
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 31: The Flames Reside Within

As we continued walking toward the village, our conversations flowed seamlessly, exchanging tales of the realms we had encountered. I shared the werewolf realm's story, while Ezra and Demea recounted their experiences in the demon realm. The stark differences between our individual journeys were both fascinating and daunting, each realm hiding its own mysteries and challenges.

As we talked, my footsteps unconsciously slowed because of what I heard with Beckette, causing me to fall behind. Lost in my thoughts, I gazed around, my heart sinking as I realized that I was no longer certain of our location. Panic threatened to rise within me, but I tried to stay composed, reminding myself that I had a good sense of direction.

My attempt to navigate the unfamiliar surroundings was met with frustration as the signs seemed to elude me. I hesitated, attempting to determine the right path, my mind racing with uncertainty.

"Are you lost, darling?" a voice suddenly cut through the air, and I froze. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voice. It was the same voice that had once sounded like a melody in my ears, but now, knowing what I knew, it held a different weight.

Biting my lip, I walked away from him, my anger boiling beneath the surface. How could I have been so naive? How could I have let myself believe in him, even for a moment? The revelations from Demea and Ezra had shattered the illusion, exposing the truth that had been lurking all along.

"Ignoring me, huh?" he continued, his tone coy, and I clenched my fists, struggling to control my emotions.

As I attempted to escape his presence, he intercepted me, catching my hand and stopping me in my tracks. His touch sent shivers down my spine, a mixture of confusion and anger warring within me.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked, his tone shifting from coy to something more genuine. I stared into his eyes, torn between the conflicting emotions that his presence stirred within me.

"Tell that to yourself," I snapped, my frustration spilling out. I tugged at my hand, attempting to free myself from his grasp, but he turned me around to face him, our bodies inches apart.

He sighed, a hint of vulnerability in his expression. "You know you can tell me anything," he said softly, his eyes searching mine.

His voice softened, "I know you were shaken by Bethujakt. I'm glad he didn't do any harm to you." He hugged me, seeking comfort in his embrace, but this time, I didn't respond as I used to. The game, the realm, everything had twisted my perception of reality.

"Did you summon an ancient force?" My words slipped out, fueled by the memories of the dream I had with the mysterious figures on the roof. His shock was evident, confirming my suspicions.

"Wh-what? Ancient force? Who told you that?" he stammered, his surprise betraying him.

My eyes locked onto his, and the puzzle pieces started to fall into place. "I guess that answers my question," I said, pushing him away from me.

"No, it's not like that," he began, trying to explain. "I was made to be a host, a role I never wanted. But the sad reality is that Bethujakt—I—"

"Did you fuse?" I interjected, realization dawning on me. Shock painted his face, confirming my suspicions. Everything clicked—the ancient force, his involvement, and the intricate connections that had entangled us all.

As he stammered, struggling to find words to explain, his emotions seemed as tangled as my own. Anger and confusion coursed through me, but beneath it all was a sense of yearning for answers that had remained just out of reach. The enigma of this realm had woven a web so intricate that even those entangled within it struggled to comprehend its purpose.

"How—" his voice faltered, a reflection of his own internal turmoil. He turned away, his demeanor shifting as he regained his composure. But this time, it was my turn to reach out, my hand gently grasping his. It felt cliché, yet in the midst of all the chaos, this simple connection felt like an anchor.

"how are you doing? Is it difficult?" I asked, my voice a mixture of curiosity and empathy. He glanced back at me, his expression unreadable for a moment, and then he spoke, "The less you know, the better."

With those cryptic words, he withdrew his hand from mine and continued walking. "Eli will be here any moment," he added, his voice trailing off as he disappeared into the shadows. Left alone, I stood there, my thoughts a whirlwind of emotions and questions.

I felt torn between wanting to know more and fearing what those revelations might bring. The realm had proven itself to be a place of both wonder and danger, where every discovery seemed to be accompanied by a new layer of complexity. As I watched him vanish into the darkness, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his story, and to this realm, than met the eye.

But before I could gather my thoughts, a familiar presence approached. Eli emerged from the shadows, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. He looked at me, his gaze searching for answers, and then at the direction in which the other had disappeared.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice soft yet filled with urgency.

I turned to him, trying to convey the tangle of emotions that had taken root within me. "It's all so complicated, Eli," I said, my voice betraying my inner turmoil. "This realm, these people—there's more to them than we could have imagined."

