
Sesshomaru istoo busy learning magic to care about a harem inDxD world

A life saving firefighter dies and rewarded a chance to go to the world of his choosing (high school dxd) with wishes of course. One wish is to be born in the body of Sesshomaru, but what exactly will Sesshomaru do once he reaches the dxd world....PLAY WITH MAGIC OF COURSE !!!

K_G_4335 · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Why so serious ?

first person pov

I walked into Issei's classroom and made my official introduction into the plot

I couldn't help but troll Issei with my entrance, I also wrote the word "devil" on the board with chalk and said it a few times with extra emphasis

I got the idea from one of my favorite animes "Date alive"

In the past three days I got my haircut, and did a bunch of shopping, including the black cardigan, black pants and red t shirt I had on

"Deeeeeviiiiiillll....." I said sounding the word out and underlining the word on the board

The students and even the class teacher nodded their head in serious agreement, everyone except Issei, who anxiously looked around the room hand over his mouth like he was biting his nails

I was mentally laughing at him, the panicked expression on his face practically read

'Did he just announce that to the entire room ?!?!?!?!?

Did any of you actually hear what he just said ?!?!?!?'

"Hyoudou what's the matter, you looked troubled ?" The teacher asked

"U-umm, did you just hear what he just said Mr. Hoyte ?" Issei while shaking as if he was a few steps from having a seizure

(A/N I actually don't know any of the teachers names, if you do please comment them)

"Yes, he said he was a devil, is there some problem with that ? Is him being a devil bothering you that much ?" Mr.Hoyte

Issei's jaw nearly dropped to the floor and I almost burst out laughing right then and there

"U-um no, it just.....this is a bit..... I don't know." Issei said while looking exhausted

Mr. Hoyte shook his head

"Please take a seat Tempest." Mr. Hoyte

"Thank you sir." I said and took the seat diagonally to the right in front of Issei

I looked back at him and he was making a surprised Pikachu face

Class started and I whispered

"Tell your club president and the student council president to see me at the same time. I want to work out a deal." I turn to look at Issei, who's staring out the window and he slowly nods

After the period ended, in the hallway Issei stopped me and informed me that Rias and Sona were ready to meet me

I was guided to the victorian style old building across the street where the occult research club is held.

(A/N I forget if the building is behind or in front of the actual school, tell me this also if anyone knows)

"What building is this ?" I asked pretending not to know

"The occult research club building, this building used to be the actual school building before boys were allowed to attend." Issei

"Oh, okay so why are we meeting in the occult research club instead of the student body president's office ?" I asked pretending it to know why and acting as if I don't know their names

"Because it's president's territory." Issei said as we approached the building doors

Scene change

We got in the occult room, Sona and Rias were sitting side by side at a black table-like desk

there was a couch in front of said desk

Both peerages we're standing on the wall behind the two high class devils, Issei joined the group standing

Rias sat towards my left and her peerage stood behind her in order of Akeno right behind but kind of to the right of Rias, then Kiba, then Xenovia, then Koneko, Asia, then Gasper, then finally Issei

to my left standing in the same fashion behind Sitri was Tsubaki Shinra, Genshirou Saji, Tsubasa Yura, Tomoe Meguri, Hanakai Momo, and Kusaka Reya

As I made eye contact with each devil the one called Saji made a face, an irritated face that read 'Aren't you going to bow and introduce yourself ?'

I looked at him one more time brief time to confirm I wasn't and then put my gaze back on the two high class devils

"Please have a seat Mr. Tempest, my name is Rias Gremory, heiress of the Gremory clan. Please feel free to call me Rias." Rias said standing up and gesturing to the couch with a smile

As I got closer Sona begun to introduce herself and Rias extended her hand for a handshake

I smiled and politely accepted the handshake

"And I am Sona or Souna Sitri, heiress of the Sitri clan; pleased to make your acquaintances.You can call me Sona."

