
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 15: Thunder

The harsh glare of the bulb overhead forced me to squint my eyes, gradually adjusting to the sudden intrusion of light. As the haze lifted, the reality of the situation came into focus. I was bound, my hands and feet securely tied behind me, an unwelcome testament to the pirates' malevolent intentions. The stifling atmosphere was laced with tension, a reminder of the dire circumstances that had befallen us. Instinctively, I scanned my surroundings, searching for any glimmer of hope that could aid our escape.

A silent connection pulsed between Ezra and me, our eyes communicating a shared determination. We were bound not only by physical restraints but also by an unspoken resolve to fight against the odds. In the midst of our predicament, Ezra's movements caught my attention. His purposeful actions revealed his quest to unearth a potential solution, an avenue of escape hidden within the confines of our captivity.

Simultaneously, I focused my efforts on attempting to free myself from the tightly bound rope that encircled my wrists. Frustration welled within me as the stubborn fibers resisted my attempts. The unforgiving constraints served as a constant reminder of the pirates' hold over us, igniting a fierce determination to break free.

In the midst of my struggles, a high-pitched whistle sliced through the air, Ezra's unique way of capturing my attention. My gaze flickered towards him, a quizzical expression forming as I met his eyes. His ankle rose subtly, drawing my attention towards it, and then he shifted his gaze towards Eli. A ripple of confusion coursed through me, momentarily derailed by Ezra's eccentricities. A roll of his eyes hinted at his own exasperation, and suddenly, the pieces clicked into place.

Realization dawned, and I abandoned my attempts to loosen the rope around my wrists. My focus shifted towards Eli's ankle, where a concealed knife lay hidden within his sock. Gratitude surged within me for Ezra's ingenuity and his uncanny ability to decipher potential solutions from the most unlikely sources.

My heart raced as I contemplated the daring plan forming in my mind. Eli's foot was tantalizingly close, an opportunity for liberation within arm's reach. Determination fueled my actions as I inched closer to Eli, every movement calculated to avoid alerting the pirates to our intentions.

However, fate seemed to conspire against my careful maneuvering. An unexpected twist of balance sent me toppling forward, and I tumbled onto Eli in a jumble of limbs. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I struggled to regain my bearings, attempting to wriggle into a more dignified position. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, I couldn't help but be acutely aware of the proximity between us. The faint scent of his skin and the warmth of his body beneath me stirred a curious mixture of emotions.

Shaking off my momentary reverie, I refocused my attention on the task at hand. My determination remained unwavering as I reached for the knife concealed within Eli's sock. My fingers brushed against the cool metal, a tangible link to the possibility of freedom. Yet, just as success seemed within reach, the knife slipped from my grasp, its metallic clatter echoing in the confined space.

Ezra's urgent whisper cut through the air, a stark reminder of the perilous circumstances we were in. Adrenaline surged as I retreated to my original position, concealing the knife at the back of my waistband. Closing my eyes, I simulated unconsciousness once more, my breath held in anticipation of the incoming presence.

The door creaked open, and my heart pounded in my chest as the murmur of hushed voices filled the room. I forced myself to remain still, suppressing the impulse to open my eyes. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air, my senses attuned to the slightest shift in the environment.

Seconds dragged by like an eternity, and with a soft thud, the door closed, releasing a collective sigh of relief from my fellow captive. Tentatively, I opened my eyes, my gaze fixated on the concealed knife that represented our potential salvation.

Seizing the moment, I retrieved the knife once more, my fingers deftly slicing through the coarse fibers of the rope that bound me. A surge of exhilaration coursed through my veins as the constraints fell away, the sensation of freedom like a long-awaited embrace. Swiftly, I moved to free Ezra, passing him the knife with a determined nod. Together, we orchestrated the release of our companions, a symphony of liberation amidst the oppressive atmosphere.

With the majority of our group now unshackled, the urgency of the situation remained ever-present. The unconscious forms of Eli and the others served as a stark reminder of the looming danger we faced, a testament to the hardships we had endured. My gaze met Ezra's, and through our shared understanding, I wordlessly conveyed my intentions. "I'll explore the ship," I mouthed, my voice no more than a hushed whisper. "You watch over them."

