
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 28: Talk that Talk

We stood by the calm lake, a gentle breeze ruffling the water's surface as we exchanged stories about what had transpired during my absence. Eli's question about my whereabouts lingered in the air, and I found myself sharing the details of my journey away from the group. It was oddly liberating to talk openly with him, unencumbered by our usual professional boundaries.

Eli's attentive gaze remained on me as I spoke, creating a connection that seemed to stretch beyond the game's boundaries. In this surreal realm, we were free to explore our thoughts and emotions in ways that were unfamiliar to our real-world interactions.

When he inquired about my feelings, I offered a concise response, avoiding delving too deeply into the emotions that had stirred within me since I returned. His genuine concern shone through, a quality of his I hadn't experienced before, both surprising and endearing.

Our conversation shifted to the encounter we had earlier, and I finally broached the topic that had been on my mind. Eli began speaking, his tone measured.

"Remember I told you that we got out of the cave and met Aki, Einar, and Osmond, and then we went back to their realm?" Eli's voice was gentle as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded, indicating my understanding. He continued, "After we met them, they led us to the former leader, Nosmjir. He told me about Maverick, but he didn't give me the whole story. I really don't kn—" Eli's words were cut off abruptly as a voice broke through, causing him to step protectively in front of me.

"I can tell you," the voice said, my heart raced as I turned to face the source of the voice—a man who approached with an air of confidence and authority. His slicked-back hair and composed demeanor marked him as someone of importance. Instinctively, Eli positioned himself in front of me, a silent gesture that didn't go unnoticed.

The man's words were laced with a mixture of familiarity and intrigue. "Who's this, Eli? Your lover?" The man's words were tinged with amusement as he addressed Eli. He chuckled before continuing, "Well, you know, from what he told you, he twisted some of the information. He likes me, and I liked Xedar. His jealousy and envy drove him to want to kill me, and he did. But little did he know, he can't kill me. I'm an alpha, and no one under me can take my life." The man, whom I presumed to be Nosmjir, continued, "Maverick wasn't satisfied; he also wanted to kill Xedar, but Xedar fled. I faked my death by disappearing and left my belongings stained with blood."

As Nosmjir's account unfolded, my gaze shifted between him and Eli, seeking Eli's reaction to this new information. Learning that Nosmjir was an alpha added an additional layer of intrigue to the tale—an authoritative figure who had eluded death and vanished into the shadows, only to resurface once more.

Nosmjir's words hung in the air, the truth began to unfold before us, like the layers of a complex puzzle that we were struggling to piece together. Eli's stance remained protective as he listened intently to Nosmjir's tale, his brows furrowed with a mix of concern and understanding. It was evident that the information we were receiving was significant and had far-reaching implications.

Nosmjir's story revealed the intricate interplay of emotions, motivations, and rivalries that had shaped the realm's dynamics. As he spoke, it became clear that Maverick's quest for power was driven by an underlying insecurity, a desire to assert dominance and prove his worth. Maverick's actions had led to division and turmoil among the realm's inhabitants, and the consequences of his choices were intense.

Nosmjir's narrative continued to unfold, each word a brushstroke adding to the intricate painting of motivations and desires. As the evening light cast long shadows, he delved deeper into Maverick's twisted aspirations.

"You see," Nosmjir began, his voice carrying a mixture of resignation and lingering bitterness, "Maverick's true motive was rooted in something more than just power. It's a tale of unrequited feelings and jealousy." He paused, his gaze distant, lost in the memories of the past. "I had someone in my life, someone I cared deeply for—Xedar. Maverick admired me more than I could ever comprehend, and his feelings went beyond friendship. He was in love with me, and he couldn't bear the thought of me being with Xedar."

Eli and I exchanged glances, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. The realm's complexities were far more intertwined than we had imagined, emotions and desires crisscrossing in unexpected ways. Maverick's envy and jealousy were the driving forces behind his actions, leading to betrayal and chaos.

"His envy grew to a point where he believed that eliminating me and Xedar was the only way to win over his feelings," Nosmjir continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and understanding. "But his pursuit of power blinded him to the true nature of strength and leadership. Being an alpha is about more than dominance—it's about responsibility and the ability to guide, protect, and care for one's pack."

"But why did he give me the role of leadership?" Eli asked Nosmjir, his voice laced with confusion and disbelief.

"Simple, he didn't want any suspicion. Plus, you came the same day I vanished. Didn't you notice that you hold the title while Maverick does whatever he wants? And, he's using your name to get what he wants," Nosmjir explained matter-of-factly, causing Eli's shock to be evident. He recomposed himself and remained thoughtful as he absorbed the revelations, his gaze never leaving Nosmjir.

"And now that we know the truth, what do you plan to do?" Eli's question hung in the air, a reflection of the uncertainty that loomed ahead.

Nosmjir's shoulders sagged with the weight of his decisions. "I plan to confront Maverick, to make him understand the consequences of his actions. It's time to restore balance to this realm, even if it means facing the darkness that threatens to consume it."

As Nosmjir's story reached its conclusion, a heavy silence settled between us, punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze. Without a warning, Nosmjir disappeared into the shadows, leaving Eli and me to contemplate the truths we had learned.

With a sigh, Eli turned to me, his gaze meeting mine. We shared a moment of understanding, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on us. The journey ahead was uncertain, and the challenges were formidable, but we were united by a shared purpose—to restore harmony to the realm and protect it from the darkness that threatened to unravel it.

As the evening sun cast a warm glow, I felt Eli's hand gently brush against mine, his touch a reassuring presence. "No matter what comes our way, be safe okay?" he said, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of uncertainty.

I nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "You too," I echoed, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

With the weight of the revelations behind us, the atmosphere shifted, and a sense of intimacy settled between us. The lake's gentle ripples mirrored the stirring emotions within our hearts, and as the sky darkened, stars began to twinkle above.

Eli's gaze held a mixture of vulnerability and affection as he reached out to cup my cheek, his touch gentle and warm. "Zammirah," he whispered, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that left me breathless.

Our eyes locked, and the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in this enchanted moment. He pulled me into a warm embrace, his arms wrapping around me securely. "I missed you," he confessed, his voice a soft murmur that resonated in the quiet night.

I returned the embrace, my heart swelling with warmth. A genuine smile graced my lips as I leaned back slightly to look at him. "I missed you too," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity and the unspoken emotions that had lingered between us.

In the embrace of the night and each other, we stood by the lake's edge, the water reflecting the starlit sky. The world was a blur of shadows and whispers, but in that moment, all that mattered was the connection we shared—a connection that transcended the enigma of the realm we found ourselves in.

With a quiet sigh, Eli's grip on me tightened, as if he never wanted to let go. And I, too, held onto him, as if anchoring myself to the steadiness he provided in a world that constantly shifted and changed.