
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 17: Journey

Back on our journey, protests against moving forward echoed in the air, but we understood that staying still would not extricate us from this peculiar place. The yearning for sunlight intensified, a longing that resonated within each of us. Who knew when we would again bask in its comforting warmth? Despite the challenges, we rallied to prevent lagging behind, fueled by a shared determination.

I clung to the knife provided by the king, a tangible reminder of our encounter. When we had sought answers from the king regarding the events that had unfolded, his silence was deafening. Gesturing for us to continue our journey, he indicated that our belongings awaited us outside. Among our possessions, my bag harbored the bark, and I felt relief wash over me as I retrieved it, unharmed.

Our focus soon shifted to a looming cave up ahead, its entrance radiating an eerie energy—a silent warning to tread cautiously. Questions swirled in my mind: How had this book ended up here? What mysteries did this cave conceal?

Despite trepidation, we advanced toward the cave entrance, its mere presence eliciting shivers down our spines. Hesitant and apprehensive, we stepped into the cavern's depths, only to be met with an otherworldly glow that bathed the interior in an ethereal light. Had we inadvertently traversed into another realm entirely?

Inside, our surroundings unveiled an enchanting tableau—small beings with delicate wings, fairies perhaps, inhabiting petite houses that melded seamlessly with the surrounding flora. A sense of wonder and curiosity guided us deeper into their realm, capturing the inquisitive attention of the fairies. In an unexpected turn, they swarmed around us, their actions tinged with an air of hostility.

"Wait—ow—please, we mean no harm," I beseeched, adeptly evading their attempts to confront us. Eli's fiery temperament flared, yet he managed to assert authority and demand a cessation of hostilities. Astonishingly, they complied, their aggression dissipating. In the midst of the surreal encounter, a smile tugged at my lips, amused by the comical nature of the situation.

Regaining my composure, I addressed the fairies, my words laden with sincerity, "We are seeking Eynus." Skepticism lingered in their eyes, silence enveloping us. Did they comprehend our words, or were we lost in translation? A sudden realization struck me—my phrasing had gone awry.

"No, wait, I meant Eysus, the fairy," I swiftly corrected myself, cringing inwardly at my verbal misstep. Taking a deep breath, I continued, "We came on behalf of King Theodred" As the words flowed from my lips, the fairies' skepticism seemed to wane, as if they were recognizing our intent. They resumed their daily activities, no longer viewing us as immediate threats.

A concerned voice emerged from the group—Yvette's plea for help. Despite her vocalization, our presence remained largely unnoticed by the fairies, as if we were mere transient shadows in their world. Eli's suppressed frustration manifested in his tightly clenched lips, his restraint evident.

Before long, a larger fairy broke through the crowd, standing out amidst the delicate figures surrounding us. The atmosphere seemed to shift, subtly acknowledging his presence.

"Hello, Zammirah and company. I am Eysus, King of the Fairies," he greeted us, his arms extending in a gesture of welcome. "Come with me. Let's find a place where you can sit. Our world may be small, but there are areas where beings like you can be accommodated comfortably." With those words, he guided us onward.

As his sentence hung in the air, a mishap unfolded—Demea inadvertently stepped on one of the fairy houses. Fortune favored us as the house's owner was absent, and Demea promptly issued an apology before we continued our journey.

"As I was saying, please mind the houses below. You might step on them," Eysus gently reminded us, his gaze resting on Demea, who responded with a sheepish chuckle.

Gradually, we found ourselves standing before Eysus' palace—an expansive yet inviting abode. Though not as grand as King Theodred's palace, it exuded a warm and welcoming aura that beckoned us inside.

"Apologies, we have only five rooms available. We talk later about your intentions. For now, make yourselves comfortable in your assigned rooms," Eysus informed us before taking his leave. Fairies quickly appeared, ready to guide us to our accommodations.

"I call dibs on one room," Kyson declared, asserting his claim before leading Demea and Atifa toward their designated space. Yvette and Ezra followed suit, choosing their respective rooms. This left Eli and me to share another room, a fact we accepted with a mutual understanding. The fairies took charge, leading each of us to our temporary abodes.