Our roles crystallized, we embarked on our individual tasks, propelled by a collective yearning for freedom and a steadfast determination to overcome the odds.

Cautiously, I stepped out of the room, my senses on high alert as I surveyed my surroundings. My fingers tightly gripped the concealed knife, safely nestled within my pocket. Nearby, a door beckoned, its mysterious contents concealed behind the threshold. My fingers wrapped around the handle, a sense of anticipation coursing through me as I gently pushed the door open.

Before me lay a sight that ignited my curiosity—a small library, rows of stocked books inviting exploration. Each title whispered secrets and knowledge, a wealth of information waiting to be unveiled. I approached the shelves with cautious steps, my eyes scanning the spines for a glimpse of familiarity. Soon enough, my gaze settled upon a book bearing the name of the king.

Drawing the book from its resting place, I flipped through its pages, each leaf offering a tantalizing glimpse into the monarch's world. In my haste, a small slip of paper fluttered to the floor, its contents a mystery that would have to wait for another time. My heart raced, the sense of time slipping away as the distant sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears.

Swiftly, I returned the book to its designated space, concealing my presence just in time as the door creaked open. A figure emerged, their aura radiating authority—none other than the captain of the pirates. My heart pounded, and I shrank back into the shadows, my breath held in suspense. I had evaded his notice, but danger remained a constant companion in this treacherous environment.

A fleeting moment of relief gave way to a new challenge as I navigated the corridors, my senses on high alert. A chance encounter with a pirate brought me face to face with danger once more. We locked eyes, an unspoken understanding of the imminent clash that awaited us. In an instant, our struggle erupted, the confined space serving as a battleground for our conflict.

The scuffle drew the attention of other pirates, their footsteps echoing like an ominous drumbeat. The knife in my hand became an extension of my will, a tool for survival amidst the chaos. Blow by blow, I fought to protect myself, determination driving each movement. One by one, opponents fell, the battle reduced to a tense one-on-one encounter as the room reverberated with the echoes of our struggle.

A deafening clap of thunder outside punctuated the skirmish, the intensity of the storm mirroring the storm that raged within the ship. The pirate lunged at me, his intent clear as he aimed for a deadly strike. My instincts guided me, a dance of evasion and counterattacks that pulsed with urgency.

In the final moments of our struggle, I felt a searing pain in my lower abdomen, a sharp reminder of the stakes we were playing for. I clung to the knife, a last line of defense, our conflict a test of wills. The pirate's blade dug into my flesh, and with a burst of energy, I managed to retain my grip, preventing the knife from penetrating further. But my strength waned, my grip slipping as the pirate wrested the knife from my grasp, a small cry escaping my lips as I spat blood onto the floor.

Amidst the turmoil, a sudden revelation shattered my focus—a familiar face emerged from the shadows. Beckette's presence loomed large, his anger palpable as he took in the scene before him. "B-Beck-kette," I whimpered, my voice laden with a mix of desperation and relief.

Beckette's gaze shifted from the defeated pirate to me, his expression a reflection of his turbulent emotions. My world narrowed, my focus solely on him as the battle between us waged on. But the fates seemed to have their own designs as lightning illuminated the room, casting stark shadows and revealing the intensity of Beckette's anger.

My body betrayed me, and I sank to my knees, pain radiating from my wound. The thunder roared once more, its deafening cry echoing the chaos within. Amidst the tempest, my gaze met Beckette's once more. His expression was a maelstrom of emotions, a tumultuous sea of anger, conflict, and perhaps something deeper that I couldn't decipher in my weakened state.

"B-Beck-kette," I whispered, my voice fragile and laden with exhaustion. His name was both an acknowledgment of his presence and an unspoken plea for understanding. As consciousness slipped through my fingers, my vision dimming, I felt the weight of his gaze upon me. Darkness enveloped me once more, a shroud that offered both respite and uncertainty in equal measure.