
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 26: Miss me?

In a swift, breathless sprint, I raced alongside Xilliana, our synchronized steps pounding against the unseen terrain. With each beat of my heart, the distance between us and the enigmatic figure we sought to evade grew. Our lungs burned, gasping for air, but we pressed on until a momentary reprieve granted us a pause. Doubled over and panting heavily, we exchanged a knowing glance—an unspoken affirmation of our shared resilience.

"Are you okay?" I managed to wheeze out, my gaze fixed on Xilliana. She nodded in response, her breaths labored but determined. As the tight grip of exhaustion began to loosen its hold, we surveyed our surroundings, greeted by an expanse of trees that enveloped us. This realm was a reflection of nature's bounty, an abundance of towering sentinels casting dappled shadows on the ground beneath.

"Now what?" I mumbled to myself, the words a quiet reflection of my uncertainty. The daunting beauty of the forest was awe-inspiring, yet its unfamiliarity concealed an array of challenges. The very nature of our predicament was shrouded in mystery—a game we found ourselves ensnared within, its rules and purpose still largely elusive. My hope rested on the possibility that our arduous journey would eventually lead us to a resolution.

Xilliana's sigh drew my attention, her eyes mirroring the blend of determination and confusion that undoubtedly clouded my own thoughts. With a shared unspoken decision, we resumed our expedition, a silent pact to persevere despite the unknown that lay ahead.

"I may or may not steal this," she said, handing me a weapon—a sword she only had one of. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed the sword before.

Breaking the silence, I turned to Xilliana, a question born of curiosity escaping my lips. "How did you end up here?" I inquired, my voice a hesitant inquiry in the hushed surroundings. Her gaze met mine, and she began to recount her journey, a tale interwoven with past betrayals and unlikely alliances.

"I was a player before," she began, her words carrying a weight that hinted at the trials she had endured. "My team abandoned me in the depths of the nightmare forest. I can't entirely blame them," she admitted with a hint of resignation. "Beckette came to my help, saved me from the clutches of Bethujakt who sought my demise." Her voice wavered, emotions flickering across her expression as she recounted the treacherous path she had tread.

"Bethujakt? Who is he?" I questioned, puzzled by the unfamiliar name that had slipped into her narrative. Her response was tinged with uncertainty, a reflection of the enigma that surrounded this figure. "I don't know him well, if at all," she confessed, her gaze trailing off into the distance. "He bears a resemblance to Beckette, yet simultaneously, he doesn't. It's confounding."

As the weight of her words settled, a silence fell between us, punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves overhead. "Beckette seems like a good person," I murmured almost to myself, unaware that Xilliana had caught the whisper. She responded with a quiet agreement, the unspoken connection between us carrying the weight of our shared perceptions.

"Did you encounter Beckette during your own game?" I questioned, seeking to unravel the threads that connected her experiences to our present reality. Xilliana's response was a simple shake of her head, her eyes revealing a deeper layer of complexity. "No, I only saw him within the nightmare forest," she revealed, her voice carrying a sense of melancholy that mirrored the forest's own haunting beauty.

The revelation was perplexing. "But you're certain he's trustworthy?" I prodded, seeking assurance amidst the uncertainty. Xilliana's voice held a note of conviction as she replied, "I know he's a good person. In this game, if we're on the brink of death, he intervenes to save us. I can vouch for the game's safety to some extent. He's also organized with what he's doing and made sure that no harm would be done on us. But yeah, I just lost my way in the forest—I had no idea it was the nightmare forest."

With her words, a mixture of relief and understanding washed over me. Though we were still enmeshed in a world of shadows and riddles, the presence of individuals like Beckette offered a glimmer of hope. As we ventured forward, the realm's ancient trees bearing witness to our journey, I couldn't help but think that unraveling the mysteries of this enigmatic game would be a journey that required not only our resilience but also our trust in one another.

I heard some rustling near us, and my attention snapped to Xilliana. Grasping my sword, I motioned for her to stay put as I crept toward the sound, my heart pounding in my chest. Every fiber of my being was alert as I closed the distance, my eyes scanning for any sign of movement. With Xilliana positioned behind me, I signaled for her to remain hidden.

Suddenly, I lunged forward, sword raised, only to find myself face to face with a pack of werewolves. Before I could react further, I saw someone seated atop them—a figure that was all too familiar.

"Zammirah?" Eli's voice carried a mixture of surprise and relief. My grip on the sword loosened, and a smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. "Zammirah!" Yvette's jubilant shout filled the air as she descended upon the wolves, wrapping me in an embrace.

"Miss me?" I chuckled, the weight of tension and uncertainty lifting in the presence of my friends. Kyson joined the embrace, and even Eli was drawn into the warmth of our reunion.

"Okay, now you guys are suffocating me," I teased, urging them to release me. I glanced at Xilliana, who had moved closer, and started to introduce her. However, Kyson beat me to it. "Xilliana?" he exclaimed, surprise evident in his voice. Xilliana simply smiled.

"I didn't know you guys knew each other," I said, a mixture of astonishment and curiosity bubbling within me. Eli, Kyson, and Yvette explained how they had come to be in this position. They recounted their experiences within the game, highlighting the challenges they had faced and the alliances they had formed.

"How did you—" Kyson began, but Xilliana interjected, her tone tinged with a touch of bitterness. "Yeah, you left me there without trying to help me, but let's just forget about it," she said, her voice carrying the weight of past grievances.

Eli, Kyson, and Yvette then proceeded to share the details of their journey, shedding light on the issues plaguing the werewolf realm and their efforts to address them. As they spoke, the wolves in the vicinity underwent a transformation, their forms shifting to those of humans. With introductions exchanged, the wolves revealed their human identities, each personifying a different facet of the realm's complexities.

With newfound understanding and a bolstered sense of unity, we continued along the path that led deeper into the realm. The verdant expanse around us seemed to pulse with a quiet energy, and as our steps carried us forward, conversation flowed freely among us. The decision was made to expedite our journey by utilizing the aid of our newfound wolf companions, who were more than willing to assist. Eli proposed that I join him atop one of the wolves named Aki, and I agreed with a mix of excitement and nervousness. It had been a while since we had a chance to spend time together.

Approaching Aki, who had transformed into his wolf form, I reached out to stroke his fur. "Thank you, Aki," I expressed with gratitude. In response, he playfully nudged his nose against my cheek, eliciting a chuckle from me. "No worries, darling," he chimed in, his voice carrying a lighthearted tone.

Glancing towards Eli, who was standing nearby, a smile tugged at my lips. "Hold on tight," he advised, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. Before I could question his words, he swiftly lifted me and placed me atop Aki's back, settling in behind me.

"You could have been clearer with your wording, My lord," I remarked with a playful tone, my cheeks warming as I felt his presence behind me. The firmness of his physique and the steady rhythm of his breath sent a calming wave through me.

"Don't call me 'My lord'," he whispered into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. The intimacy of the moment was something, and as our journey continued, his words lingered in the air—a shared secret between us amidst the mysteries of the realm.