
Sesshomaru istoo busy learning magic to care about a harem inDxD world

A life saving firefighter dies and rewarded a chance to go to the world of his choosing (high school dxd) with wishes of course. One wish is to be born in the body of Sesshomaru, but what exactly will Sesshomaru do once he reaches the dxd world....PLAY WITH MAGIC OF COURSE !!!

K_G_4335 · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


(A/N Spell instant freeze is now area freeze, also sorry I haven't updated in a month like this but I've been working on this chapter little by little for the past three weeks and also deciding which direction I want to take this and how. Also this is the final part of the Shonen system arc.)

First person pov

Okay I'm back into the scenarios of the shonen system trying to amass Gacha points before the fight with Kokabiel

I had asked the system to set a timer to set off once the fight between Issei and friends, and Kokabiel start.

Start, I hit the start button and my vision go dark

to my far left a rustling noise was heard. Then I the sound of something landing ten feet behind me.

I quickly turn around. My long pony tail swing behind me, as I did it up before going back into the system.

I hear something cutting threw the air above me; still staying in the same spot I look up and turn my hand over pointing my palm towards the...sky or ceiling maybe.

A green barrier appear and cover my upper half of my body. I felt a downwards heel kick landing on my barrier and yes, I was able to feel that without actually touching his leg.

"Rather impressive you managed to block my attack." The attacker said and bounced off of me, he landed seven feet in front of me

Now that he was close and not lurking in the shadows I could see who he was.

It was "Akaza" from demon slayer

He had this toothy grin on his face

"How come I can't smell you ?" I asked

"What are you talking about?" Akaza said still smiling

'Is this scenario supposed to make me fight with impaired senses ?'

He charged at me, so pointing my palm at him, I used air canon

a ball of air the size of an soccer ball shot from my palm and to his torso

He dodged but the attack still hit him in the shoulder area and stumbled him, which is all I needed

Making a swinging motion with my right arm, with my index and middle finger tightly together. From right to left my light whip cut threw the air and landed on Akaza's guard, which was basically his two arms for blocking

I twisted my whole body on that blow swinging right to left and came back to my center of gravity throwing one of Frieza's destructo disk at him

The disk shaped energy caught Akaza by surprise and cut him in two from the chest

The first attack was just a faint attack so he would let his guard down.

with speed quicker than the human eye could see I appeared over Akaza's top and with my light whip separated his head from his shoulders

"Scenario complete: 500 Gacha points" the notification said

I hurry and click on the next scenario

Speaking of Frieza, my next opponent you guessed it, is Freiza, who is already in fourth form and is about one hundred yards away

Accept there's a gang of over one hundred low level mobs in between us

We are on Namek, with a green sky and green waters, with blue grass

Everyone was in the air

"Whoever brings me his head will get a paid year long vacation." Frieza said while floating in the air

"Ah, I love these scenes." I said

Various aliens and man-shaped creatures attacked me in a swarm

In the corner of my screen I see a ratio

0/101 defeated

Typically it would be smart to pull out a weapon, but I'm wizard in this play through

With that being said.....

I raise my left hand and make twenty green magic circles appear in the air behind me similar to when Rossweisse faced Sairaorg

Twenty different spells fired off at once

One magic circle sent SUV sized fireballs at Frieza's henchman.

Another fired off a continuous final flash

The next sent Noel's water attack dragon accept this attack was big as a school bus and would travel and change directions on its own based

The next magic circle was a continuous blast of demonic energy

Another magic circle that shot out boulders in other words

Another magic circle blasted a tornado

Three various circles were spread out behind me that shot out balls of demonic energy

And the rest were variations of lightning and darkness spells

Frieza's low life's stood no chance

"AGGH !!!" "DAMN!"

"Aaaaaahhh !!!"

They each mostly died with one attack and made a lot of displeasing noises while dieing.

50/101 defeated...73/101 defeated

From the distance I could see my sea dragon attempted to attack Frieza but of course was blown away.

I pretended not to see that and made grand display of me one sidedly bashing Frieza's army.. To this Frieza showed annoyance

He clenched his fist and raised it to eye level.

He clenched his fist so hard he started to tremble, veins appeared on his arm and head

"Come on, he's just one dog !" Frieza

To this I was shocked and angry

I was shocked that Frieza knew I was a dog yokai, but also angry because he just displayed that blatant racism he always showed in DBZ.

