
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 11: Said Who?

As we all dispersed to our respective rooms, brimming with anticipation for the upcoming game night, I found myself standing before my wardrobe, contemplating my outfit choices. The unanimous decision was to gather in the living room later, our laughter and camaraderie ready to set the tone for an enjoyable evening ahead. Amidst the sea of clothes, each hanger held a story of its own, a potential ensemble that could encapsulate my mood for the night.

Just as I was about to select my attire, the air was interrupted by a soft yet distinct knock on my door. Intrigued, I made my way towards the entrance, my curiosity piqued. Upon swinging the door open, I was greeted by the sight of Eli, his presence casting a warm glow in the doorway.

"Hey," his voice was a gentle breeze, carrying an undertone of something unspoken. I offered a welcoming smile and gestured for him to come inside, the threshold between our worlds disappearing as he crossed it.

Curiosity danced in my eyes as I inquired, "Is there something wrong?" I guided him to the edge of my bed, creating a space for him to sit. As I headed towards my wardrobe to change into more comfortable clothing, I noticed him fidgeting with his fingers, his gaze drifting into the realm of contemplation.

"It's just—" he began, his words hesitating as he grappled with his thoughts. In the span of those moments, I transformed, slipping out of my previous outfit and into a pair of snug pajamas, a symbol of relaxation and ease.

"Just what?" I prompted, my intrigue building as I delicately wiped away the remnants of makeup from my face. Glancing back at him, I paused near the bathroom doorway, granting him an unspoken invitation to continue.

Eli's gaze met mine, and his words flowed like a gentle stream finding its course. "It's just… I missed your presence," he confessed, a sigh of surrender escaping his lips. My heart skipped a beat, his vulnerability painting the room with a newfound intimacy.

"Said who?" I playfully retorted, sauntering back to sit beside him. His confession seemed to hang in the air, the weight of unspoken sentiments lingering between us. "I'm pretty sure that's not all," I added, my voice a gentle reassurance that encouraged him to unveil the layers of his thoughts.

Eli's eyes, once cast down, now found mine with a mix of sincerity and uncertainty. "It's hard being vulnerable," he began, his words carrying a raw honesty that resonated deeply. "But with you, you... you make me vulnerable, effortlessly."

His words were like a key unlocking a door I hadn't realized was there. The connection we shared, the trust we'd cultivated, had become a sanctuary where our truest selves could seek refuge. His presence in my room, in that moment, felt like a convergence of two souls, a reminder that relationships often grow stronger through shared vulnerabilities.

As I absorbed his confession, a cascade of emotions swirled within me. I marveled at the way our paths had intertwined, leading us to this point of openness. Eli's vulnerability was a testament to the strength of our bond, a bond that went beyond mere friendship.

In the tender silence that followed, I reached out and gently placed my hand atop his. His fingers interlaced with mine, and our gazes locked in a shared understanding that transcended words. Our game night plans may have been temporarily sidelined, but in that instant, a new kind of game had begun—one where hearts laid bare, and the journey of embracing vulnerability unfolded with each passing moment.

In the hushed aftermath of Eli's revelation, a delicate intimacy enveloped us like a cocoon of understanding. Our fingers entwined effortlessly, a silent agreement that we were treading on a path illuminated by honesty and trust. A glance exchanged between us spoke volumes, a language of its own that bypassed the need for verbal communication. The original plans for game night, now suspended, seemed insignificant in comparison to the profound connection that had taken center stage.

"It's okay to be vulnerable around me," my voice was a soothing balm, my thumb tracing comforting circles on his knuckles. "You can tell me anything, I won't judge," I reassured him with a genuine smile, my words a promise etched into the fabric of our newfound bond.

His lips curled into a faint smile, a testament to the comfort he found in my presence. "During this time, I didn't know that I have a soft spot towards you. I am a mess when I was your boss" he confessed, his tone tinged with a hint of self-deprecation. A soft chuckle escaped my lips, and I gently teased, "You're still my boss, dummy," playfully touching the tip of his nose. "But you're our boss here," he retorted, his voice brimming with affection.

"Said who?" I queried, a playful glint in my eyes as I intertwined my fingers with his. His response came in the form of a simple yet heartfelt gesture: he rested his head against my shoulder. Laughter bubbled forth from me, a melodic sound that filled the room with warmth. "I hope I've managed to bring a bit of sunshine to your day," I remarked, my voice a soft melody dancing through the air.

Eli's gaze lifted to meet mine, a somber undertone coloring his next words. "In my life before this, I didn't have someone like you," he admitted, a hint of wistfulness tugging at the edges of his voice.

"Someone like me?" I echoed, intrigued by the layers of his past that he was gradually unveiling.

He exhaled softly, his breath carrying the weight of unspoken emotions. "I didn't have anyone to share my burdens with," he confessed, his vulnerability a poignant thread woven into the tapestry of our conversation. "It was all about looks and money, and I longed for someone with whom I could freely be vulnerable, without the fear of judgment."

His words hung in the air, a profound silence punctuated only by the soft rhythm of our intertwined breaths. It was a moment of raw honesty, a glimpse into the depths of his heart that he had entrusted to me. The air seemed to shimmer with an unspoken understanding, a recognition that our connection was transforming into something extraordinary.

Gently, I leaned my head against his, offering a silent gesture of solace and empathy. "You've found that someone now," I whispered, my voice a gentle affirmation that carried the weight of my unwavering support. "Here, with me, you can be your true self, unburdened by expectations and free to embrace vulnerability."

As our hands remained entwined, a sense of shared purpose enveloped us—an unspoken agreement to cherish this newfound chapter of openness, to nurture the delicate shoot of trust that had sprouted between us. In that fleeting moment, the world outside seemed distant, and it was just the two of us, united by the bond of vulnerability and understanding.

Our moment was abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door, a reminder of the world waiting beyond these walls. With a sigh, I reluctantly disentangled our hands and called out, "Okay," acknowledging the need to rejoin the others. We stood up in unison, a shared glance before we walked out of the room.