
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

chapter 32: Little Secret

Our return to the realm was met with an unanticipated scene, starkly contrasting the expected joy of reunion. Instead of the heartwarming embrace we had hoped for, a tension hung thick in the air, overshadowing our shared sense of camaraderie. Nosmjir's sudden appearance served to intensify this somber atmosphere, his actions and words implying a deeper layer of complexity.

"Maverick," Nosmjir's voice resonated, his arms opening in a gesture that initially seemed welcoming. However, his arms soon fell to his sides, and his tone took on an unsettling edge. "My friend, how have you been?" The warmth had vanished from his expression, replaced by an almost predatory intensity. Maverick's reaction was telling—his throaty gulp and the pallor of his face revealed his unease.

Nosmjir's demeanor underwent a palpable shift, the air growing charged with a mix of curiosity and calculated scrutiny. "I find myself wondering, Maverick, how did you manage to lead my people astray? What subtle threads did you weave to manipulate them?" he mused, his pacing measured as he circled around. "Perhaps whispers and rumors served as your tools," he suggested, a note of skepticism tainting his words.

Nosmjir's brief smile dissipated, leaving a sense of gravity hanging in the air. "But alas, every game must eventually conclude," he stated, his voice tinged with a finality that left no room for argument. His eyes remained fixed on Maverick, who now looked even more ill at ease under the weight of Nosmjir's scrutiny.

The wolves present, observers of this exchange, began to shift form, transitioning back to their original human appearances. Their collective gasp served as an unspoken acknowledgment of the significance of the moment, and their orchestrated movements subtly drew attention away from Maverick, leaving him exposed in the center of this dramatic tableau.

Maverick's attempt to articulate his thoughts was met with Nosmjir's prompt interruption. "Nosmjir, how—" he began, only to be swiftly cut off. "Am I alive? Certainly not deceased," Nosmjir interjected, his tone devoid of any humor. A faint smile played at the corners of his lips as he continued, "Perhaps it's a twist of fate. Or maybe your strategies for ridding yourself of me were simply misguided." The tension in the air grew thicker as his words lingered, the truth they carried inciting a collective gasp from his audience.

Nosmjir's smile persisted, his voice taking on a mocking quality. "Oh dear, did I accidentally reveal your well-kept secret?" he taunted, his words dripping with condescension. "Your dirty little secret," he emphasized, his gaze unwavering as he punctuated the phrase.

Maverick's response was a stuttered and bewildered, "W-what? Kill?" The revelation Nosmjir had just unveiled resonated in the air, the implications of Maverick's actions now laid bare and undeniable. The room seemed to pulse with tension, a silent confrontation between the betrayer and the betrayed. The truth had been unveiled, and the ramifications of Maverick's choices loomed ominously. As the echoes of Nosmjir's words reverberated, an uncharted chapter of reckoning unfurled, leaving us all to grapple with the aftermath of this unforeseen and intense encounter.

As Maverick's desperate eyes scanned the faces of those around him, he realized that his attempts at persuasion were falling on deaf ears. The growing tension in this place had created an invisible barrier, and his words seemed futile against it. A wave of helplessness washed over him, his predicament seeming insurmountable. It was clear that his pleas were no match for the trust they had in Nosmjir—their revered alpha and leader.

"I'm telling the truth," Maverick implored, his voice tinged with desperation. "None of these accusations are true. You're my friends, my pack. I'd never betray you, and I'd never harm you, Nosmjir," he added, his voice carrying a mix of earnestness and vulnerability. But even as he spoke, it was evident that his words were falling flat, absorbed by the prevailing skepticism in the room.

Nosmjir's response was a cunning feigned shock, a twisted mockery of the situation. "Oh, you're innocent, then?" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, color me surprised. I must have completely misunderstood the situation," he continued, his tone shifting from surprise to a calculated nonchalance. He reached behind him, retrieving something obscured from view.

With a theatrical flourish, Nosmjir held up a scrap of paper, the edges worn and ragged. "Oh, what's this?" he exclaimed, his tone taunting. "It seems a little birdie brought me a gift," he continued, his smirk deepening. As if on cue, a gust of wind swept through the room, snatching the paper from his grip and sending it swirling into the air. The paper danced and twirled before fluttering to the ground, landing in pieces.

Gasps erupted from Nosmjir's followers as they attempted to catch a glimpse of the paper's contents, their eyes widening as shock painted their faces. It was a fragment of Maverick's journal, a damning testament to his actions and intentions. The creatuures exchanged incredulous glances as they absorbed the weight of the revelation, the truth now exposed for all to see.

