
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


Dionisus desperately ran towards the flowing river, he cupped the water with his hands and brought it to his face. It had been a long time since he had came in contact with flowing water. Previously, the only method of water collection inside the village besides rain was from aquifers, underground 'pockets' of water which were extracted through the use of water wells.

There were few rivers that hadnt frozen up, the reason, was due to special minerals inside the water which brought the freezing temperature of the water lower. Allowing them to resist colder temperatures without freezing so quickly. Near the Erebos kingdom these special rivers were common due to the influence of mankind.

The young boy took in large gulps until he was satisfied, the water was freezing cold yet still refreshing. After such a long time without water, it was needless to say it was the best he had ever drank in his entire life.

Next the boy bundled the three dead wolves together and looked around to see if there was any other dangerous creature nearby. He proceeded to unsheate his knife, grabbing a hold of one Frostfang and precisely removing his fur. He skinned the creature entirely and repeated the same procedure for the other beasts.

After he was done, Dionisus went further into the snowy forest to collect pieces of dry wood, stones and dried leaves to make a campfire. Dionisus noticed something weird, his eyesight had improved greatly. Even though he was in the dark he could see everything in great detail, he could react much faster to any sort of movement and additionally, colors he had never experienced were now visible to him.

He hastily gathered the necessary components, his hands deftly maneuvering through the snow with perfect accuracy. The once-unnoticeable details now came to life before his eyes, every texture and pattern were now discernible. He was amazed at the intricately carved 'veins' on a fallen leaf, the miniscule cracks present on the stones, and the various shades of brown and green in the dry wood.

Dionisus came back to the spot where the fallen beasts laid. Carrying dry sticks and some stones back in his bag. Dionisus arranged the stones in a circular pattern, creating a small fire pit. He meticulously stacked a colossal amount of dry wood in a pyramid shape, ensuring proper airflow needed to ignite the flames. Dionisus picked up two lengthy sticks and began rubbing them together in a circular motion, a couple of seconds later, tiny red sparks bursted out from the wood as if it was an organic lighter.

After a few monotonous attempts the boy finally suceeds. He walks up to the Frostfangs' corpses and drags them near the fire. The crackling flames cast dancing shadows on the snowy ground, their flickering glow reflecting in Dionisus' eyes.

The enhanced vision granted by his newfound abilities allowed him to perceive even the tiniest details within the fire, from the individual sparks to the mesmerizing patterns of the rising smoke. He sat beside the fire, relishing in its warmth as it enveloped his weary body. The flames danced and swayed, casting an ethereal glow on his features.

Even though Dionisus had found several berries along his way he didnt want to risk getting poisoned by them and decided that the safest option for his stomach would be to just eat the wolf meat.

With the campfire providing a warm and comforting glow, Dionisus decided to make use of the freshly hunted Frostfangs. He unsheathed his knife and set to work, expertly carving out the meat from the creatures. The cold air mingled with the savory scent of the raw flesh as he worked diligently, his hands moving with practiced precision.

He sliced the meat into smaller portions, to ensure that each cut slab of meat was cooked evenly over the fire. Dionisus was aware that a proper meal would replenish his energy and prepare him for the challenges that lay ahead.

Taking a lengthy and sturdy branch, he skewered the chunks of Frostfang meat, carefully arranging them over the crackling flames. The fire licked at the meat, searing its surface and releasing a crackling sizzle. The heat began to transform the raw flesh, infusing it with flavor and tenderness.

After what felt like an eternity, the meat was cooked to perfection. The exterior boasted a detectable char, however the insides were succulent and delicious. Dionisus took a bite, savoring the succulent flavors that popped on his tongue.

As he ate, Dionisus felt a renewed sense of vigor and satisfaction. The nourishing sustenance of the Frostfangs' meat invigorated his body and sharpened his mind. But, he still had more to do. The beasts' pelt was still laying around, a piece of clothing made of Frostfang's fur was durable and provided more than sufficient thermal protection against the weather of Umbra.

With his strength replenished, Dionisus turned his attention to the remains of the Frostfangs. He knew that wasting any part of these creatures would be detrimental to his success.

Approaching the discarded pelts, he carefully examined their quality. The fur was thick and lustrous, capable of providing excellent insulation against the biting cold of the Umbra.

He began fashioning the pelts into a large fur cloak. He measured and cut the pelt, The process required patience, ensuring that every stitch was secure and aligned perfectly.

After a couple of hours the process was complete and he took it upon himself to try out his new garment. The cloak fit him nicely, enveloping him in its warmth and softness. He admired his coat in the reflection of the fire, appreciating the amount of work that had taken place to provide him with this new equipment.

As the fire began to diminish, the young boy took some dirt and threw it into the flames, extinguishing it completly. Now equipped with a protective beastly cloak around his body, Dionisus set out, he knew his journey to Erebos was far from over, in fact it had just begun.

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