

Sermal is an angel who revolted with the decay of humanity and decided to create a new superior race in a secret laboratory. He uses his divine power to manipulate the DNA of various animals and plants, creating hybrid beings with extraordinary abilities. However, his ambition is discovered by other angels, who try to stop his plan before he causes a cosmic imbalance. Sermal will have to face his former allies and defend his creatures, while questioning his own nature and purpose.

PlayerOliver · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


Mixatl, the demon son of the enemy, secretly watched Sermal's experiments with the hybrid creatures. He saw the strength and power of these beings and decided he wanted to control Sermal's mind to continue the plan to create a new race stronger than humans.

Mixatl crept up on Sermal, eager for power and control. He used his demonic powers to invade Sermal's mind and manipulate his thoughts and desires. Sermal, without realizing it, began to feel a growing obsession with his work, obsessed with creating even more powerful and perfect creatures.

Mixatl rejoiced in his victory, knowing that Sermal was now under his control. He used Sermal's mind to create even more dangerous mutations, with abilities that surpassed godhood itself. The hybrid beings became increasingly threatening to everyone, even the angels themselves.

However, Sermal began to feel something strange inside him. He noticed that his thoughts were being manipulated and that something wasn't right. He struggled against Mixatl's influence, working to regain his mental freedom and redeem himself for his mistakes.

In time, Sermal was able to break Mixatl's influence and regain control of his own mind. He realized how much he had let himself be carried away by ambition and decided to destroy all the hybrid creatures he had created.

The final battle was epic, with Sermal facing his own experiments, defending the land with all his might. Finally, with the help of the other angels, they managed to defeat the mutated creatures and destroy Sermal's lab.

Sermal, now aware of the consequences of his ambition, withdrew to meditate and find inner peace. He realized that his purpose was to protect humanity and all divine creatures on earth, and that this required wisdom and balance.

With the help of the other angels, he worked to rebuild the world, establishing an environment of cooperation and mutual respect among all creatures. Mixatl, the envious demon, was banished forever, leaving Sermal solely responsible for protecting the land. And he accepted this responsibility with humility and determination to ensure that humanity and all divine creatures were protected and guided with love and wisdom.