The color drained from Maverick's face, a cold realization settling in the pit of his stomach. The evidence of his deeds, his betrayals, was scattered before them. There was nowhere to hide, no more lies to tell. In that moment, his only instinct was to flee, to escape the accusing stares and the judgment that hung heavy in the air.

He transformed into a wolf with a swift, fluid motion, his body adjusting to his primal instincts. Without a second thought, he bolted, his powerful legs propelling him away from the confrontation. "Aki, Einar, and Osmond, you know what to do," he communicated with a series of urgent barks, a message understood only by those he trusted.

The three wolves, comrades who had likely shared in his secrets, swiftly followed suit, their powerful strides eating up the distance as they pursued Maverick. The sound of their howls faded into the distance, leaving the room in stunned silence.

As the echoes of their departure lingered, the assembled people were left to process the startling turn of events. Disappointment and disbelief hung in the air like a heavy fog, casting a shadow over what had once been a unified pack. The revelations had shattered the bonds of trust, leaving them all to grapple with the harsh reality of Maverick's actions and their consequences.

The aftermath of Maverick's departure left the room in a state of stunned silence. The once-cohesive pack now suprisingly weren't divided, their unity wasn't fractured by the revelations that had just unfolded, as if they know where their loyalty lays. Nosmjir's piercing gaze swept over his followers, his expression a mixture of sternness and disappointment. The weight of Maverick's actions had left an indelible mark on them all.

Nosmjir's voice finally cut through the silence, its resonance carrying a mix of authority and resolve. "We stand witness to the consequences of betrayal," he declared, his words echoing in the hushed atmosphere. "The trust that once bound us together has been tested, and we must now decide how to proceed."

His pack exchanged uneasy glances, their loyalty to Nosmjir warring with the confusion and disappointment but with a hint of trust that now clouded their judgment. The sense of unity that had once defined their pack had been replaced by a sense of disillusionment, leaving them adrift in a sea of uncertainty but they know that their alpha is Nosmjir, their leader.

Nosmjir's gaze softened as he turned his attention to the rest of us who had been witnesses to this unfolding drama. "To those who have stood by us, we offer our gratitude," he said, his voice carrying a note of gratitude and determination. "But the intricacies of this realm are complex, woven with threads of truth and deception. We must navigate it carefully, lest we become ensnared by its mysteries."

As his words hung in the air, the reality of our situation sank in. The realm we had been thrust into was not merely a backdrop for our adventure; it was a living, breathing entity with its own rules and dynamics. Each revelation, each encounter, had woven a new layer into the story, one that none of us could fully predict.

Nosmjir's people began to disperse, the weight of the recent events heavy on their shoulders. As they moved away, the tension in the room gradually dissipated, replaced by a somber reflection. Nosmjir approached us, his gaze steady as he met our eyes.

"To the demon realm you must go," he said, his tone resolute. He extended a small vial toward me, the powder inside glimmering with an otherworldly hue. "This fairy dust, give it to Rhebris," he explained, his expression revealing nothing of his intentions.

Eli and I exchanged glances, curiosity and caution warring within us. "How did you know?" I asked, unable to suppress my curiosity. The enigmatic nature of our situation had left us with more questions than answers, and every new revelation felt like a puzzle piece falling into place.

Nosmjir's lips curled into a cryptic smile. "The currents of fate guide us in unexpected ways," he answered, his words both enigmatic and intriguing. "You will find your answers in the demon realm, and soon."

The vial of fairy dust felt both delicate and potent within our grasp, its ethereal glow captivating and mysterious. As we contemplated the path that lay ahead, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation welled up within us. The future had become a tapestry woven with threads of uncertainty, each decision leading us further into the labyrinthine depths of this realm.

We regrouped with our friends, our faces reflecting the gravity of the situation. Demea's brow furrowed with concern, Ezra's eyes held a mixture of curiosity and caution, Yvette's expression was a mirror of her thoughtful demeanor, and Kyson's presence carried an air of determination. The circle of trust that had formed between us had become our anchor, grounding us in the midst of the realm's ever-shifting mysteries.

Eli and I shared the details of our encounter with Nosmjir, the implications of Maverick's betrayal, and the enigmatic vial that now rested in our hands. Our friends listened intently, their expressions shifting from surprise to understanding, each revelation adding a new layer to the complex narrative that had become our reality.

With a final nod from Nosmjir, we turned to leave, the weight of his words and the implications of our journey pressing down on us. As we walked away, the echo of Nosmjir's voice lingered in our minds, a reminder that our path was not just a physical one—it was a journey through the layers of truth and deception that made up this enigmatic realm.