
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


The next day with a sense of calm, the horses, weary from their arduous journey, came to a gentle halt. Their breaths were heavy, and beads of sweat glistened on their well-muscled flanks. Dionisus and Edward, seated inside the carriage, could feel the slight rocking motion come to a still.

Edward stepped out of the carriage, carrying a torch, ever attentive to the needs of their trusty steeds. He approached the horses calmly and steadily, unfastening their bridles and removing their saddles, allowing them to stretch and graze on the nearby grass. The horses eagerly lowered their heads, their strong jaws tearing at the blades of green, quenching their thirst and replenishing their energy.

Meanwhile, Dionisus stepped out of the carriage, a gentle breeze brushing against his cheek. He stretched his limbs and took in the scenery, which included rolling hills and distant mountains. The crisp freshness in the air stimulated his senses and renewed his spirit.

Edward returned to the carriage with canteens of cool, refreshing water. He offered one to Dionisus, who accepted it gratefully and took a long sip, feeling the beverage cascade down his throat, reinvigorating his body and quenching his thirst.

The sound of the horses' rhythmic munching mixed with the gentle whispers of the wind as they sat by the carriage. Dionisus looked at Edward with newfound admiration, appreciating his thoughtful care for their loyal companions. After a brief rest, the horses neighed softly, signaling their readiness to continue the journey. Edward and Dionisus returned to the carriage, their morale lifted and their hearts filled with renewed zeal.

With a gentle pat on the horses' backs, Edward and Dionisus resumed their places inside the carriage. The wheels creaked into motion once more, propelling them forward into the unknown. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but with their shared bond and the strength of their companions, they were prepared to face whatever lay ahead on their journey through the mysterious world of Umbra.

In the confined space of the carriage, dimly lit by small oil lamps hanging from the ceiling, the rest of the crew remained in a state of slumber. The soft flickering light cast dancing shadows on their faces, giving them an otherworldly appearance.

Elizabeth, wrapped in a cozy blanket, lay nestled on one of the plush velvet seats. Her delicate features were relaxed in sleep, her lips slightly parted in a serene expression. Hector, a large man with worn features, was sitting on the carpet with his back leaning against the seat beside Elizabeth. His arms were crossed over his chest as his muscular frame was sprawled across the soft surface. He had the appearance of a statue, and his snores filled the carriage with a deep, rhythmic rumble.

The rattling of the wheels and the slight rocking of the carriage as it traveled over the uneven ground occasionally broke the stillness inside. Only the faint sound of their breathing and a few hushed whispers of dreams could be heard, creating a serene yet unsettling atmosphere.

Some of the crew were startled out of their slumber as the carriage abruptly stopped. Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open as she tried to make sense of the situation. She drowsily scanned the interior. Hector's body shifted slightly as he struggled to fully awaken, his eyes blinking open in a confused manner.

Dionisus quickly sprang up, darting towards the window of the carriage and lookin through it. He saw nothing from the angle he was in, so with his heart almost falling out from his mouth he creaked the door open, inviting the devastatingly cold wind inside the cozy carriage.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing? Edward questioned, "How will you see without a torch!?" Dionisus, however, disregarded him and leapt from the carriage, sprinting to the front of it.

What he saw was too horific to put into words. An enormous Abyssal creature stood before them, its towering figure casting a long, imposing shadow across the desolate landscape. Its body was unnaturally elongated and sinewy, as if it had been stretched to grotesque proportions. The absence of one arm was immediately noticeable, a jagged stump where it should have been.

The remaining arm, however, was a terrifying sight to behold. Instead of a hand, a gnarled and menacing spiked club extended from the creature's limb. The spikes were jagged and sharp, reminiscent of the deadly weaponry forged in nightmares.

Its elongated mouth was lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, glistening with an insidious hunger. Its eyes, glowing with an unearthly intensity, seemed to hold an ancient knowledge of darkness and despair.

The Abyssal moved effortlessly and disturbingly toward the carriage, its steps practically flying across the surface. It seemed to be a manifestation of the very darkness that was surrounding them, as if its presence emanated a palpable aura of malevolence. The horses pulling the carriage whinnied and reared in fear, sensing the danger that was approaching. The Abyssal's eyes glowed with an eerie red light, and its sharp claws scraped against the ground as it closed in on its prey.

Edward and Hector came out of the carriage to assist their companion, in total, they carried three torches. Edward quickly reached out to Dionisus and handed him a torch, it burned a bright orange light that illuminated the surrounding area. Dionisus held the torch tightly, his heart racing as he prepared to face the beast.

The creature let out a deafening roar, causing the ground to shake beneath their feet. Despite their fear, the three men stood their ground, determined to protect each other and survive this encounter. As the sweat trickled down their foreheads, Dionisus and his companions braced themselves for the imminent clash with the formidable Abyssal. Its eyes glowing in the darkness.

With a deep breath, Dionisus mustered his resolve and took a bold step forward. His torch blazed brightly, illuminating the surrounding darkness and casting flickering shadows on the gnarled trees. In that moment, he hoped to assert dominance, to intimidate the creature into retreating.

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