"Thank you, I am Sesshomaru Tempest, unfortunately I don't have a particular clan... But you can call me by first or last name since my first name is kind of long." I said

"So with all due respect, what brings you to the human world ? It's quite hard for non high class devils to legally be here." Rias

"I understand, it's very illegal for low class devils to travel to the human world without a permit. The truth is...." I said with my head down, bringing my head back up

"...I'm from seven years into the future !" Sesshomaru

"What!" the most of the room exclaimed

"Five years from now, Grigori creates android hybrid red emperor dragon clones using their sacred gear technology,Issei's boosted gear, and Saji's sacred gear." Sesshomaru

At this point both Rias and Sona's mouths are open

"Ten of them, ten of them have brought the world to near extinction, the devils, humans, angels, even the fallen angels." I say while making an intense face

"But you said..... Grigori created the androids...."Rias says while flabbergasted

"That's because the androids betrayed even their own masters, and they killed Azazel too." I say while bringing my head back down and making a fist

"The governor of the fallen angels." Rias

"Three out of four of the Satan's lost there lives fighting, thankfully Lord Beelzebub survived and use the remainder of the worlds resources to build a magical device to send his chosen apprentice back. A few weeks before the treaty of the three factions." I finished

Gasp ! Both Rias and Sona gasped and looked at each other

The faces of the peerages showed more and more concern the more I spoke

"The peace treaty was supposed to be a secret....." Rias said while holding her chin

"Just kidding." I said with a smile

Both Rias and Sona look at with dumbfounded expressions

Both peerages were dumbfounded as well

I couldn't help but put my hand over my mouth as I cracked up laughing

Akeno started to laugh too, and everyone in the room besides Sona started to chuckle, even Saji, Kiba, and Tsubaki

Again, Sona wasn't laughing, in fact she started to look around the room in disbelief before turning back around, facing me and pulling out a small black device the shape of a box with a red button on the top of it

"Rias take it out." Sona

Rias stopped laughing

"What, this is good, he isn't hostile...." Rias was explaining but got interrupted by Sona

"He's not taking this seriously, take it out." Sona said while staring me in the eyes through her glasses

"It was just a joke, there's no need to escalate....." Rias was once again cut off by Sona

"I understand that it was just a joke, I understand that he came to the rescue when you and your peerage needed it and I'm truly thankful for that." She said to Rias without breaking eye contact with me and then continued talking, to me this time

"I'm really am thankful that you saved my best friend, but Rias is too soft to think rational; And thinking rational, I'm sitting in front of an unknown devil with the power at the very least equal to that of an Satan.

Someone who could easily destroy this country several times over if he feels like it.

And you all are just laughing with him like this isn't a potentially a national threat." As Sona said this she looked back around the room with a scolding glare

Rias took out a small black box identical to the one Sona had in hand

"From this point on, I'll lead the conversation until it's deemed you aren't a threat. We were going toet Rias lead the conversation, but you aren't taking this seriously." Sona

"So because of my strength I'm a threat despite saving a high class devil and her peerage, from a fallen angel general ?" I said

"That's partially true, and the fact that no one knows you, in fact that's the only reason anyone here bought into your story of being from the future, because their isn't a single record of you, in the underworld or in the human world." Sona

After hearing that, I just hunched my shoulders and made a 'So what ?' Gesture

"We have the entire devil military on standby, if either one of us press the red button, a signal will be triggered and devil soldiers are going to teleport in and around the building." Sona

"Kind of overkill wouldn't you think ? This was just three days ago, how did you manage to gather an entire army ?" Sesshomaru

"Maybe it is overkill, but like I said, their isn't a single record of you anywhere. And devils as strong as you don't just pop up out of thin air. But when they do.....It's not your fault but, it cost us a fortune to make sure the video wouldn't leak, then another fortune in looking for you." Sona

"What video, and who asked you to look for me anyways ? How did you take a video ?" Sesshomaru