Having settled into the room, I roused Eli from his partial slumber to share my plan of going outside. His drowsy nod indicated a degree of comprehension, even though he might not have fully grasped my words in his half-awake state. Ensuring my trusty knife was on hand, a precautionary measure, I exited the room with silent steps.

The castle's corridors stretched before me, the sound of my footsteps serving as a haunting echo. Although my intention was firm, I soon found myself navigating through the winding passages, a wanderer in search of a path. In a moment of serendipity, my gaze fell upon an elegant fairy adorned with delicate, ethereal wings. Seizing the opportunity, I closed the distance, hoping to extract some guidance.

"Hello," I initiated, addressing the fairy. "I was wondering if there's a tranquil spot for a leisurely walk around here or someplace opposite." The fairy responded with a voice that resonated like a melodious symphony, revealing the existence of a designated area tailored for visitors like me. Nestled between the realms of the dark and light fairies, this hidden haven held the promise of enigmatic discoveries. Expressing my gratitude, I sought specific directions to this serene sanctuary.

Guided by the fairy's gentle hand, conversation flowed freely between us, punctuated by laughter and the exchange of tidbits of fairy lore. Among the tales, the mention of Mary, the fire fairy, entangled in a scandalous affair with a dark fairy, despite her marital vows, elicited a chuckle. The audacious tales from the fairy world brought about a mixture of amusement and astonishment.

Soon, our path led us to an unexpected destination—an animated and vibrant bar, a stark contrast to the castle's solemnity. The change in scenery stirred a subtle surprise within me. The bar pulsated with a lively mix of non-human beings, each contributing to an atmosphere charged with intrigue. As the fairy who had accompanied me seemed to dissolve into the air, I embarked on my own venture into the heart of the bustling bar. The dimly lit bar was alive with the hum of laughter, clinking glasses, and the steady beat of music.

The energetic strains of "Hello You" by Arctic Monkeys surged through the space, infusing it with an invigorating and sugary-sweet energy. The ambiance resembled a masquerade, with patrons adorning masks that added a layer of allure and enigma. Suddenly, a mask materialized before me, a wordless invitation that I embraced without hesitation. As I donned the mask, I surveyed the surroundings, my gaze fervently seeking the individual with whom I had shared a captivating exchange earlier.

With a turn, the scene underwent a metamorphosis, the music shifting seamlessly into an upbeat tempo. The transformation ignited a flurry of activity as more participants joined in a spirited dance, electrifying the atmosphere with their energy. Amidst the vivacious backdrop, my pursuit of the elusive figure grew more fervent. However, amidst the whirlwind of motion and mirth, an inadvertent collision abruptly shattered my concentration. Swift to apologize, I found myself locking eyes with the individual I had bumped into.

The tempo of the music shifted again, transitioning into an upbeat melody that seemed tailored for the unfolding scenario. The song "Riot" by Three Days Grace infused the air with an electrifying charge, igniting the bar with renewed vigor.

A centaur's gaze bore into me, a mixture of annoyance and inquiry evident in his dual human and equine features. His clenched teeth and focused gaze conveyed his irritation, exacerbated by the fact that I had inadvertently caused his drink to spill on his attire. An instinctive wince crossed my expression as I absorbed the situation.

His irritation was quickly diverted, he grabbe me by my collar but soon his attention shifting toward a figure in his peripheral vision. Following his line of sight, I glimpsed a man walking with an air of purpose. The surrounding crowd seemed to instinctively make way for him, creating a clear path.

As he lifted his gaze, his eyes locked onto mine and moved into the centaur's eyes with an intense glare, his mask an exquisite work of art that complemented his features perfectly. The youthful radiance he emanated enhanced the allure of the mask, its intricate design catching the ambient light, creating a mesmerizing interplay of gold and silver hues. His eyes, reminiscent of twin cerulean oceans, held an enigmatic depth that seemed to beckon me further.

"Beckette?" I exclaimed, my voice betraying a mixture of astonishment and uncertainty. The echo of my words seemed to reverberate through the charged atmosphere, creating an invisible thread that connected us across the bustling expanse of the bar.