
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 13: Cateus

The grand feast had left us satiated and energized, our bellies filled with nourishment and our spirits are lifted. As the lingering flavors of the meal faded, a summons from The King guided us to the opulent throne room. There, his commanding presence captured our attention, and the room fell into a hushed reverence as he began to address us.

With a clear throat, The King's words danced through the air, his voice carrying the weight of authority and wisdom. Our collective gaze turned towards him, captivated by his every utterance. He unveiled our next quest, an expedition northward to uncover a long-lost book. His instructions were precise, the details cascading like a waterfall of anticipation, setting the stage for the adventure that awaited us.

Emerging from the throne room, I was halted in my tracks by the resonant call of my name. The regal figure of The King approached, and his gaze held a depth of sincerity that demanded my attention. In his hands, he held a knife, a symbol of both protection and peril. As he placed the blade onto my open palm, our eyes locked in a silent understanding.

"The path is dangerous, stay away from the pirates," his voice was a mixture of caution and concern, the gravity of his words echoing in the chamber of my thoughts. My response was a simple nod, a gesture that conveyed my acknowledgement of his guidance and my gratitude for his trust.

A moment of recollection stirred within me, prompting me to share the torn paper I had discovered earlier. With a hesitant breath, I revealed the fragment to The King, its significance shrouded in mystery. His eyes flickered over the paper, absorbing its contents with a furrowed brow. "I didn't know about this, but thank you," his words resonated with a blend of curiosity and gratitude, reaffirming the importance of my discovery.

As I turned to make my way back, a persistent question tugged at the corners of my thoughts, a curiosity that yearned to unravel the enigma of the deity responsible for this profound transformation. The King's confirmation that the gods and goddess were not mere myths—the presence of the entity known as Cateus—lingered in the air, a revelation that sent an electric thrill down my spine. The name reverberated through the chambers of my mind, its weight and significance settling upon me like a heavy cloak.

Cateus, the harbinger of change, the catalyst that had molded this world into the intricate tapestry of shadows and light. The knowledge that this powerful entity had defeated the very gods and goddesses who had once shaped our realm was both staggering and humbling. A sense of awe gripped me as I absorbed the scope of Cateus' dominion over the very essence of existence itself.

It was a chilling truth that unfolded before me—the ambition that had driven Cateus to ascend the throne of power, to hold sway over life and death, soul and mortality. With each sibling's demise, his dominion expanded, his power growing in direct correlation to the lives claimed by his relentless pursuit of supremacy. The narrative of his ascent was a grim tale of sacrifice and dominance, each chapter written in the ink of mortality.

The enormity of this revelation was a testament to the malleable nature of reality, a reminder that the world we knew was but a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of existence. The gods and goddesses, once revered as omnipotent beings, had been toppled by Cateus' insatiable hunger for power. The very foundation of our reality had been rewritten, and the boundaries of what was deemed possible had been shattered.

With the weight of newfound knowledge settling upon my shoulders like a tangible burden, I expressed my gratitude to The King, his wisdom a guiding light amid the vast unknown that lay ahead. A sense of humility swelled within me, a recognition of the privilege bestowed upon me by his counsel. As I prepared to rejoin my companions, he extended a paper into my hand—a token of trust and hope, a physical manifestation of his belief in our ability to succeed. "Please find this, now go. Take care," his words were a quiet pledge that resonated like a promise etched into the very fibers of my being.

As I ventured back to the waiting circle of friends, I allowed my fingers to trace the delicate texture of the paper, its surface imprinted with inked instructions that held the key to our next steps. My heart quickened as I began to read its contents, a roadmap of our upcoming journey etched onto the page.

The words illuminated the path we were to tread, a tantalizing glimpse into the challenges and quests that awaited. "Fairies Dust," I murmured under my breath, my mind intrigued by the notion of a golden, fine powder that held mysteries yet to be unveiled. The instruction to ask Eysus, a name that caught me off guard initially, sent a ripple of curiosity through my thoughts.

My gaze swept further down the parchment, where the next task was revealed—a journey into the nightmare forest. The ominous description, warning of hallucinations and the forest's eerie darkness, drew a shiver down my spine. Yet, the practical guidance provided—the use of the knife gifted by The King—imbued a sense of empowerment, a tangible tool to navigate the potential dangers that lay ahead.

Finally, the third task beckoned, a demand for demon blood. The image of black liquid conjured a sense of foreboding, and the instruction to find Rhebris piqued my curiosity. The paper would be the conduit, the bridge that connected me to this mysterious figure who held the key to the completion of our quest.

As I continued to read, my eyes widened, and a soft chuckle escaped my lips. The realization struck me—the name had been deciphered, the slight misstep in pronunciation now corrected. It wasn't Eynus; it was Eysus. The amusement that blossomed within me served as a reminder of the complexities that underscored every adventure, the learning curve that came with navigating uncharted territories.

With the paper clutched in my hand, I put it in my pocket, and newfound clarity guiding my steps, I walked back to rejoin my companions, the gravity of the truth settled within me, a solemn reminder of the forces that shaped our journey.

With every step, I carried the weight of this newfound knowledge, the echoes of Cateus' power resonating in my thoughts as well as the paper that the king gave. The journey ahead had taken on a deeper significance, a purpose rooted in unraveling the intricacies of this Dark World and confronting the very essence that sought to dominate it.

The task ahead loomed like a question mark in my mind, a puzzle piece waiting to be fitted into the larger narrative. The instruction to seek the elusive book stirred a curious itch within me—an itch that begged for an explanation, a reason behind its importance. Why did The King deem this book a worthy pursuit? What secrets or revelations did it hold? The lack of context left me pondering the significance, my thoughts spiraling with curiosity.

Another enigma that gnawed at the edges of my thoughts was the choice of instruction-giver. Why had The King gave the instructions not Beckette? The absence of an explanation left room for speculation, a landscape for my thoughts to wander through. Perhaps there was a hidden motive, a reason rooted in the depths of The King's understanding that evaded my grasp.

A voice sliced through my contemplation, drawing my attention to the present moment. Kyson's query resonated, pulling me back from the labyrinth of my thoughts. "Are you guys ready?" His voice was a call to action, a reminder that our collective readiness was the compass that guided our journey.

I gazed at the darkened road stretching before us, its shadows concealing mysteries waiting to be unraveled. My gaze shifted to the faces of my companions, their resolute nods a reflection of their determination. In that moment, the collective resolve was palpable—a shared commitment to embark on this quest, to uncover the truths that lay hidden within the folds of uncertainty.

As our gazes converged, a silent understanding passed between us. The path ahead was shrouded in darkness, rife with challenges and revelations yet to be unveiled. But we stood together, bound by trust, friendship, and the shared yearning for adventure. With a nod of affirmation, I added my nod to the chorus, a gesture that cemented our unity in purpose.

And so, with our hearts aligned and our spirits steeled, we took our first steps onto the dark road—a road that promised not just answers, but a journey of something new, and the inexorable thrill of the unknown.