"The video of you defeating Kokabiel, it was recorded through the recording magic programmed into that barrier, and like you mentioned earlier, there will be a meeting to discuss signing a peace treaty on a few weeks. So even if you're not really aligned with devils, you just being a devil makes us responsible by association." Sona

"Wait you can program a barrier with recording magic.....and wait what did you mean by the rest of that ?" I asked

"It means we figured you out, your not just some low class devil that illegally traveled here; You're more likely a devil that wasn't even born in the underworld to begin with, meaning your not an actual citizen of hell. Which also means your not under our jurisdiction." Sona

"Heh, you really did figure that out. So what now, your going to force me to answer questions or something." I asked with a smile

"No, we're not going to force you to do anything. We didn't gather the military to force you to answer questions about your identity or origins. Our goal here is to confirm you aren't stray class devil or some low class devil here illegally and hopefully build a positive connection. This is the only question we're going to "make you answer." Sona said with her fingers, then continued

"We are going to ask you some other questions, but out of respect of the fact you saved a Satan's sister, you don't have to answer those questions and if you do, we don't expect you to answer honestly." Sona

Rias nodded her head to Sona's speech

"Now, are a stray devil or here illegally without a travel permit?" Sona

"No." Sesshomaru

"Thank you." Sona said while putting the trigger down and exhaled

Rias followed suit

"Um, if I were to be here illegally, what would have happened to me ?" Sesshomaru

"Well we would have apprehended you, but by no means could we had held you considering what you've done. We would have brought you to the underworld, did a DNA test on you to figure out if you're really purely devil, because it doesn't look like it. And lastly we would have take a Verumopher test." Sona

"What is that ?" Sesshomaru

"A magical lie detector. After all of that, discussions would begin to get you into someone's peerage, most likely one of the Satan's." Sona

'I guessed this much.' Sesshomaru thought

"Well now that my overly intense friend is done.....if you don't come from the underworld, where are you from ?" Rias

"America." Sesshomaru said halfway lying half telling the truth

"Who are your parents?" Rias

"I don't know. Never met them." Sesshomaru

"Then how do you know how old you are where did you grow up....." I interrupted Rias

"I'm going to refuse to answer those questions, Rias. And how did you know I wasn't full devil Sona ? " Sesshomaru

"Those marks on your face. What are you besides devil ?" Sona

"Dog youkai." I responded

"Okay last question, how would you feel about joining my peerage." Rias said with a bright cheerful smile

'She just couldn't help herself.....' I thought

I couldn't help but smile, half of the smile from amusement the other half in annoyance

Sona gave Rias a meaningful side eye

"You were supposed to hear what he wanted before proposing him join you." Souna

"Well yeah, but I figured I would just come right out and put my cards on the table." Rias

"Aren't I too powerful for to be into your peerage ?" Sesshomaru

"No, you're too powerful for me to reincarnate you into a devil, but you're already a devil so even if I can't give you any of my pieces their are still ways to legally make you apart of my peerage." Rias

"Well, I have to de-" As I was about to reject Rias, she cut me off

"We can wait to hear your answer after you tell us why you wanted to meet us in the first place." Rias said smiling slyly

Another annoyed smile appeared on my face

'She knew I was going to say no and she stopped me and rerouted the conversation.....'

"There are two things; First I would like to form....a partnership." Sesshomaru

"A partnership ?" Rias said intrigued

"Yes, I will become the bodyguard of both of your peerages and in return, you're going to put me in school. As you probably know by now, I'm not in actually registered in any classes, that was a spell I used to prank Issei earlier." Sesshomaru

That green light that Issei saw earlier was a magical circle that signified my hypnosis spell that I used on Issei's teacher and classmates. By now the spell has worn off and none of them remembered what happened

"Yes, we suspected as much and for that other thing ?"

