
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 12: Drink or Spill

"Welcome to the Game of Drink or Spill," Atifa's voice resonated with a playful energy, captivating our attention as she embraced her role as the charismatic host. "I'm your host, Atifa," she continued, her tone dripping with enthusiasm and intrigue. With a graceful sweep of her hand, she initiated the game's mechanics, guiding us through the rules as we gathered in a circle, ready to embark on this new adventure of revelations.

Seated comfortably, we leaned in, our anticipation palpable as Atifa unveiled the essence of the game. It was a simple yet enticing concept—questions that dared to dive beneath the surface, secrets that begged to be unearthed. To divulge or to take a sip, the choice was ours, an intriguing dichotomy that promised laughter, revelations, and perhaps a hint of vulnerability.

As Atifa's gaze swept across the circle, her eyes settled on Demea, playfully prompting her to initiate the quest for revelations. "Alright, Demea," Atifa grinned, her voice still carrying the charismatic lilt of a talk show host. "Who would you like to question in this gathering of beautiful souls?"

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Demea's question was directed towards Eli, her curiosity evident in the playful inflection of her voice. "Eli, why are you not talkative?" she inquired, her question a challenge that held a hint of jest.

Eli's response was succinct, his tone both casual and definitive. "Cause I don't want to talk," he stated, a simple declaration that left a sense of mystery hanging in the air.

"That's it?" Demea pressed, her eyebrow arching in playful disbelief. Eli's answer elicited a collective chorus of teasing boos from the group, a lighthearted taunting that he shrugged off with an easygoing demeanor.

Turning the spotlight onto Eli, Atifa seized the opportunity to keep the momentum going. "Eli, your turn," she prompted, her eyes dancing with anticipation.

With a sly grin, Eli's question was a daring one, tailored to unravel the threads of curiosity that wound around our thoughts. "Kyson, do you like someone here?" he inquired, his smirk betraying the mischief behind the question.

Kyson answered a 'yes', however, displayed a remarkable agility in steering the conversation elsewhere, directing his own question towards Ezra. "Ez, how long can you sleep?" Kyson asked, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

Ezra's response was met with a chorus of astonishment as he recounted a tale of three days of slumber, punctuated by the effects of a night of indulgence. Laughter and incredulous gasps punctuated the air, a testament to the camaraderie that bound us together.

Then, in an unexpected twist, Ezra's question directed towards Yvette left the room momentarily hushed, the weight of his words tinged with a sense of vulnerability. "Yvette, I have something to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he declared, the unexpected proposal sending shockwaves through the room.

Gasps and squeals erupted, the atmosphere charged with both surprise and delight. Yvette's radiant smile, a reflection of her emotions, seemed to set the room aglow with a warmth that was contagious. But just as the moment seemed poised to settle into a heartwarming conclusion, Eli's words shattered the delicate stillness.

"You killed someone," his declaration cut through the air, a statement that elicited a collective recoil from the group. Disgusted glances were exchanged, and I couldn't help but react, delivering a playful yet pointed punch to Eli's shoulder.

Amidst the tension that Eli's words had momentarily stirred, Ezra swiftly clarified, his voice a steady reassurance in the midst of the unexpected revelation. "Yes, I killed someone. It was in self-defense," he explained, the gravity of his words sinking in. The room seemed to collectively release a breath that had been unknowingly held, the understanding settling in that there was more to the story than met the eye. And Eli, well, he confirmed it that it was many years ago.

Yvette's response, however, swept away any lingering apprehension. Her words were a beacon of trust and affirmation, a testament to the bond that had been forged amidst the complexities of life. "Killed someone or not, I felt safe with you. My answer is yes," she declared, her words punctuated by cheers and claps from the group.

In that moment, as we witnessed the interplay of vulnerability and support, the essence of the game became even clearer. It wasn't just about spilling secrets or taking a sip; it was about the connections we nurtured, the layers we peeled back, and the authenticity we shared.

When the spotlight turned to me, a sense of trepidation mingled with intrigue, as Atifa's question hung in the air like a challenge I was uncertain of facing. "Zammirah, what is your deepest, darkest secret?" her grin was almost mischievous, and my heart skipped a beat. The weight of the question, the gravity of the revelation it demanded, settled over me like a heavy shroud. My throat tightened, and in a momentary act of self-preservation, I chose to quell my vulnerability with a sip of beer, shielding the unspoken truths that lay hidden beneath the surface.

As the game unfolded, the room buzzed with a lively energy. Laughter and shared stories filled the air, intermingling with the clinking of glasses and the resonance of genuine connections being fostered. The effects of the game began to take their toll, as evidenced by the slightly unsteady movements and the light-hearted banter that grew progressively more exuberant.

Amidst the mirth, a realization washed over me—I was the sober anchor amidst a sea of tipsiness. The role of caretaker fell upon me, guiding my friends to their respective beds one by one as the night wore on. With each gentle act of assistance, I couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful spectrum of humanity that the evening had showcased—the laughter, the camaraderie, the raw honesty.

Eventually, fatigue crept upon me like a whispered lullaby, and I found myself nestled in the comfort of my own bed. With a satisfied smile, I surrendered to sleep, the weight of my worries temporarily lifted, a proof to the power of shared experiences and the strength found in companionship.

Morning arrived with a hush, a sense of calm enveloped the space, a serene respite after the whirlwind of emotions that had danced through the night. Determination sparked within me as I realized the next quest awaited, the third game is around the corner.

A rejuvenating shower cleansed away the remnants of the previous day, and I exchanged casual wear for attire befitting the impending adventure. The anticipation mingled with a tinge of apprehension as I considered the challenges that lay ahead. I really do hope that one of us found the map. Dang, i forgot about that.

With a deep breath, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. The echoes of the previous night's vulnerability still resonated within me, a reminder that the journey was not just about quests and games—it was about the bonds we forged, the layers we unraveled, and the strength we found in one another. As I descended the stairs, I carried with me a newfound resolve, ready to face the mysteries that awaited and eager to explore the uncharted territories that both the game and life had in store.