet, before Phloach could offer his response, Atifa's presence intervened once more. Her touch upon his arm was a subtle yet persuasive reassurance, a tactile whisper of understanding that seemed to dissolve the tension that lingered in the air. A silent exchange, laden with unspoken meanings, passed between them—a testament to a shared history, to the depths of trust and camaraderie they had cultivated over time. In response to this unspoken communication, Phloach's countenance softened, a gesture that signaled his willingness to acquiesce to Atifa's judgment. "Rhebris, you say?" he mused aloud, his voice now infused with curiosity, a departure from the guardedness that had characterized his earlier demeanor. "Very well, then. Let us make our way there."

And so, the odyssey continued, guided by the enigmatic partnership of Atifa and Phloach. The scenery around us underwent a subtle transformation as we pressed forward, revealing towering structures that seamlessly merged with the ethereal landscape. The Demon Realm, bathed in a soft, otherworldly glow, seemed both familiar and foreign—a place that resonated with a sense of nostalgia, as though it was a realm etched in the deepest recesses of our collective consciousness, even though we had never set foot within its borders.

As the passage of time wove our destinies together, forging unbreakable bonds between us, a camaraderie blossomed among our group. The initial uncertainties, the hesitations that had tinged our interactions, gave way to a shared sense of purpose, an understanding that we were united by more than just circumstance. Conversations flowed freely among us, a tapestry woven with narratives of origin, challenges, and victories. Eli recounted his harrowing encounter with an elusive adversary, his words infused with gratitude for the unity that had propelled him through the darkness. Xilliana's eyes sparkled as she shared the exhilaration of stumbling upon a hidden cache of treasures, her enthusiasm contagious as she painted vivid pictures of her discoveries. Kyson's humor laced his tales, and his anecdotes resonated with the infectious laughter that followed each of his jests—a humorous tale of a mischievous sprite that had temporarily transformed him into a whimsically oversized creature, much to his chagrin and amusement.

Through these exchanges, the sense of unity deepened, the once-strangers now comrades bound by a shared appreciation for the experiences that had shaped us. The initial unfamiliarity had given way to a comforting sense of camaraderie and newfound trust, our hearts and minds connecting like pieces of a puzzle that had finally fallen into place.

Ultimately, our journey brought us to the entrance of Rhebris' chamber—a realm adorned with an intricate interplay of light and shadow. Phloach's demeanor underwent yet another transformation as we neared this destination, his countenance a blend of solemnity and anticipation, a mixture of reverence and curiosity that painted his features.

Standing before the threshold of the chamber that housed Rhebris, a moment of awe and shock enveloped us like a shroud, emotions swirling like a tempest within our hearts. The scene that met our eyes was one of fragility and vulnerability, as if the very fabric of existence teetered on the precipice of dissolution. A collective gasp, a symphony of emotions, escaped our lips—an orchestration of surprise, concern, and curiosity that swept through our group, connecting us in a moment of shared understanding.

Before we could fully process the gravity of the situation, Phloach gently closed the door with a quiet reverence, his movements a testament to his respect for the fragile moment that was unfolding within. "Let us not disturb him in this delicate moment," he murmured, his voice soft as if he was speaking to the very essence of the chamber itself. "Perhaps it would be wise for us to find a more suitable place for our conversation."

We heeded his guidance, retracing our steps through the labyrinthine paths of the realm. The weight of the moment, the realization of the significance of Rhebris' condition, hung in the air like an invisible shroud—a shroud that seemed to heighten our senses, to amplify our awareness of the mysteries that awaited us. The intensity of the moment, the palpable anticipation, propelled us forward, each step a testament to our unyielding determination to unravel the secrets that had remained veiled for so long.

In this realm of enigma and revelation, where the boundaries between reality and destiny blurred like the lines in a watercolor painting, our journey was not merely one of exploration. It was a journey of self-discovery, a quest to uncover the threads of truth that wove through the fabric of existence. And amidst the intricate tapestry of our journey, amidst the enchanting yet enigmatic surroundings of the Demon Realm, our shared path was a story woven with threads of unity, purpose, and the unbreakable bonds that had formed among us. As we stood on the cusp of revelations that promised to redefine our understanding of the world, we could feel the narrative of our lives entwining with the very essence of the realm itself—a narrative that transcended the confines of reality and reached into the realm of destiny.

Please prepare yourself :) this book is almost done, I'm gonna cry T^T.

shallowoundscreators' thoughts