Eli nodded, his understanding evident. He reached out, his hand finding mine, offering a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure it out together, as a team" he said, his voice steady and resolute.

As I looked into his eyes, a sense of determination welled up within me. Despite the challenges, the mysteries, and the enigmatic forces that surrounded us, we had each other.

As Eli and I made our way back to the werewolf realm, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The encounters, the revelations, and the inexplicable events had left me grappling with a sense of unease and curiosity. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper layer to this realm, one that we were only beginning to scratch the surface of.

"Where are Ezra and Demea?" I asked Eli, my voice carrying a note of concern. His response was a mixture of relief and worry. "They're already back in the realm, but we lost you along the way. That's why I came back for you."

His words resonated with a sense of companionship that warmed my heart. Despite the challenges and dangers, we had each other's backs. With that reassurance, we pressed on, determined to rejoin our friends in the werewolf realm.

As we ventured once more across the threshold between realms, a wave of both familiarity and trepidation washed over me. The realm possessed a magnetic allure, its intricacies tangling around us like threads woven by a masterful hand. Yet, this time, an undercurrent of urgency flowed beneath our steps—a collective understanding that the revelations awaiting us were integral to uncovering the enigma that lay hidden beneath the realm's veneer.

However, the realm had a penchant for the unexpected, and our return was no exception. The moment of anticipated reunion with Ezra and Demea was intercepted by an unforeseen twist of fate. Our path was abruptly barricaded by a ring of werewolves, their expressions cast with a potent mixture of suspicion and hostility. Accusations of treachery were hurled our way like stones, their weight heavier than their words.

With a shared determination, we sought to plead our innocence, to articulate that our presence was borne from a quest for understanding rather than malice. Yet, our earnest words ricocheted against the walls of doubt, falling on ears seemingly deaf to our intentions. As the shadows lengthened and the situation escalated, we found ourselves ensnared in an unforeseen trap, held captive against our will. The fates we thought we were shaping were now being molded by forces beyond our control.

As the grip of helplessness began to tighten, a sudden eruption of flames erupted in the air behind us. The conflagration was fierce, consuming the very ground beneath us and swallowing the nearby village in an inferno both mesmerizing and dreadful. My heart raced, and I instinctively turned towards the blazing tempest, my mind struggling to reconcile the impossibility of a fire of such magnitude materializing in the midst of an open expanse.

However, the inferno's transfixing dance was broken by the emergence of a solitary figure, navigating the flames with an almost ethereal grace. With hands casually tucked into his pockets and his head held low, he moved forward, his presence both enigmatic and magnetic. As he looked up, a wry smirk graced his lips, his gaze locking onto us with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

Then came the words—a phrase imbued with haunting familiarity, a reverberation of a past encounter that had etched itself into my memory. It was a voice that carried with it not only mystery but also a sense of danger, forever tied to the enigmatic realm that had ensnared us within its labyrinthine narrative.

A sense of recognition stirred within me as the figure drew nearer, his features becoming more distinct. His eyes, filled with an enigmatic knowledge, seemed to pierce through the layers of our very being. The world around us seemed to fade into the background as a cascade of memories washed over me—conversations shrouded in shadow, the echoes of encounters that had taken place in the hidden recesses of the realm.

"Eli," I breathed, my voice a mere whisper amidst the crackling of flames. His name held a weight of realization and understanding, my own thoughts mirrored by his voice as he acknowledged, "It's Nosmjir." A fleeting moment passed between us, a connection formed by a single glance—a shared understanding of the gravity of this encounter.

The flames continued to cast an ethereal glow upon the scene, their dance an entrancing backdrop to the enigmatic figure before us. Gasps of recognition spread like ripples among the surrounding werewolves, their faces mirroring a mixture of reverence and awe. The figure's identity was unmistakable—a leader, a beacon within this realm's intricate tapestry.

"Leader," a voice quivered with a note of awe and astonishment, a single word that rippled through the assembly, triggering a chain reaction of realization. As the echoes of his title reverberated, it was clear that Nosmjir's return held a profound significance—a catalyst for shifts yet to be unveiled.

In the midst of this unfolding tableau, Maverick's absence did not go unnoticed. His sudden appearance, rushing towards the scene, signified his awareness of the extraordinary events that were transpiring. As his voice wavered, "N-Nosmjir," he grew pale at the sight of him. His words encapsulated shock and an underlying sense of reverence, underlining the depth of the history that bound them together.