100/101 defeated

I slowly floated to Frieza

Thinking carefully about what I want to say, I ask him

"What do you mean ?"

"Hmn ? It's obvious that your some kind of dog person, similar to one of those monkeys isn't it ?"

"Where did you come from ?" I ask

"My family has been ruling this universe for generations....oh what's the use of talking to a dead man." Frieza

"Ha !" I couldn't help but laugh at what he said

I snapped my fingers and created three large magic circles behind me

'Ion canon'

Huge torrents of electricity blasted out of the magic circles at Frieza, Frieza flew to his right, and fired his rainbow beam

I blocked this attack with a magic circle

"Hmn !" Frieza

Frieza then fired a barrage of ki blast at me of various colors and sizes

I moved from the air to land as he keeps blasting, I'm running, veering to my right; while also forming a spear out of demonic energy


I teleport behind Frieza and start the stabbing motion with my neon spear, but he turns around just in time and flies backwards.

"Dammit you made me miss." I said and stuck out my left arm, adjusting my spear into my right

'Telekinesis activated'

As if I had the force I pull him toward me against his will and throw my energy spear at him

"GAAH !" Frieza yelled and then forced.his arms into an "X" onto his chest, and aggressively separated them, creating a pink sphere barrier that blocked my spear

Frieza's barrier still had visible cracks starting from the area of impact of my last attack, but I didn't stop there this time it was me that barraged him with energy blasted

I threw blast after blast of demonic energy at Frieza and watched his barrier explode and I continued to pummel him

Next I bring my fist back, and fist turns pure white, I throw a punch twenty feet from him and a giant blast of touki lands sending him to the ground

He landed on his feet, and then jumped back into the air and charged at me.


"Anger is not a good look on you Freezer." I say

Waiting until he almost reaches me, I teleport forward five feet, but I'm still able to adjust the position of my body, so I'm still facing him, or at least I'm facing his back.

He starts to turn around but. before he does, I snap my fingers

'Area freeze'

I freeze him in a block of ice, he starts to fall out of the air

'Im sure there's a joke I should be saying here....'

I sense he's trying to break out, and I'm charging my next attack in my right hand

A blue orb is growing in my hand

Frieza bursts right through the block of Ice behind him throwing his arms out as if he just busted through ropes or handcuffs

At that moment moment his body is exposed and I charge him and send a rasengan to the purple spot on his chest, palming him in the process

'That, felt f*cking amazing....' I thought

I send Frieza flying back, he went from flying in a vertical position to being spinned around flying back horizontally

That one time using the rasengan is all it took for me to master it

This time I quickly charge another rasengan, the size of a foot ball

quick step to Frieza while he's trying to grab ahold of himself, and slam the rasengan into his head, sending him to the ground.

I follow him to the ground and start spamming rasengan, why ? Because it was a cool move to use, it felt right.

So I'm standing over Frieza sending rasengan after rasengan to his head, face, and body

He screamed and made woman noises

(A/N lol, Tyson fans should get the reference)

"GAAAH ! ENOUGH!!!" Frieza yelled brought his arm, which was glowing purple, up and slammed it down and everything went white, then dark

Scenario failed: Frieza blew up Namek

"Goddamn sore loser." I said angrily while floating in front of blown up Namek in space

I used mental magic, so I wouldn't freak out from this realistic feeling of floating in outer space while

I clicked the restart option with a little bit of irritation

Scenario starts

This time I'm standing in the grass on Namek

My opponents are in the air again staring at me, Frieza of course has the smug look on his face

I chuck a middle finger up at him and start transforming

My body starts to twitch and my face starts shifting

"GRRRAAHHH!!!" I growl and grow into a 30 foot tall dog demon, white fur and red eyes

"Whaaa" "Ahh" "Oh my god....." "LORD SAVE US !!!"