"I want you to publish my manga, and manhua, and manwha. We'll make millions, no billions and you both can get profits, both of you can get 10% each." Sesshomaru

"Hmmm okay, my family is also into the entertainment business; Do you have any drafts ?" Rias

"I'm glad you asked." I said and summoned a bunch of artwork

I used my phone connected to the real world and artwork magic to instantly draw manga and such. I had to be very careful with what I selected

For example, I couldn't select Naruto because a lot of those jutsus are potentially dangerous

Like could you imagine Rizevim Lucifer, mastering susanoo ?

I picked two or three manga for each genre for shonen I chose

bleach, hunter x hunter (A/N In my opinion the best shonen AND adventure) and lastly Yu Yu Hakusho

Dbz already exists in this world, Naruto obviously is too powerful to be in this already dangerous world and lastly one piece is trash so I can't include that one

For Drama I chose: My teenage romantic comedy oregairu (A/N another favorite) and fruit basket

And lastly but most importantly for Isekai/fantasy/magic ( my favorite genre and the future of anime)

That time I got reincarnated as a slime:(The GOAT Isekai)

The rise of the shield hero(For the betrayal)

Overlord (I didn't really like this one, but out of respect for the Isekai genre this one is a necessary evil)

Knights and magic ( For the Mecha element)

In another world with my smartphone (The blueprint for all future Isekais)

Wise man's grandchild (Same reason, another blueprint for Isekai genre)

Goblin Slayer (I needed a non Isekai)

And is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon ( For the harem element)

For manwha I'm going to publish "solo leveling" and

one of those trapped in the story I just read, like "bug player" or "player" or "trapped in the web novel as a good for nothing"

And lastly manhua

"Apotheosis" and "Versatile mage" describe basically all manhuas perfectly

my goal isn't to copy every piece of work from my past world, but to inspire writers in this world because there's barely any good entertainment in this world

I hand the pages of stapled manga over to Rias and she glances at it and passes it to to Akeno

"About that first thing though...." I start

"Yes ? Getting into school ?" Rias

"Yes, not only do want to be a part of this school, but I also want you to arrange for you to put me in a human college and a wizard college too." Sesshomaru

"Three schools at once ?" Rias said with a raised eyebrow

"Yes." I say and make a few clones of myself

"Being at multiple places at once is very easy for me...." Sesshomaru

Scene change, back inside the Tenseiga

I hopped out of the shower sat down on my chair and summoned the Wendy's I got while I was in the real world

The meeting with the two high class devils went well, but now it was time to do one last thing I held off on since beating Kokabiel

If some unknown result happened I wanted to make sure the deal was done before attempting what I'm about to do.

I summoned a three of his feathers I grabbed during the fight and placed them on my table in the living room near my desktop

'Fortify' 'Duplicate'

I cast a fortification spell on the feather and then duplicated the three feathers to the limit, a few thousand feathers were made

l can't just duplicate things infinitely, there's a limit to everything I can duplicate which varies by size, weight, volume and other factors. Fortification increases the durability of whatever I'm duplicating, allowing me to make more duplicates of something

Lastly, I can't make the same amount of duplicates that I would if I don't use the original, the success rate is halved

meaning if I could only make ten duplicates of a sheets of paper leaving me with a total of 11 sheets of paper

I can make five more sheets of paper by duplicating a duplicate sheet of paper making a total of 16 sheets of paper

But all of that are irrelevant right now, what is important is....

I pick up a feather, swallow it, and summon my system

Two notifications are available

1.Tempest is officially registered as last name

2. 0.03739, of fallen angel transformation unlocked, consume more Fallen angel DNA to unlock transformation

'It worked.' I thought

grabbing handfuls of feathers I quickly gulped them down after what seemed to be a few hundred or so feathers I got the fallen angel transformation to 100% completely unlocked

*Fallen angel transformation unlocked: One winged angel form available

Using transformation magic, I activated the one winged angel transformation

A green light flashed in the room like Ben 10 choosing an alien

My height felt the same, my hands looked the same but I have a huge sword on my side

But my hair, was longer and darker. instead of being whitish silver, it's grayish silver

I rush to my bathroom to look in the mirror

When I looked in gasped
