
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 2: Master

I screamed as the wind rushed past me, the ground rapidly approaching. My heart pounded in my chest, my mind a whirlwind of panic and exhilaration. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for impact. Time seemed to slow down, the seconds stretching into an eternity. Then, with a jolt that shot through my body, I felt the hard, unforgiving ground beneath me. A shock of pain shot up my spine, and I let out an involuntary groan. "Ow, my back! That freaking hurts!" I grumbled, my voice a mix of irritation and disbelief. This wasn't what I had signed up for.

It had all started with a click, a simple press of the play button that had set this bizarre sequence of events into motion. I had been hesitant, unsure about diving into this strange game, but desperation had pushed me to give it a try. The hope that it might provide answers, solve a mystery, or change my circumstances had overridden my doubts. And now, as I lay on the ground nursing my aching back, I couldn't help but question the wisdom of my decision.

"Do you plan on making the floor your new home?" a deep, husky voice called out, interrupting my thoughts. I mentally rolled my eyes, not in the mood for whatever this stranger was offering. Groaning, I pushed myself up onto my elbows, squinting against the harsh light that surrounded me. As my vision cleared, I took in the people around me.

A man stood before me, his shirt unbuttoned to reveal a set of chiseled abs that seemed more suited to a vacation ad than this strange place. His shorts and flip-flops completed the casual, carefree look, and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he appeared. His jawline was sharply defined, and his cheekbones cast subtle shadows that added to his overall charm. One of his piercing green eyes winked at me, catching me off guard.

"Like what you see?" he smirked, his cocky demeanor fading as his attention was stolen by a girl who had approached him. "Babe, a squabble doesn't deserve your energy," she cooed, her fluttering eyelashes and gentle touch a stark contrast to the impending tension. In an instant, his hand sliced through the air, the slap against her skin both swift and sharp. I winced at the impact, the dynamics between them suddenly crystal clear that he doesn't want her.

And then, an unexpected voice broke through the air, emanating from a nearby screen. "Attention players, this is your host speaking. Call me The DeadlyMaster or master." We all turned toward the source, our gazes drawn to the TV screen that had seemingly materialized out of thin air. As the host introduced us one by one, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and confusion. My boss, Mr. Eliezer, was among the players. I hadn't even realized he was here, and our brief eye contact held a world of unspoken emotions.

"Go mingle, and let's start later," the host's voice commanded before abruptly cutting off. I shook my head in disbelief at the bizarre situation, relieved at least to recognize a familiar face amidst the strangeness.

"So, Brutal, I'm Yvette the Greed," the girl named Yvette began. But before she could continue Envy himself interjected. "Kyson," he purred, winking in my direction.

I raised an eyebrow, unable to hide my irritation. "Do you have some sort of involuntary eye twitch? You keep winking every time you speak." Laughter erupted around us, and I caught snippets of "she really is brutal" from the amused onlookers.

The introductions continued, each person revealing a unique facet of their personality. Demea, with her shrill voice and insatiable appetite; Atifa and Ezra, embodying Lust and Laziness respectively, each displaying their traits in subtle yet telling ways. And lastly my boss, Anger.

I took a moment to introduce myself, glancing toward my boss who gave me a discreet nod, a silent acknowledgment of our shared relationship in this enigmatic game. Just as the atmosphere seemed to settle, the host's voice emerged once more, the TV flickering to life with his presence.

"I see you're getting to know each other. Too bad this needs to end, for I can see this is only the begin—" The host's words were abruptly cut off, silenced by a new voice that belonged to none other than my boss, Eliezer. A wave of awkwardness washed over me; here I was, trapped in this inexplicable scenario with my boss, a situation that seemed both surreal and uncomfortable.

"Can you get onto the game already?" Irritation was the main idea behind his tone. No wonder he was called Anger.

"I see, you're itching to play. Let's get on with it. As I said, one of you is the Idiot, another Intelligent, and finally, the Killer," he explained all the details that we needed. As he went on, each of us had motives for why he chose us, and we reluctantly accepted our roles. I was somewhat relieved that I wasn't the only one who had inadvertently slipped into this bizarre place.

"Let the game begin," the Master declared with a snap, his words echoing in the air. The tension escalated, a palpable sense of anticipation hanging over us. As I braced myself for whatever was about to unfold, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the first chapter of a much larger, and possibly more dangerous, narrative. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for the challenges ahead, ready to navigate this mysterious game of personalities and motives in order to survive and unravel the enigma that had enveloped us all.

As I looked around at my fellow players, each one embodying a different facet of human nature, I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of curiosity and trepidation. The diverse cast of characters, from the cocky Kyson to the coquettish Atifa, all seemed to fit their assigned traits with eerie precision. With Yvette wanting all and Demea's incessant chatter and voracious appetite hinted at her embodiment of Gluttony, while Ezra's relaxed demeanor perfectly aligned with Laziness. And then there was Mr. Boss, whose simmering anger was almost tangible, confirming his role as Anger.

I watched as the interactions between the players unfolded, each one revealing glimpses of their personalities and desires. It was as if we were all part of some twisted social experiment, a psychological study of human behavior taken to an extreme. The tension in the air was palpable, a constant reminder that we were trapped in a game where the stakes were unknown and potentially deadly.

With a split of a second, the room lights turned into red focus on something. Is that blood?

Hii! I don't have any specific day to update but rest assured there's an update every week. Please do like, comment, and vote. Thank you!

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