The Frieza force sighed and gasp with shock and fear

"ATTACK THAT MUTT !" Frieza shouted

on command they all swarmed me, but then as they got closer, they dispersed and tried to surround me and started shooting their blasters at me

"UURRRRRaaaaaahhh....." I growled and let off a acid breath attack I watched groups of puny space bandits melt to nothingness in front of me

"Aaaaah...." The screams were short as they inhaled the poisonous gas and died almost instantly

I made sure to keep my eyes on Frieza and make sure he didn't pull any sneak attacks

I start to wave my tail and swat the weaklings behind me, I could feel my fox like tail crashing into many of them at a time

"Evasive maneuvers ! Evasive maneuvers !" some of them shouted

I turn my head to my left and send out a breath attack

"GRAAAHH" This time demonic energy, wiping out all on that side

"FLANK ! FLANK !" The bandits on the other side of me shouted and flew to my back legs

I start to send touki to my tail, then from my tail to the fur on the tail.

I swing my tail again and make individual strands of fur shoot out like spears

I felt a feeling of danger and looked at Frieza, he just threw a death ball at me, and it was only a few seconds away


multiple dying screams were heard

But not mine, I undid my transformation upon contact, burning my face but quickly healing with my regeneration ability and teleporting to the water.

I'm holding my breath like Goku down here


I think and just like Goku, make two kame wave spheres

I send one straight up and teleport from that spot, where too, I'm not sure but far away from last spot


Using my invisibility spell I slowly fly to the surface of the water

I see him

Frieza is trying to search the water using his eyes

And then he starts ki blasting the water

I teleport right behind him, and pull out my light whip

I tighten the light whip around my hands and disable the 'sharp' attribute of it

Afterwards, I start to strangle Frieza with my light whip, and shake and roll in air like a crocodile doing a barrel roll

He clutch his neck and struggle, his tail doesn't do him any justice because I wrap my legs around him like a rear naked choke

"Kuh ! Ack !"

Frieza made a series of choking noises

"I thought you could survive without oxygen. I guess that's another plot hole Akira Toriyama forgot about. Ha ha bad writing sucks doesn't it ?"

I then re-enable the 'sharp' aspect of the light whip and cast a sharpening spell on it

As I rock Frieza side to side and thrash him, steam comes from his skin

and his neck feels thinner and thinner, until his head fell from his shoulders

"Scenario complete"

"Reward: 2500 Gacha points"

wiping the sweat from my brow "Wow, that got dark."

Next Scenario:

I looked around

I'm in....the soul society

The silence, it's silent like some sort of horror movie

I hear crackling sounds in my ear and quickly turn around

Kenpachi is jumping at me

I jumped backwards but he's not there

And I didn't jump backwards either, that was an illusion and I'm still in my original spot.

I recognize this scene, this is the scene where Ichigo first met Kenpachi

I turn around again glancing around and Kenpachi comes from around the corner at the edge of my vision on my right

"Not bad I guess, most people would be crumple just from feeling my spiritual pressure. I at least expected you to run." Kenpachi said

I guess he waited on me to respond, I didn't so he continued

"Draw your sword." Kenpachi says and draws his

"Nope. Just some good ole fashioned spells and flash steps should be good enough for you right." Sesshomaru

I say this but I'm not sure how that's going to work out in this tight space filled with concrete buildings

"No, it won't!" He says lunges at me

If I'm going to be full time mage, I need to learn to fight in disadvantageous situations

with that in mind I jumped back at the moment he reached and swiped at me, the tip of his blade nicked me on my hip. I healed instantly though.

Kenpachi licks my blood from the tip of his sword

"I hope you catch hepatitis." Sesshomaru

I use the rainbow ray at him

He blocks with his sword, and then charges me again

This time he goes for a vertical slash

I put up a physical barrier of demonic energy and block him and caught him in the brief opening he left

I send a forward kick to his abdomen and charge my right hand with wind magic

throwing a punch I fire off a blast of wind magic

'Air canon'

He blocks just in time by holding his sword horizontally in both hands, but I already knew he would block so I quickly touch his sword

'Area freeze'

The spell started to form on Kenpachi's zanpukuto and he jumped back

He repositioned his sword to one hand and the spell cancelled

'He must have charged spiritual energy through his sword.' I thought

"Him, nice trick, too bad it doesn't work !" Kenpachi said and launched at me again, preparing a sideways slash

I didn't have the time to prepare a spell so I had to evade

He was completely on the offensive slashing right and left and feinting suddenly changing his slash mid attack

I would dodge but he would still slightly cut me each time because he barely gave me any breathing room.

And what's weird is the fact that I can't hear any of his bones move, my sensual fighter skill isn't working for some reason. Perhaps because Kenpachi is a spirit or something because I could only hear his grunts.

My back was against the wall and he was trying to back me to the wall, but I had an idea

I throw a punch with demonic energy covering my fist at him, he but he doesn't try to avoid it until the last moment; because that punch blasted off a geyser if green demonic energy.

He took the blast because he only tried to move his head thinking the punch was just a punch

This forced him backwards and I took the chance go for another spell

'Hado 90'

I bring my index and middle fingers to my face and then slice threw the air in front of me, and a two story spiked black box appeared and trapped Kenpachi in

I take the chance to change my position, moving to a clear space

The spikes on the box penetrated the box and the spell disappeared and Kenpachi appeared kneeling covered in injuries

"Ha ha, even without a zanpukuto you're strong. Okay, I DON'T HAVE TI HOLD BACK !" Kenpachi yelled, shot up to two feet and ripped his eye patch off

It looked like his skin turned pale as a ghost and he glowed a golden yellow aura


'Guess it's time to go all out as well.' I thought and closed my eyes

I reopened my eyes and they turned a neon blue, or maybe sapphire was closer to the color

(I know because I liked in my bathroom mirror when I first got this from the Gacha.)

As I focused on Kenpachi's body then mind I noticed something.

Kenpachi thought about rushing me again or actually he... envisioned it

'Woah, my Jagan eye let's me see what's on people's minds.'

I can't actually hear thoughts but I can see mental images.

This is actually perfect, unlike an a telepathy power, like from "Code Geass" or like Jean from the X-Men, this is something I can turn on at will. Fantastic.

Kenpachi rushed me and I could tell he was going to slash my left, then my right, then vertically, then another left, then stab at my chest.

'Wait how do I know that ?' I asked myself

Kenpachi reached my personal space and initiated the sequence of slashes.

'Skill unlocked' 'skill unlocked' 'notification' these notifications came, and slightly distracted me

All of a sudden I could think clearer and faster. And my left arm was sliced off and my my chest was stomach was stabbed through

'What the hell were those notifications ?!'

'Dammit that distracted me !'

'I barely feel any pain, maybe it's from years of practicing offensive spells on myself along with sword fighting my clones and whatnot.'

'Ah my injuries are all ready healing.'

'How am I thinking so fast while I'm in this amount of danger!'

I'm think all of these things while dodging and m

some of my Youki depletes because my arm regrows and the hole in my stomach and organs closes and heals

When I turned into a supreme yokai I unlocked an ability to regenerate with the use of some of my Youki in correlation to my injury

"So you were an arrancar ? I should have known." Kenpachi says while still stabbing and slashing at me

'Its time I go on the offensive'

I charge my body with touki and grab his sword

I push his sword away and use Frieza's rainbow ray and get him in the heart

I punch at him and blast him back with a huge amount of touki

He goes tumbling like a tumble weed

wrapping my hand with air again while he's still down I send another air hammer at him like all for one sending one at all might

As Kenpachi was trying to recover to his feet the air hammer at him

His back and shoulder slams into the concrete building to the side of him.

I was about to finish him, but I took the chance to remember how I used my power.

First I looked at my unlocked skills on my system display

"Skill unlocked: Accelerated thinking"

"Skill accelerated and mastery of duplication magic has combined to fulfill hidden conditions to unlock skill: dual core processing.'

"Notification: Mastery of duplication magic has maxed out dual core thinking into multi core processing"

'So my mind is like a computer now huh ?' I thought to myself

I replayed the entire fight in my mind against Kenpachi to figure out how I predicted Kenpachi's moves and why I couldn't keep it going

After quickly replaying the events, Kenpachi was at his feet and he was smiling like a mad man

I stared at Kenpachi and nothing happened.

So I charged at him this time.

The images of what he wanted to do appeared in my mind.

'So right now I'm seeing his intentions.' I thought

He was going to let me attack and go on the defensive for a counter attack

And I was able to predict what his counter attack was

'I get it now, I can see into the future a little bit with my Jagan eye. I'ma throw a wrench in his plans.'

He was already fighting me with his sword and I used touki to bolster my martial arts

He slashed at me and I used both of my forearms to block the strike, I didn't actually know if this would work or result in my arms being cut off or not but it did, and I felt little impact from the blade

So I bounced the blade off of my forearms and acted like I was going to throw a counter punch but then stopped, got on one knee and put both my hands out at him

He looked confused for a nanosecond, but didn't hesitate to stab at me.

The tip of his zanpukuto drew close to my face but I teleported behind him

'Hado: 90'

I jumped back, my back facing a wall in the distance and watched the black box appear and trap him inside again.

The spell completed and dissipated, but Kenpachi still stood on two feet, he was severely injured but still standing.

I leap towards towards him and go for the finishing move


I put my hand out towards him and activate the fire spell "explosion" and watch an explosive blast engulf him

"Scenario passed"

"Reward: 2000 Gacha points"

Also the timer for the fight with Kokabiel has went off

"30:00 until Vali interferes with Kokabiel and battle ends."

I hurriedly left the scenarios, used a deodorizer spell and grabbed Tenseiga and ran outside my house inside my subspace

Tenseiga in my right hand, I put the dull side of the sword vertically to my face, and sliced down

A black portal opened up, and I stepped through

'Its time I thought, to begin phase two.' I thought to myself walking through

I stepped out of the portal and into the wilderness of Japan, it was nighttime and the moon was out.

I had stepped out my subspace a few times before and flew around, I discovered I can freely move the drop off point of my portal to the dxd world as long as I've been to the area before, the first time I used this portal I appeared in an abandoned building in downtown Kuoh

I turned myself invisible and took to the skies, using magic to fly and not my wings.

I could teleport directly to the school myself, but that's not how I want to do things.

While I fly, I'm too excited to wait til later to see what I unlock from the Gacha, so I spend my points immediately

I pull up my Gacha ok the system screen interface and start spending points

31. Bakudo 61: Prison of light Automatic demonic spell transformed from light magic to demonic energy

32. Senzu bean

33. Boruto's rasengan

34. Spirit gun

35.Tien's cloning technique

(Dammit.) I thought

I spend my flight up to sound barrier breaking speed.

A few minutes later I arrived at the city and kept flying to the barrier at the school.

"If I defeat this guy...can I suck on them titties Rias ?" A familiar voice said

"Y-yes, I'm willing to pay...." Rias couldn't finished because the sudden feel of another superpower appeared

All attention was focused on the air above and behind


I take a long good look around

Issei, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba were on the ground and Kokabiel was about fifty feet in the air floating

(A/N if there was more there then go ahead and correct me because I'm going off if memory here.)

"Nah, even with the sudden power up, you're still out of your league." I say looking up at Kokabiel

"Who are you, are you here to save these weaklings.....hahahahaha." Kokabiel said while bursting out laughing

"Yes, yes I am." I say and put up my index finger, a tiny ball of dark magic appeared

I threw it at him and watched the dark sphere multiply in size as it traveled across the school yard

Kokabiel also threw a huge light magic spear my way and it made it halfway across the school yard before getting engulfed by my attack; My dark sphere was now the size of a three story house, still traveling towards Kokabiel

Kokabiel had to zip around the ball of dark magic, I saw this as an opening and summoned Tokijin and then white ball teleported behind Kokabiel as he averted my initial attack

Appearing about twenty-five feet above and behind him

Back on the ground

"Is that demonic sword ?" Kiba

"Kiba, that man who just appeared has a demonic sword ?" Rias asked

"Yes President, I can feel the demonic energy from here." Kiba

"Who is that....?" Issei said staring up at the battle in the sky

"I don't know Ise...." Rias said squinting at the newcomer

Back in the skies


Tokijin extended towards Kokabiel's back, but he must have seen the attack from the corner of his eye because he twisted around and narrowly evaded my attack

He aggressively fans his right wing at me and shoots over thirty hardened feathers at me while flying away to put distance between us

I swing Tokijin five times diagonally left and right four times, and block his feathers; I wasn't even grazed by any of his feathers

'Chained lightning'

I cast a lightning spell that blasts large streaks of lightning. This lightning covers a large area so it would be hard for him to evade

"Hmph ! Ugh !"

Grunting, Kokabiel put both of his hands up and fires off somewhere between fifteen to twenty two-foot light "arrows" at me, and without flapping his wings he descends and avoids my attack again

'He's really good fighting in the air, so that means I need to bring him to the ground.' I think to myself

I magically teleport above him and the light arrows pass through the air I was just floating in

'Water blade'

I send a water blade spell through my magic circle aimed at Kokabiel's left wing, but he summons a light sword, slices my water blade spell out of existence.

But I got him exactly where I want him.

'Light snare'

A variation of my light whip, instead of it being a threaded whip, it's a threaded net similar to what fisherman use

"GAAAH ! GRRR..." Kokabiel growls and squirms in the tight net, sizzling noises could be heard as his flesh burns from the net.

Before he could break free I touch him and activate my gravity magic

He fell from the sky like a bag of bricks

Dust flew outward from the ground he landed on

I also land on the ground, put Tokijin back into subspace, and attack

I raise my arm up and slam it down above the ensnared Kokabiel

A huge beam of lightning came from the clouds above us

Kokabiel uttered a noise somewhere between a howl and a scream

He was alive but charred black and his body was spasming, all I could see was glowing red eyes in a pile of dirt

Afterwards Kokabiel started foaming at the mouth

"Okay it's over, you can come out now White emperor dragon, or should I call you Vali ?" I say and look up

From out of the skies Vali in balance breaker descends and breaks the barrier completely

He was looking in my direction his whole descent and I refused to look away

"I'll be taking that...." Vali said walking towards me and picking Kokabiel off of the floor and throwing him over his shoulder

He turned around and started walking off, but stopped

"How did you know I was there ? Why do you know my name ?" Vali

"I was expecting you." I say

"....Hmph." Vali said and continued walking off the school grounds

"Were you just going to leave without even acknowledging me, white one ?" Ddraig

Vali stopped again

"Why would I acknowledge you are that pathetic host of yours ?" Albion

"My host is new to the supernatural, but he's quickly getting stronger each day. Only a month ago he was as weak as all the other humans. Say what you want, but that's progress." Ddraig

'Their dialogue is a little different from canon.' I think with an eyebrow raised

"Is that so, well I hope he advances quickly enough....." Albion says

Vali continued walking and then jumped and turned into a beam of light and disappeared

Still looking at the place in the air where Vali disappeared, I approached the Occult research club

They tensed and were ready to defend their master, Rias

I couldn't help but be impressed by their dedication, they just saw me blast away the guy they couldn't put a scratch on, without getting a scratch; And they're still jumping in front of their master to defend her.

That's dedication and bravery

None of them say anything, I put my hands up upon getting within ten feet of their group and then summon my batwings

"Relax, I'm like you....." I say, showing them my wings

They're eyes almost pop out of their heads

"Who are...." Rias starts talking and it looks like she's going to ask a bunch of questions so I interrupt her

"We'll talk soon. And you..."I say turning to Issei making sure I don't say names

"Me ?" Issei say with a hint of nervousness

"That white emperor dragon is at least as strong as me, maybe a little stronger or weaker because his sacred gear makes it hard to accurately guage how strong he is." I say holding my chin in deep thought and looking at the grass

'In terms of reserves, my combined Youki and demonic energy should far surpass his demonic energy pool, but his ability to chop other people's strength in half makes accurately estimating him hard. Hmmm.' I think

"Do you know that guy ? And who are you ?" Issei asked me

I look up at Issei, eye to eye

"No, I don't. And my name is Sesshomaru." I say and reach my right hand to the sky

I then turn into a bolt of lightning, go into the clouds and travel as electricity

Three days later, Issei POV

Issei was sitting in class staring out of the window

His mind was on the meeting between the three great factions, the white emperor dragon, and also the man who called himself "Sesshomaru"

From Issei's peripheral vision, he could see the entire classroom floor shined green

When Issei looked down the green light on the floor disappeared

"Attention students, today we have a new student joining our class. Please introduce yourself."

Issei's eyes almost popped out of his head, it was the Sesshomaru guy himself, with a haircut.

The last time he seen Sesshomaru a few days ago he had long pretty hair, but now his silverish-white hair is neck length

(A/N the novel cover art.)

And he had on a black, white and dark red school uniform

"He's hot. Who's this Prince at our school." Girls around the room whispered

"That blond finally had some competition now." boys around the room whispered, talking about Kiba

"Hello everyone, my name is Sesshomaru Tempest, and I'm a devil." Sesshomaru said with a bright smile

I was going to let you guys give Sesshomaru his last name, but I decided to give his last name in reference to one of my and his favorite Isekai characters

K_G_4335creators' thoughts